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-   -   cheese pizza better than pepperoni=pointless (http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19094)

zagggon 2003-07-01 11:05 PM

cheese pizza better than pepperoni=pointless
ok i gota say this to all you ppl who rant and rave about how cheese pizza is so much better than pepperoni pizza. ok first of all when you order a cheese pizza what do you get? you get a pizza with everything on it except delicious pepperonis, so what im saying is WHY THE HELL NOT JUST ORDER A PEPPERONI PIZZA INSTEAD OF A PLAIN DRY DISGUSTING CHEESE. IF only you fools who say cheese pizza ownz pepperoni pizza could get it thrue ur thick skulls that pepperoni pizza IS cheese pizza just with pepperonis. oh gota make sure i say that PEPPERONI PIZZA OWNZ CHEESE PIZZA

Grav 2003-07-01 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by zagggon
IF only you fools who say cheese pizza ownz pepperoni pizza could get it thrue ur thick skulls that pepperoni pizza IS cheese pizza just with pepperonis.


zagggon 2003-07-01 11:15 PM

yes finally i find some1 who's not a cheese loving basterd ;)

Grav 2003-07-01 11:15 PM

I wish I could find someone who had an IQ above sixty, though. Help me!

Silverjinx18 2003-07-02 12:24 AM

I like cheeze pizza from Domino's I don't think I've ever had it anywhere else...anyway it's great...I don't really see the big deal...some ppl just don't like pepperoni or meat at all...

Mantralord 2003-07-02 07:07 AM


I like cheeze pizza from Domio's I don't think I've ever had it anywhere else...anyway it's great...I don't really see the big deal...some ppl just don't like pepperoni or meat at all...
Yea maybe in a WOMAN's world...in a man's world we get all the meats, bitch. Eep, i just realized this is zagggon's thread.

Penguin 2003-07-02 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by mantralord

Yea maybe in a WOMAN's world...in a man's world we get all the meats, bitch. Eep, i just realized this is zagggon's thread.

get' um bob :killgrin:

Grav 2003-07-02 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Penguin

Originally Posted by mantralord

Yea maybe in a WOMAN's world...in a man's world we get all the meats, bitch. Eep, i just realized this is zagggon's thread.

get' um bob :killgrin:

That would arouse you, wouldn't it?

Penguin 2003-07-02 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by GravitonSurge

Originally Posted by Penguin

Originally Posted by mantralord

Yea maybe in a WOMAN's world...in a man's world we get all the meats, bitch. Eep, i just realized this is zagggon's thread.

get' um bob :killgrin:

That would arouse you, wouldn't it?

I hate you so much :(

Medieval Bob 2003-07-02 10:49 AM

Does take much.

Anyhow, frozen 29cent cheese pizza is better than frozen 29cent pepperoni pizza.

Oh, and I guess I can comment on this. I'm sure you get much more meat than many women Mantra. How much meat can you handle at once? Can you take 8 inches of meat?

Mantralord 2003-07-02 11:18 AM

Yes, Midieval Bob would pick the slang definition of 'meat' versus the dictionary definition. Because its much safer to pick the slang defintion in all instances than the dictionary one. For example, when ordering a pizza, if you ask for meats, you should expect an 8 inch penis to arrive, instead of pepporoni/sausage, etc. Dipshit.

Medieval Bob 2003-07-02 11:27 AM

1. My name isn't Midieval you idiot.

2. Sentences 1 and 2 should be connected or edited.

3. Why is it much safer to pick the slang definition, and wtf would be wrong with using slang? If you want, I can sort through the forums and pick out some words used not in association with the dictionary.

4. The only part of that that was a flame was the last word. Dipshit. While that's a particularly good word and a favorite of mine, it's not much of a flame. I insinuated that you love da cock, and all you can do is call me a dipshit. *pats mantralord on the head* [baby talk voice]You're so cute.[/baby talk voice]

zagggon 2003-07-02 12:44 PM

cheese pizza sucks compared to pepperoni bob ^_^

DaFrigginDoctah 2003-07-02 12:54 PM

Chicken & Garlic deep dish pizza with garlic sauce from Papa Murphey's is and always will be the best pizza ever made on Earth. Dont believe me? Try it.

uncapped 2003-07-02 12:59 PM

I'm gonna go read Harry Potta now!

zagggon 2003-07-02 01:04 PM

that racist wizard book?!

RoboticSilence 2003-07-02 01:06 PM

I don't really understand why people insist on quabbling over things nobody gives a fuck about.

Ganga 2003-07-02 01:26 PM

O well this is chat fourm, we can talk wutever we want. Anyway, I think in general pizza suck ass! They are only bread with cheese and tomato sause. THEY SUCK!!!

Mantralord 2003-07-02 02:18 PM

Take it to the flame forum, M'I'dieval Bob. Oh yeah. Bitch. My sentences may not be the purest form of correct, but they are efficient, nonetheless. Obviously you cannot detect sarcasm/satire. Which brings me to my point: fuck you.

kaos 2003-07-02 02:45 PM

fuck cheese and pepporoni. if you want to be the best you gotta eat the best: black licorice pizza with chicken eyes, squid , and some flies and cockroaches for dessert , carry out...

Medieval Bob 2003-07-02 02:47 PM

Oh that's great. You're capable of creating an atmosphere of insult through wit and/or ironny, but you can't construct simple sentences. (I would point out many examples in the above post, but I'm sure it's necessary.) Suuuuuuure. I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that one.

Oh, and that was a great bit there misspelling my name then doing it again with apostrophes. Wait... apostrophes? Wtf? I guess I don't need to comment on that either. *walks away*

And finally, I'm not taking shit to the flame forum. That is a rediculous idea. You're the one being an idiot. You reply with sarcasm (no not satire, I don't believe you're capable of that) and can't get the dick out of your ear. That sounds like a personal problem to me.

zagggon 2003-07-02 02:56 PM

ganga pizza ownz joo

Hades-Knight 2003-07-02 03:06 PM

Yal are stupid?

Theres no cheese pizza!!!!!

Pizza is the crust/body with Tomato Sauce and Cheese. So therefore Pizza has to have cheese.....you cannot order a pizza with no cheese because then it wouldnt be a pizza!

Medieval Bob 2003-07-02 03:15 PM

I've seen pizza without cheese on the buffet @ Price's.

You can eat mostly anything without parts of it and still call it the original name. I eat tacos without lettuce, but they're still tacos.

Ganga 2003-07-02 03:17 PM

No pizza sucks!!!!!

:korean: :whore:

zagggon 2003-07-02 04:26 PM


Adrenachrome 2003-07-02 04:28 PM

This thread sucks.

!King_Amazon! 2003-07-02 04:32 PM

This thread made my dog commit suicide, too bad it wont let me post the picture again and I don't have a free-web-host.

Mantralord 2003-07-02 04:35 PM

I dont feel like replying with something witty this time, simply because I have a brand new computer case, and wish to admire it. Therefore, I will just make the following misspellings evident:


Originally Posted by Medieval Bob


Originally Posted by Medieval Bob

Adrenachrome 2003-07-02 04:42 PM


Grav 2003-07-02 04:49 PM

The fucking Emeril avatar creeps me out

Mantralord 2003-07-02 04:58 PM


Kuja`s #1 2003-07-02 05:22 PM

I like them both.

zagggon 2003-07-02 06:14 PM

the avatar of him looks spunky

Medieval Bob 2003-07-02 06:29 PM

That's great mantra, however those weren't spelling mistakes. Those were typos. My problems involve mis-striking keys since I [brag a bit]type 95 words per minute[/brag a bit]. I usually catch and correct my mistakes, but there are those that get away from me.

Let's see.... what to say.... Okay, here goes.

I don't feel like replying with something witty because I just got home with some squash, and I feel like admiring my fucking squash.

zagggon 2003-07-02 06:36 PM

is it evil squash?

Silverjinx18 2003-07-02 07:10 PM

all squash is evil!!...lol admirin my computer case...pls

Mantralord 2003-07-02 08:19 PM


all squash is evil!!...lol admirin my computer case...pls
Well, bitch, perhaps in a woman's world computers dont have cases, and instead the parts dangle out all over.

Now before you reply with an "oh, I was referring to the lameness of it"-type response, I would like to point out that no one actually cares what kind of 'outfit' you wear or what post-period mood your skanky bitch ass is in today, as long as your legs are spread by 10 p.m. its all good, eh Medieval Bob?

Now before Medieval Bob replies with a "yes, but at least im not a virgin"-type reply, know this: Fuck you and your ugly small-breasted girlfriend.

Ha! I've covered all corners...and just to finish it all off: BAM!

Adrenachrome 2003-07-02 08:30 PM

While I found it amusing, that post breaks a rule Mantra, keep posts like that in the flame forum man.

Ganga 2003-07-02 08:34 PM

Guys Keep it on topic. once again Pizza sucks, make a poll!!!

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