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Sovereign 2011-11-18 03:47 PM

Some of the more recent things I've watched

- Highschool of the Dead
- Bleach Movie 3
- Spice and wolf SSN 2

I have to find and redownload the Clannad VN. I've lost all my fucking save points. RAGE.

Skurai 2011-11-18 07:03 PM

Watched Angel Beats!, Baka and Test, and am currently wathing Avatar: The much better Show than both of those shitty movies under similar titles.

Sovereign 2011-11-19 03:10 AM

Baka and Test worth buying?

I was looking into it but I'm tired of the generic episodic comedy shit. Is there an actual story and is the story any good?

Skurai 2011-11-20 10:36 AM

There's kind of a story. Yeah, it would be worth buying, other than being kind of short. But it's very silly.

Sovereign 2011-11-22 04:54 PM


My Rightstuf preorder list is pretty empty atm. Funimation needs to stop sitting on it's 30 million licenses that it's not released for 2 years and get to work.

Skurai 2011-11-23 08:10 PM

I know it's barely related in the least, but I'm also watching X-Files. The show is okay.

Sovereign 2012-03-24 08:09 PM

Rewatching Maid Sama.

Skurai 2012-03-26 09:45 AM

Starting up Gash Bell, when I can. It's WAY better outside the dub. D:

Sovereign 2012-11-03 12:34 AM

Finally getting my backlog down. Dropped Kurenai after episode 5 for being a confusing, boring pile of shit.

Hatsukoi Limited is up next.

Skurai 2012-11-03 01:04 PM

I really need to get back to watching Sailor Moon....

Sovereign 2012-11-03 10:48 PM

If I could find a region 1 set under 900 dollars I'd be watching it too. With Kodansha releasing the manga again in the US, and it hitting high sales numbers, we may be seeing another state side anime release.

Finished Hatsukoi. I was pleasantly suprised. Despite having backround art like it was drawn by Kubo Tite (Bleach), it was a fun, light, fanservice filled series.

Skurai 2012-11-04 08:38 AM

I heard it'll be getting a reboot/new season, soon, or something.

Sovereign 2012-11-04 04:49 PM

Nope. I would have heard about it.

Skurai 2012-11-06 09:25 AM

Oh, but I just told you, did I not?
The merchandise.
All over Hot Topic.
Can you not see it?
It's coming, like Alice In Wonderland and Tim Burton's disgusting movie.
It will be here. I promise you.

Sovereign 2013-02-23 05:04 PM

What Anime Did You Watch Today?

Originally Posted by ER69 (Post 2792185)
Concept is simple just post whatever you watched today.

Zoids Genesis Episodes: 36-50

Also woot! I finished this series.

Original post on G4 on 03-23-2011, 04:24 PM

Sovereign 2013-02-23 06:28 PM

Currently finishing Listen to me Girls I am your Father. Shana is up next.

jamer123 2013-03-02 08:14 PM

Finished watch a certian magical index ... fuck ... idk what episode im on .... its good though

D3V 2013-03-05 03:23 AM

dbz: episode 183.

Sovereign 2013-03-13 12:14 PM

Finished up Shana season 3. Disappointed.
Aoi hana was boring.
Kenshin New Kyoto Arc was nice.
Finishing up Amagami SS+ now.

EpicFinale 2013-03-16 08:42 PM

Senyu 9 lol masochist cat. Senyu makes perfect sense when you give up on expecting anything rational from it. I'll watch the latest free episode sometime this evening.

The Future Diary 1-26 then 1-6 again and the abridged series and the last chapter of the manga I can not believe I put this show off so long. It is so addicting. Favorite anime of the decade. Granted the decade is still fairly short and this isn't including Eden of The East or FMA Brotherhood both of which started in 2009. It could have retread the same material Evangelion did with shinji for Yuki, or visual novels do with yanderes for Yuno but it doesn't... completely. I like the way it deals with an unhealthy romance, and Yuki's character development.

Psycho Pass 1- Seems interesting. It looks pretty. People blow up. I need to watch more

I missed those eyes.

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