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Dar_Win 2007-06-08 03:56 PM


slaynish 2007-06-08 04:19 PM

That's right, I didn't.

You forgot to include the "I dont have an identity" part.

Jessifer 2007-06-09 11:27 PM

Feet hurt. :(

Vault Dweller 2007-06-21 09:23 PM

So I'm driving home from dinner after work the other night 'round midnight, and it feels like there's something stuck in one of my remaining wisdom teeth. So I start poking at it with my tongue, and about a third of my tooth falls out...damn it...

Chruser 2007-06-21 09:27 PM

They don't really serve a purpose in the first place, do they? My lower wisdom teeth grew horizontally, so I had them removed. No regrets.

Grav 2007-06-21 09:27 PM

You have fillings? Or did your tooth just explode?

Vault Dweller 2007-06-21 10:00 PM

No, more like it cracked and crumbled. Most of it is still there though. Doesn't hurt...yet.

Incidentally, I did have the two left wisdom teeth removed about 7 years ago. These two haven't posed much of a problem, till now. Time to get 'em yanked, I guess.

timmay1113 2007-06-21 10:42 PM

Should of just gotten them all yanked out at once. I just did all of mine because I don't feel like messing with it twice. Really wasn't too bad though because I had a pretty good doctor.

slaynish 2007-06-21 11:17 PM

A minor grievance of mine is that I wake up at 5:42 every morning so I can be at football practice at 6:30.

Why do I do it..? I really do not know.

Thanatos 2007-06-22 09:16 AM

My minor grievance? I keep getting banned.


Thanatos 2007-07-09 03:57 PM

I fucking hate my boss. He doesn't do shit but sit on his ass and answer personal telephone calls all day. T#(*&(W& (WYUDTSfh YOU SUCK AS A SUPERVISOR, MR. BOYD.


Thanatos 2007-08-10 08:56 AM

I hate my boss even more now. I'm about two days away from blowing up in his face and possibly getting fired.

I fucking hate this man.

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-10 09:21 AM

Heh, if you're ever going to work in any sort of corporate environment, you better get used to it.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-10 09:41 AM

Papercut on my thumb from cooking last night. Don't ask me how, it just appeared. :D

Lenny 2007-08-10 09:48 AM

Could be worse... I've counted no less than 22 papercuts on both hands. I know I get them at work, but I don't know how.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-10 09:52 AM

Well, this one is right at the bottom inside part of my thumb. It's almost in between it and my index finger, thank goodness it isn't.

Lenny 2007-08-10 09:57 AM

Oooooh, that could've hurt. Mine are all on finger-tip, fleshy part, or back of the hand.

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-10 10:01 AM

I remember the guys on Jackass papercutting themselves in the "webs" of their hands on purpose.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-10 10:05 AM

Ouch. I cut myself shaving the other night, hurt like a bitch. My balls have never been so sore.

Vault Dweller 2007-08-10 11:09 AM

Not sure I wanted to know that.

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