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-Bryan- 2002-12-14 06:34 PM

I've been on all day and I'm getting off now. Bye.

LordZpider 2002-12-17 05:28 PM


Thanatos 2002-12-20 04:36 PM


Valmar 2002-12-21 08:05 PM

man im sick, but good morning!!!

Rating 2002-12-22 04:32 PM

lol good morning??? its like 6:31 PM

-Bryan- 2002-12-29 12:13 AM

I'm so bored, somone start posting!

Chruser 2003-01-02 07:10 PM

/me is off to bed earlier than usual; at 3:10 am.

Demosthenes 2003-01-02 11:47 PM

good night

Mr.Lee 2003-01-03 04:16 AM

Just woke up :)

Thanatos 2003-01-04 05:55 AM

i wake up too early, i woke up at 5 this morning and couldnt fall back asleep

fockingclucker 2003-01-06 02:00 AM

wow this is better than reality tv its real people but not the ones on tv this is more like the people wathching tv so i guess its more like watching the people on reality tv . . . ummm yah i guess . . . it is about that time so g'night to all yada yada ummm i have never had a PM that was private so if anyone reades thios and wants to say hi youre welcome to it oh and i am moving to lincoln NE if any one knows a good place to wait tables you can pm me too ummm ok and were done NOW

Thanatos 2003-01-06 11:11 AM

"and were done NOW"


Demosthenes 2003-01-15 08:30 PM

good night

Mr.Lee 2003-01-16 02:31 AM

Good morning... another fucking day...

Doofus_AW 2003-01-17 02:16 PM

Lord this Friday is dragging.............

JRwakebord 2003-01-17 08:49 PM

yah it is

Thanatos 2003-01-18 06:06 PM

I likes a spot O' honey in me mornin' tea.

-Bryan- 2003-01-19 11:03 PM

What a great Sunday, computer simpsons and xbox, what more could you ask for. Well good night I'm going to bed, or maybe just lay in bed and watch TV, or maybe I'll stay on because I'm so bored? I'll decide later.

Randuin 2003-01-19 11:07 PM


Doofus_AW 2003-01-20 09:56 AM

<S> Back

Demosthenes 2003-01-20 10:13 AM

be back l8r today

Demosthenes 2003-01-22 03:37 PM

well...im gonna get off again

Doofus_AW 2003-01-23 10:31 AM

Its too f@$%#g cold.

Thanatos 2003-01-23 02:09 PM

My school had a 2 hour delay today from the cold.

Mr.Lee 2003-01-28 12:02 PM

Nice weather.. raining and cold... GREAT.

Mr.Lee 2003-01-28 02:49 PM

/time to leave the comp and probaly sleep...

Gsus 2003-01-28 06:27 PM

Well good night mr lee....
weather sucks hear in california, god damn sunny day, birds chirping, blue skies....

Doofus_AW 2003-01-29 08:38 AM


Randuin 2003-01-29 08:44 AM

snow rox... i don't have snow here :(

Mr.Lee 2003-01-29 09:53 AM


Randuin 2003-01-29 10:06 AM

what does that have anything to do with snow?

Thanatos 2003-02-01 02:48 PM

Snow has been on the ground in Indy for like 3 weeks now. IT WON'T MELT!

mightychicken 2003-02-01 07:26 PM

[homo]hey thexy[/homo]

Jamesadin 2003-02-01 07:33 PM

[Kinsey Voice]Hi there, big boy![/voice]


mightychicken 2003-02-01 08:19 PM

lo mah hoes

Demosthenes 2003-03-07 07:31 PM

well...im going to baltimore for a week tomorrow...i dunno how much ill be able to check from there or if ill be able to check at all...so i will probably talk 2 everyone when i come back. cya

uncapped 2003-03-08 08:30 AM

im goin to play some bball in a few hours. yay!

Acer 2003-03-27 05:07 PM

I been hit by a smooth criminal

Demosthenes 2003-05-17 10:59 AM

im going 2 austin 4 the weekend...bye

Gsus 2003-06-01 12:24 AM


good night zelaron.

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