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-   -   5 letter rule (http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=45088)

talentedhamster 2008-03-25 08:02 PM

5 letter rule
There's alot of threads now (some are: type a relavent word, rate this person's intelligence) that don't require 5 letters and the little "bullshit content" message gets kind of annoying. It's not always needed, and I really don't see a point for it in the first place. Just throwin out my opinion.

Demosthenes 2008-03-25 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by talentedhamster
There's alot of threads now (some are: type a relavent word, rate this person's intelligence) that don't require 5 letters and the little "bullshit content" message gets kind of annoying. It's not always needed, and I really don't see a point for it in the first place. Just throwin out my opinion.


JRwakebord 2008-03-25 09:00 PM

If you really need, just do this at the bottom of a post that is too short:


Now you won't have any problems.

Sovereign 2008-03-25 11:36 PM

Just add fuck ww or somethign like MJ does at the end of his <5 char posts and itll be fine :p.

!King_Amazon! 2008-03-25 11:59 PM

It's pointless. If someone wants to post something less than 5 characters, they just put bullshit at the bottom of their post. While it can be slightly entertaining sometimes, it's really just pointless.

HandOfHeaven 2008-03-26 12:00 AM


fuck WW

Thanatos 2008-03-26 08:09 AM

I detest those types of threads, so I'm all for the 5 letter rule. Hell, make it a proper sentence rule.

WetWired 2008-03-26 09:34 AM

I'd love for it to be a proper sentence rule. Too bad that doing that is so complicated.

D3V 2008-03-26 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by talentedhamster
There's alot of threads now (some are: type a relavent word, rate this person's intelligence) that don't require 5 letters and the little "bullshit content" message gets kind of annoying. It's not always needed, and I really don't see a point for it in the first place. Just throwin out my opinion.


fuck ww

Lenny 2008-03-26 10:52 AM

I'm still for keeping it.

And my arguments for keeping it:


Originally Posted by Lenny
Personally, I think that what some people get away with is far too little. If it were up to me, I'd whack it up to 5 words, let alone characters.

Though I admit, it would be nice to turn it off in the WRT.


Originally Posted by Almighty God, Lenny
I have relish for activity - the more there is, the more one can reply to, the more one can raise their postcount by. I sometimes have trouble getting my four posts simply because there's little to reply to.

And a simple "lol" or "I agree" tacked on to the end of a thread makes no difference.

What am I supposed to reply to that with?

"Oi! Post something with content, you great pillock!"

I might have edited before you replied, but as I said, it does nothing to further the thread and the discussions within. It's just pointless.

I feel that if we actually raise the minimum number of words/characters for a post, we might get some higher quality posts... though there's the disadvantage that the lazy arses will just leave because their usual standard of posting fais to reach the requirements.

I finish with:

If kyeruu can post a thread that goes way beyond the character requirement, and actually contains content that makes a bit of sense (admit it, he's been getting a lot better at it, recently, even though he's not got a touch on the rest of us), then why can't everyone else?

For more views, look at: http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44011


Once again, it looks like more people want it gone, so I'll put forward a compromise:

- Turn it off for forums such as The Chatterbox and WRT.
- Keep it on, and maybe even raise it (25 characters? 50?) for all other forums.

Turn it off in CB and WRT because they are, when stripped down, just spam forums, with the former being topical spam.

Raise it for every other forum because they're supposed to be serious, spam-free forums in which conversation is had.

EDIT: On a related note, how hard would it be to impose rules on the News Forum that stop the posting of just a link and the article in quotes? Sure, it's nice being able to read the article on Zelaron rather than an external site, but a couple of discussion points in the original post, or the original posters thoughts would also be nice. If not, then I'd suggest it be a requirement should the News Posters position be filled.

Thanatos 2008-03-26 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Lenny
EDIT: On a related note, how hard would it be to impose rules on the News Forum that stop the posting of just a link and the article in quotes? Sure, it's nice being able to read the article on Zelaron rather than an external site, but a couple of discussion points in the original post, or the original posters thoughts would also be nice. If not, then I'd suggest it be a requirement should the News Posters position be filled.

Yeah Adrena, you dirty hippy.

Asamin 2008-03-26 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by JRwakebord
If you really need, just do this at the bottom of a post that is too short:


Now you won't have any problems.


or you could just do that.

Atnas 2008-03-26 07:38 PM

Sometimes I just want to say "Noe." :]

talentedhamster 2008-03-26 08:21 PM


Tyrannicide 2008-03-26 11:24 PM

Me thinks the girl is on to something ;)

But yea, all I ahve to say is COME ON, get rid of it.

talentedhamster 2008-03-27 03:22 PM

yea, the girl ain't as dumb as some of you think she is

Asamin 2008-03-27 03:28 PM


fuck WW

Lenny 2008-03-27 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Asamin

fuck WW

Sorry to use you as an example, Asamin, but this is why I think the five letter rule should stay in place (or at least, in place in serious forums - all except the Chatterbox or WRT). Without it, people can get away with simply replying with "ya", or "lol", or "wtf". In the WRT, fine. In Chatterbox threads, fine. But on the rest of the boards? No thank you. To repeat my argument from above, a post of <5 characters does nothing to further the discussion in the thread.

I think it might have been missed first time round, so I'll put forward my alternative idea again:

- Five character limit scrapped for Chatterbox and WRT
- Limit raised to 25/50 characters in every other forum

Tyrannicide 2008-03-27 05:03 PM

Who ever said you were dumb?

And yea, Lenny, that would work the best for sure.

Grav 2008-03-27 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny
Sorry to use you as an example, Asamin, but this is why I think the five letter rule should stay in place (or at least, in place in serious forums - all except the Chatterbox or WRT). Without it, people can get away with simply replying with "ya", or "lol", or "wtf". In the WRT, fine. In Chatterbox threads, fine. But on the rest of the boards? No thank you. To repeat my argument from above, a post of <5 characters does nothing to further the discussion in the thread.

I think it might have been missed first time round, so I'll put forward my alternative idea again:

- Five character limit scrapped for Chatterbox and WRT
- Limit raised to 25/50 characters in every other forum

I agree with the first part... maybe 15 for the other forums. Sometimes you just don't have to say a lot.

talentedhamster 2008-03-27 05:55 PM

i personally dont think that it would to much. you'd get this instead.


Super-duper Fuck you WetWierd."

Atnas 2008-03-27 06:03 PM

:D Wetwierd lol.

I agree that 15 is better than 25. Some arguments can be rebutted by posting a single short sentence.

Lenny 2008-03-27 06:05 PM

Until we start trashing posts that use tactic like that to get around the limit rule. If someone posted:



Super-duper Fuck you WetWierd.
...in response to, say, a News item, or an Announcement, then I'd count it as spam and would be well within my rights to trash it. And I'd put money on the other mods agreeing with me.

Just my two pence.

talentedhamster 2008-03-27 06:05 PM

yea. 15 is more fair i guess. but still, you're gonna get alot of what i said before. or just kashfdpa3yhpqiuhrsf.abpda8

Atnas 2008-03-27 06:08 PM

I don't see why we should have the restraint at all - let the people who step out of line be dealt with.

Hey look a report button.

Lenny 2008-03-27 06:12 PM


I'd trash that without even needing to think about it. :p


If a user repeatedly posts three character repsonses followed by "Fuck you WW", or things of similar ilk, then I'll start warning and banning (other mods might come down more heavily and ban straight off).

And by all means use the Report button, but don't expect that because a post has been reported action will be taken against it - judgement will be made over whether action deserves to be taken. I've had notifications of five or six posts that have been reported, and I've only taken action against one - the other four or five complaints were just childish. That's not to say that all reports aren't considered, or are just ignored; they're all thought about carefully before a decision is reached.

talentedhamster 2008-03-27 06:17 PM

way to kill the fun =[

Lenny 2008-03-27 06:22 PM

Seventeen characters, not including spaces. Post approved... just. :rolleyes:

It's not really ruining the fun. In places where "lol", "yea" and "wtf" aren't suitable, the fun comes in a different variety. Just imagine the Opinion and Debate forum filled with "yea", "agree", or "watevr"... or the Flame Forum chock full of "gay", "nig" or "pwn". Suitable for the Chatterbox, or the WRT, where conversations are more fast-paced and made up of short, sharp sentences and responses, but not for the more serious sections.

And what can I say? I like things to be organised and with rules set to them. Call me anal about it, but it won't change a thing. :p

Grav 2008-03-27 06:26 PM

I agree with your sentiments, but at the same time I want to be able to say what I want. Maybe your required characters can be reduced based on how much rep you have or something... haha.

!King_Amazon! 2008-03-27 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by GravitonSurge
I agree with your sentiments, but at the same time I want to be able to say what I want. Maybe your required characters can be reduced based on how much rep you have or something... haha.

I agree, with the added note that I don't think being restrictive on how we can post will help activity much.

Atnas 2008-03-27 07:26 PM

Senior member and ^ privilege of no post restriction? Sounds good to me :]

I don't want to be limited but at the same time the 5 letter rule wasn't very bothersome.

So now from 5 it's at 15/25 or something. Uhwhat.?

Demosthenes 2008-03-27 10:05 PM

I am probably one of the most verbose members at Zelaron. That said, I think there are plenty of instances where one word responses are more than appropriate, even outside the chat forum. For instance, a one word exclamation is a succinct expression of emotions to a certain news article.

However, this is hardly the issue. What's important is that this rule is absolutely frivolous and annoying. It serves absolutely no purpose. It is a rule employed to flex the forum's muscle. If you think that removing the 5-letter rule is going to change the quality of posts at Zelaron, you are mistaken. <5 letter posts are posted all the time, with a simple add-on at the bottom. They are appropriate posts. This rule is merely an annoyance. That reason alone should be more than enough to get rid of it, given that there will not be any other significant changes that stem from it.

Demosthenes 2008-03-27 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
I agree, with the added note that I don't think being restrictive on how we can post will help activity much.


(A perfect example. I have, with a single word, endorsed the idea that KA suggested, showing my support for it without being garrulous)

Asamin 2008-03-28 05:46 PM

The post way back there was to prove my point. Anyone could just add random crap onto the end of a post and it would fit the requierment. I also agree with talentedhamster. Insted of someone saying

Fuck WW"
They would say.

Fucking fucker WW"

WetWired 2008-03-28 08:33 PM

That's why the mods would manually enforce it, as Lenny said.

Demosthenes 2008-03-28 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by WetWired
That's why the mods would manually enforce it, as Lenny said.

But it seems entirely pointless.

Do you not agree that at least some posts are a valid response that are under x number of characters?

WetWired 2008-03-28 09:42 PM

Yes, but not enough to warrant dealing with the trouble of retards complaining about unequal enforcement.

Adrenachrome 2008-03-28 10:50 PM

Ditch the 5 letter rule and enforce signifigant post rules completely in all non spam forums.

Demosthenes 2008-03-28 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by WetWired
Yes, but not enough to warrant dealing with the trouble of retards complaining about unequal enforcement.

I think if a single post fits then that rule should not be automatically enforced. Why automate the moderator's job when they can do it so much more efficiently?

WetWired 2008-03-28 11:13 PM

Because retards complain loudly and persistantly when rules are enforced on a case by case basis.

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