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D3V 2003-10-06 02:30 PM


Those are some




Sovereign 2003-10-06 02:31 PM

I think they are big eough to play volleyball wiht.

Titusfied 2003-10-06 02:33 PM

Don't keep posting that nasty ass picture. They are way too big.

Sovereign 2003-10-06 02:39 PM

Very well. But whats wrong, dotn like the tittage titus?

Kuja 2003-10-06 03:10 PM

Maybe he does but shit thats silicone valley !

Titusfied 2003-10-06 03:19 PM

They are too big. Its disgusting if you ask me. A handful is plenty. :)

Sovereign 2003-10-06 03:20 PM

Rofl imagine how big the nupples are....;probably the size of a clenched fist.

J_iceman 2003-10-06 03:29 PM

DAM that's large

Sovereign 2003-10-06 03:31 PM

Wanker22287 [3:06 PM]: EEEVIl
xxxxxx [3:06 PM]: what
Wanker22287 [3:07 PM]: are you evil?
xxxxxx [3:08 PM]: what
Wanker22287 [3:08 PM]: are you evil
xxxxxx [3:10 PM]: w/e
Wanker22287 [3:10 PM]: answer
xxxxxx[3:10 PM]: im not playing yer stupid game right now so how about you just shut the fuck up and leave me the hell alone
Wanker22287 [3:10 PM]: its not a game. its a legit question stop being a bitch and answer with a YES or NO answer

the things i do when bored.

Demosthenes 2003-10-06 03:33 PM


bmason 2003-10-06 03:33 PM

kinda groos u can see the steching and everything if u wanna see someone hot look at aria giovannia

Sovereign 2003-10-06 03:35 PM

I just noticed it looks like she has an ass on her chest...

Penny_Bags 2003-10-06 03:51 PM

today someone called me a nigger

!King_Amazon! 2003-10-06 04:00 PM

Nigga pls.

RoboticSilence 2003-10-06 04:02 PM


!King_Amazon! 2003-10-06 04:05 PM


Sovereign 2003-10-06 04:07 PM

People have called me a nazi before.

platnum 2003-10-06 04:08 PM

the pen is mightier

Sovereign 2003-10-06 04:10 PM

The pen is no match for my mouse-pad of doom!

Kuja 2003-10-06 04:11 PM

Kinda funny considering that guy in your sig look like a super jew.

platnum 2003-10-06 04:13 PM


Sovereign 2003-10-06 04:15 PM

How can a made up comic character LOOK like a jew?

Kuja 2003-10-06 04:19 PM

Cause he does look like a jew

RaZ 2003-10-06 04:23 PM

yea he kinda does look jewish

RaZ 2003-10-06 04:34 PM


RaZ 2003-10-06 04:35 PM


RaZ 2003-10-06 04:35 PM

damn i have to wait 22 seconds!!!!!!

RaZ 2003-10-06 04:36 PM


!King_Amazon! 2003-10-06 04:36 PM

Die fuckin jew.

RaZ 2003-10-06 04:36 PM


RaZ 2003-10-06 04:37 PM


Kuja`s #1 2003-10-06 04:54 PM

Mil cannons.

Sovereign 2003-10-06 05:02 PM

How the hell do you have a 102 percent activity kuja

Penny_Bags 2003-10-06 05:30 PM

h to the izzo, n to the igger.

Kuja 2003-10-06 05:30 PM

Forum Jump:

Kuja 2003-10-06 05:31 PM


Sovereign 2003-10-06 05:47 PM

MONEKY TESTICLEs were eaten at the testical eating fair somewhere down south. It was on teh discovery channel.

Kuja 2003-10-06 05:48 PM

Fake Chuck: Oh well
Fake Chuck: Felt like a long time
Fake Chuck: I piss hard

Demosthenes 2003-10-06 05:51 PM

im so bored...and pissed...and i hate my life at the moment

Demosthenes 2003-10-06 05:52 PM


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