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Strider Fury 2002-05-31 07:15 PM

Image those crooks wanting eleven bucks to fix my television!

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 07:16 PM

I can't sit on my bean-bag chair... it's got a split on it.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 07:17 PM

'Did somebody say...?' The first McDonald's opens in San Bernadino, CA in 1955.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:03 PM

If history has proven time from time again that extreme Capitalism and extreme Communism doesn't work than why doesn't any country goes for the center?

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:03 PM

Does actually anyone reads every single of these posts?

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:03 PM

What if someone bad mouths chruser right now right here?

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:04 PM

Would somebody even know?

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:05 PM

Does people really thinks that WRT is all about spamming?

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:05 PM

I think that a lot of wisdom and humor actually goes into this thread.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:10 PM

Are people really that agains spamming?

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:12 PM

Is getting so that you can be label as a spammer just by posting with a little humor on other threads any other than the Chat Room.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:13 PM

Godanm discrimiations.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:18 PM

Is not like you can't post anything here that is not cover in any other topics.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:19 PM

All times are GMT -5 hours. The time now is 10:19 PM.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:20 PM

It's actually 11:14pm over here.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:20 PM

I wonder what is the WRT.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:21 PM

I wonder if anyone even cares anymore.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:22 PM

I hate everybody.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:22 PM

I don't see how anyone could ever fall in love. People are jerks.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:22 PM

Luckily enough my parents got married and have me.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:25 PM

I am feelin' blue.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:26 PM

I think that there should be a thread where anyone can just post their daily concerns and give advise to each other.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:26 PM

But I doubt anyone is going to follow that anyways.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:30 PM

funny thing how almost everone I know work at McDonalds while my parents are going to force me into working for one during summer time if I don't get a 80% this sumaster.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:32 PM

A lot of problems in this world are unsolvable but I think that the only problem about mankind that is we stop caring and helping each other out anymore, unless it's about gaining something in return.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:34 PM

Thats why I believe in the Cathlics and Buddas values, regardless if God or Jesus really exist or not.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:34 PM

"Not everyone who calls me 'My Lord' enters my Kingdom."

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:37 PM

I hate those God@mn people who stands up and 'hail mary' every morning prays at my school.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:38 PM

The ones that couldn't care less about the Cathics values.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:38 PM

Those the ones who breaks every commandments and doesnt even plan to replay them in a way.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:39 PM

If Christanility is really about ethics and doing what is good for everyone, I believe then a lot of Buddas would be in heaven.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:43 PM

I've once read about a Budda Sensai whom from the time of his birth to his old age lives such a humane way that he was better than a lot of cathic priests out there.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 08:50 PM

I for one believe that those are the true heroes and patriots of the earth, regardless of how insignificant their actions may have been on the world stage.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 09:26 PM

I am such a sexy little boy.

Randuin 2002-05-31 09:48 PM

right... spam

Randuin 2002-05-31 09:48 PM

right... spam

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 09:51 PM

I wish someone could take a picture of me naked and post it on the internet.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 09:52 PM

That way I can show everyone what a sexy little boy I am. ;)

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 09:53 PM

If I were someone else I would marry me in a second.

Strider Fury 2002-05-31 09:54 PM

Ha I've got more posts then you.

All times are GMT -6. The time now is 05:53 PM.

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