Zelaron Gaming Forum

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Randuin 2002-05-17 07:19 AM

ya that why i keep telling them to shut down the chat room for a little bit sumtimes... so i sacrifice my own desire to spam... it helps the forum

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-17 07:20 AM

trashcan -_-

Mr.Lee 2002-05-17 08:52 AM


Originally posted by Wiccan][V][asta
Same here, yet then again if all our members start spamming... :/

Mr.Lee 2002-05-17 08:52 AM


Originally posted by Wiccan][V][asta
Same here, yet then again if all our members start spamming... :/

Mr.Lee 2002-05-17 08:52 AM

few posts to 2000 now...

Mr.Lee 2002-05-17 08:52 AM

few posts to 2000 now...

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-17 09:17 AM

So what's up?

Strider Fury 2002-05-17 10:34 AM

not a thang!:)

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-17 10:35 AM

Hurrah! Someones here finally!

Strider Fury 2002-05-17 10:35 AM

i'm always here!;)

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-17 10:40 AM

So am I :)

Strider Fury 2002-05-17 10:41 AM

i'm hungry. this is supppuse to be my lunch period.

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-17 10:41 AM

lol then go eat

Strider Fury 2002-05-17 10:42 AM

then i'll be off to waste some motherhumpers in self-defence.

Strider Fury 2002-05-17 10:42 AM

pretend you are a pursesnatcher. i want to try something

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-17 10:42 AM


Wiccan][V][asta 2002-05-17 10:44 AM

*snatches purse*

Strider Fury 2002-05-17 10:46 AM

who said i had a purse? *takes out a handgun and shoot winncan in the gronads*:D

Strider Fury 2002-05-17 10:52 AM


Strider Fury 2002-05-17 10:53 AM


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