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HLomegasin 2002-04-02 03:54 PM

What Players Want?(Please Participate)
I am having a wicked idea,

Since SONY is making its new console, Play Statation III. I am interested that how people want it to be when it is out in 2004~2005. I will gather all the information and idea( if you guys participate in this disscussion ), then I will send it to the company SONY. Hopefully, SONY will read my E-mail. Therefore, they probably will change some feature just they way all players want!

HLomegasin 2002-04-02 03:56 PM

I will start first.

1. Build-in Ethernet Port
2. Fast and better graphic processor(THEY BETTER)
3. Wireless controller (so I don't have to worry about the length)
4. More game selection and don't publish some stupid game that no one will buy.

Hope you people can continue my dream. Put down what do YOU want for your PS3~

I)ark_Phoenix 2002-04-02 04:07 PM

LOL wireless?! Even if they did read ur e-mail, i think its gonna be kinda hard to make one and i no that its gonna be pretty expensive...

HLomegasin 2002-04-02 05:10 PM

no...it's not, Xbox is publishing Wireless controller right now!

mightychicken 2002-04-03 09:45 PM

there are wireless controllers commercially available for every console dating back to the SNES/Genesis generation. You cant tell me you guys havent seen any in stores.

HLomegasin 2002-04-03 11:12 PM

Well...those wireless controller are quite crappy, What I mean is the "COMPLETE WIRELESS".. if you get the idea~

mightychicken 2002-04-03 11:25 PM

wireless controlleres are completely wireless. as far as unlimited connectivity through one preinstalled port though, i think thats on the horizon

HLomegasin 2002-04-04 05:51 AM

lol. You got it~

mightychicken 2002-04-04 02:15 PM

there'd be major problems with signal interference. Plus some people wouldn't want the added unnceessary cost

JohnnyTAE 2002-04-04 10:06 PM

if they do use wireless shouldnt be that crappy infrared connection it should be like 2.5 ghz through walls type connection
I like wut you put hlom
but remember the good old days when systems actually came with a game??
and they should make more versatile looks like wut the gamecube did so you can pick which color it is

HLomegasin 2002-04-05 05:11 AM

I like it, since people really participate in this discussion. I will send it to Sony when this reaches to 50 post~

mightychicken 2002-04-06 08:05 PM

before you do that, i highly reccomend you filter it and turn the meat of it into a list type document

HLomegasin 2002-04-07 07:10 PM

yup. that is exatly what I am going to do

mightychicken 2002-04-07 08:10 PM

example of that: http://df3.net/showthread.php?threadid=44235

HLomegasin 2002-04-07 10:52 PM

Thanx for the reference~

JohnnyTAE 2002-04-08 01:13 AM

an internal hard drive (with removable memory cards)
that will let you put mp3s and crap on it maybe images from games or vids to show yur friends
and a holographic lap dancer :D

mightychicken 2002-04-08 10:28 AM


Originally posted by JohnnyTAE
an internal hard drive (with removable memory cards)
that will let you put mp3s and crap on it maybe images from games or vids to show yur friends


HLomegasin 2002-04-08 02:29 PM


Raziel 2002-04-10 06:57 PM

You know, I'm entirely okay with the console simply PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. You stuff all this extra crap into the package, and it does two things 1) pushes the release date back by six months to a year or 2) they rush the product to meet the deadline and it comes out like crap. Now, Sony has always been good with being punctual AND putting out a quality product. But, the sheer volume of extra features you guys are looking for are gonna cause problems. The outcome will be either of the two scenarios I listed earlier, or those extra features will have to be released later as separate peripherals.

Raziel 2002-04-10 06:58 PM

Ya cool!
I think they should make a better PS2(well. PS2 is already perfect)

HLomegasin 2002-04-13 08:11 AM

I think PS3 is not going to be like a normal console. I read it, it is more like a .... (Continue Next Week )

Raziel 2002-04-13 03:55 PM

Is there a particular reason why someone has messed with my post?

HLomegasin 2002-04-13 08:37 PM

Did we hacked?

Raziel 2002-04-13 10:24 PM

Well, Omegasin, your name appears to be occupying the bottom of "my" post. You trying to say something?

HLomegasin 2002-04-15 04:48 PM

I hecked...sorry about that :p! I was testing the POWER OF MODERATOR. it really worked!

King Kai 3 2002-04-15 04:54 PM

this is the dumbest thread i have read today. :/

HLomegasin 2002-04-15 04:56 PM

Which one? Are you talking about yourself since you don't get it?

Raziel 2002-04-15 06:14 PM

No big deal, Omegasin, just be wary of doing it again.

HLomegasin 2002-04-15 06:22 PM

No problem. I know you are a cool guy. because you like Legacy of Kein!

Raziel 2002-04-15 06:25 PM

We're cool then! Rock on.

HLomegasin 2002-04-15 08:56 PM

lol. Sometimes, you do make a point that I can't reply anything at all! :)

HLomegasin 2002-04-19 06:29 PM

No one is participate in this anymore?

mightychicken 2002-04-20 06:56 AM

your last post was kind of a thread killer. i'll try and think of something tho :)

HLomegasin 2002-04-20 07:30 AM

hehe.."sorry"? I am just trying to gather information. so I can re-edit it then send to SONT company

CrEEpR 2002-04-21 02:15 PM

HLomegasin, you should make a vote of some sort, and send the vote in, so they see that more ppl want these so they actually might put some thought in. i don't think they will change anything if you only have a couple of ppl requesting these. so i think a vote would work lil better. my opinion, peace

HLomegasin 2002-04-21 02:54 PM

Maybe your right. Maybe I should start a poll! This Thread will be closed in 2 days. then I will open a new thread!

JohnnyTAE 2002-04-21 09:01 PM

good decision (thats why I picked you as best console moderator)
its too hard to think of things that never existed before because its not in the norma line of thinking know wut I mean?

HLomegasin 2002-04-22 08:04 AM

no problem!

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