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bewitched 2006-08-09 10:48 AM

Aerosmith-Cryin´ :D

Lenny 2006-08-09 12:51 PM

The Cure - Accuracy

xombie_love 2006-08-09 03:08 PM

die aerzte-teenager liebe

bewitched 2006-08-09 03:10 PM

John Denver-Leaving on a Jetplane

Lenny 2006-08-09 03:27 PM

Oh dear... my Dad had a fixation with that song about a year ago. We've got about 10 different versions stashed somewhere.



The Cure - Plastic Passion

bewitched 2006-08-09 03:32 PM

Really??? That´s great!!!
I like to play that song with my guitar. :D

By the way, do you know who sings that song:
Scotty doesn´t know :)

Lenny 2006-08-09 03:37 PM

If the song is called "Scotty Doesn't Know" then it's by Lustra.


bewitched 2006-08-09 03:42 PM

Thanks alot!!!!

Sportfreunde Stiller-´54,´74,´90,2010

Lenny 2006-08-09 03:44 PM

Not a problemo.


Muse - Hoodoo

xombie_love 2006-08-10 02:31 PM

tenacious d-tribute

HandOfHeaven 2006-08-10 04:09 PM

Three Six Mafia - I Gotta Stay Fly

Lenny 2006-08-11 08:19 AM

Monty Python - The Money Song

HandOfHeaven 2006-08-11 08:19 AM

A-ha - Take On Me

Lenny 2006-08-11 08:23 AM

Monty Python - Spam

We had a wagon driver today who ordered a Spam butty, and spen the next 10 minutes singing the Spam song. Quite funny, really.

HandOfHeaven 2006-08-11 08:25 AM

The Ataris - The Boys of Summer

Wow Lenny, you never cease to amaze me.

Lenny 2006-08-11 08:30 AM


Either you get very bored, or I get up to some amazing things. :p


Monty Python - Philosopher's Drinking Song

HandOfHeaven 2006-08-11 08:31 AM

Muse - Butterflies and Hurricanes

Oh, I finally saw the video for Bliss, very interesting.

Yes, I am very bored. I have to go work and the damn county fair is a block away from DQ.

Lenny 2006-08-11 08:37 AM

Is that the red one where's he's falling down a big hole?

If there's a video or two you HAVE to see, it's the OK Go ones:

Dancing in the Backyard
Dancing on Treadmills


OK Go - Here it goes Again

HandOfHeaven 2006-08-11 08:38 AM

System of a Down - Snowblind

Yes, he has red hair and is falling down a gigantic, tangible hole. And he makes it to the other side and is projected into bright light.

I've seen those on MTV before, very interesting.

Sovereign 2006-08-11 07:20 PM

Nightwish - Planet hell.

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