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HandOfHeaven 2009-02-11 04:41 PM

Felt like shit all day.

-Spector- 2009-02-11 05:24 PM


Jessifer 2009-02-12 11:35 AM

I'm so fucking tired...

D3V 2009-02-13 02:58 PM

my brakes are worn off on my car, and .. idk, i'm too lazy to do it myself so I had gotten a few quotes today and they were all over $200. Are you serious? Doing brakes takes ME 30 minutes with a jack and some elbow grease, I know with their lift and powertools it can only take a few damn minutes, and the pads themselves only range from $20 a pair to about $60 for some nice ceramic ones. Stupid bullshit.

-Spector- 2009-02-13 06:53 PM

Friday night... very low on alcohol.

Jessifer 2009-02-14 11:29 AM

Happy Singles Awareness Day.

Draco2003 2009-02-14 01:05 PM

Is it coincidence(sp?) or intentional that the initials of Singles Awareness Day is S.A.D.... as most single people are...

And I second that... Happy Singles Awareness Day!

HandOfHeaven 2009-02-14 01:26 PM

Bored at home.

Jessifer 2009-02-15 12:17 PM

Can't stop sneezing. Bleh.

-Spector- 2009-02-16 10:59 AM

Back hurts >.<

Jessifer 2009-02-16 11:48 AM

I think I enjoy sleeping a little too much.

D3V 2009-02-17 08:47 AM


I got into the "Religion and Political" talk with my girlfriend last night for like ten minutes and felt pretty bad for laughing at what she believed, when in reality I was the same way not that long ago.

-Spector- 2009-02-17 09:53 AM

I have to go to court to get my license back. :(

D3V 2009-02-17 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by -Spector- (Post 666666)
I have to go to court to get my license back. :(

that reminds me, my ID as well as bank card aren't working now, guess it's time to replace both of them.. blah

Wed-G 2009-02-17 11:54 AM

Fucking sick as hell, had to open the store because my girlfriends car broke and I slept in and didn't have time to pick her up and take her to work.


So sick.

-Spector- 2009-02-17 02:17 PM

Fuck anxiety.

Jessifer 2009-02-17 10:38 PM

Computer monitor died this morning. :(

-Spector- 2009-02-18 10:32 AM

Still drunk from last night.

Jessifer 2009-02-18 10:46 AM

Woke up to my dad sawing through metal tubing.

HandOfHeaven 2009-02-18 02:17 PM

For some reason I cannot download Lord of the Rings Online. :(

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