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Silverjinx18 2003-02-11 10:54 PM

daaaaaaammn look at all the pages...just thought i'd put my two cents in...:D

Strider Fury 2003-02-11 11:12 PM

we might even break the record if this forum survives in the many years to come. you might never know.

khwiii 2003-02-12 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Strider Fury
we might even break the record if this forum survives in the many years to come. you might never know.

if? ... IF???
buddy this will be the biggest forum with the biggest thread someday...

ok... i don't really know..

Raziel 2003-02-12 04:58 AM

"Women are always looking for a guy that's 'outdoorsy' and 'hilarious'. 'Outdoorsy' and 'hilarious'. Do you know what horrible creation you get when you mix those two adjectives together? That's right, rodeo midgets. Secretly, every woman in the world is violently attracted to rodeo midgets."

RoboticSilence 2003-02-12 05:14 AM

Sure... this thread has spawned many hilarious and interesting conversations, but... I don't know what everyone else thinks, but, in my opinion, whoever brought this thread back from it's rightful place in hell should be immediately banned. If no one will confess, ban tacoX.

p1ng 2003-02-12 06:13 AM

id ban graviton surge, but thats just me.

Medieval Bob 2003-02-12 07:06 AM

This thread is less annoying, I think, than the Diablo threads. I use the :view new posts" button, and generally 3/4ths of the threads on that list are Diablo. There should be a filter.

User Name # 1 2003-02-12 07:38 AM

Ask GS, he got one (He hates D2 forum ... ^^)

User Name # 1 2003-02-12 07:38 AM

Ask GS, he got one (He hates D2 forum ... ^^)

platnum 2003-02-12 01:51 PM

i love d2 forum

Gladius 2003-02-12 08:23 PM

Good old W.K Kellogg Foundation

duyzer 2003-02-13 01:03 AM


Doofus_AW 2003-02-13 02:59 PM

Midget prefer the term "Little People"

Kingof2v1 2003-02-13 04:34 PM


Doofus_AW 2003-02-14 12:10 PM

Happy V Day!

Jamesadin 2003-02-14 12:41 PM

Yes, happy.,....

Acer 2003-02-14 01:23 PM

Omg this forums is huge, I wonder why I didnt notice it.

khwiii 2003-02-14 02:52 PM

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Pour 2,347 boxes of Jell-O into aneight-foot-square padded box, add boiling water, and chill for two days.

Watch seedlings grow roots.
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"Jell-O" is a registered trademark of Kraft Foods, Inc.

See other wacky uses at :

RoboticSilence 2003-02-14 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by p1ng
id ban graviton surge, but thats just me.

I hate to say it, but Grav is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000 times cooler than you. This coming from your friend is pretty sad, heh.

platnum 2003-02-14 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by RoboticSilence
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000

big number

Thanatos 2003-02-15 07:12 AM

It's a good thing you established that, platnum.

p1ng 2003-02-15 09:40 AM

gravitonsurge enjoys anal sex.

Doofus_AW 2003-02-17 12:30 PM

I am absofuckinglutely sick of snow.

badboy 2003-02-17 12:33 PM

holy moly thats alot of posts ...

khwiii 2003-02-17 01:20 PM

What is a mullet?

What a question! Almost everyone knows what a mullet is by now, its popularity has risen greatly in recent times - not the popularity of the instance of the mullet (which has remained at a constant plateau for several millennia), but rather the youth-backlash towards it. Leading scienticians say that anti-mullet sentiments have risen a staggering 437% in the past 5 years alone.

What is it anyways? To say that the mullet is a hairstyle barely even scratches the surface of the issue. The mullet is a way of life, it is a state of mind, it is every person who wears it. Physically it is characterized by short hair on the top, front, and sides of the head, followed by a long drape of hair on the back, reaching at least to the middle of the spine. Typical accessories to the mullet include moustaches, scraggly beards and/or goatees, and sunglasses. Research on the mullet phenomena, at this stage, is still in its infancy. However it is suggested by many top laboratories that the mullet, as it slowly reaches maturity, begins to grow tentacles into the brain of the victim. which affect several areas of the brain and fundamentally alter the candidate's actions and behavioural responses. Said behavioural changes mainly include extreme agression, the proclivity to consume large amounts of alcohol, pedophilia, lack of hygeine, dramatic reduction in inhibitions (often bolstered by the consumption of alcohol), sense of paranoia and distrust towards authority/governmental figures, and most importantly - steadily decreasing IQ levels. I would stress that these are only preliminary details however, and the controversial nature of the theory renders it unsuitable for mass publication.

Now, why would any human being willingly decide, of their own freewill, to wear the mullet? Well, let us not discount the many advantages of the hairstyle. It is widely known that the instance of the mullet in any given area is inversely proportional to average annual income. There is little to no maintenance required to preserve the mullet, and the costs involved are much lower than that of most other hairstyles. Subjects need not even wash the mullet for long periods of time, nor groom it in the morning, though many do meticulously attend to their mullet as an issue of pride and beauty - still the costs are indeed negligible. Also the mullet insulates the subject's neck, keeping him or her warm through the cold winter nights. The other important advantage of the mullet is that it offers it's host the freedom of both worlds of work and leisure. The subject appears to be a normal human being from the front, unencumbered by long hair over the face, and also appears to be a "party animal" from behind, with the long flowing locks. Hence, the "business in the front, party in the back" mentality. One is free to be taken seriously in the world of work, and, when the opportunity arises, is also free to "let loose" and "go wild - ape style." But let us get to the harsh reality of the mullet. It looks horrible, I cannot stress that enough. Wearing a mullet makes you look like a complete and total fool, and instantly makes you much poorer and less intelligent. I mean, there must be a sad lack of intelligence and self-worth to begin with if a person is to decide to grow a mullet. Hey! Do something about that mullet! It looks so fucking stupid! Get your ass to the barber's shop and tell him you're sick of lookin' like an asshole!


badboy 2003-02-18 07:24 PM

what r u still talking ?

tacoX 2003-02-18 08:42 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:42 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:43 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:43 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:43 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:43 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:43 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:43 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:44 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:44 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:44 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:44 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:45 PM


tacoX 2003-02-18 08:45 PM


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