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RoboticSilence 2002-05-19 07:26 PM


RoboticSilence 2002-05-19 07:29 PM

Robotic Silence: This isn't World Record Penis Length Thread.
XviciousmilitiaX: ha ha
Robotic Silence: YOU are supposed to have a small penis... while I have a large penis.
XviciousmilitiaX: mmm
Robotic Silence: Not mmm.
XviciousmilitiaX: mines not that small
Robotic Silence: Penis in mouth = Bad
XviciousmilitiaX: i know
Robotic Silence: You were hinting otherwise.
XviciousmilitiaX: penis in vagina =good
XviciousmilitiaX: hinting what
Robotic Silence: Yes.
Robotic Silence: Hinting that it was good... with "mmm" after a discussing about penises.
XviciousmilitiaX: no like mmmidon't know
Robotic Silence: Like "H"mmm?
XviciousmilitiaX: yes
XviciousmilitiaX: mmm hmmm
Robotic Silence: Then use that... it's less suggestive.

RoboticSilence 2002-05-19 07:29 PM


ViciousMilitia 2002-05-19 07:29 PM

ha hah hhahahhahhahahahah*dies*

ViciousMilitia 2002-05-19 07:30 PM

i have no hair on my ass

ViciousMilitia 2002-05-19 07:33 PM


RoboticSilence 2002-05-19 07:35 PM


Originally posted by viciousmilitia
i have no hair on my ass
You are alucky man... >_>

ViciousMilitia 2002-05-19 07:36 PM

i know

RoboticSilence 2002-05-19 07:36 PM

I changed my post settings to what just about everyone has... the default... I had it as 40 posts per page.

RoboticSilence 2002-05-19 07:37 PM

Mmmm... eating spaghetti and drinking a daquiri.

RoboticSilence 2002-05-19 07:38 PM

This is the best TV dinner spaghetti you can buy... it's better than restaurant spaghetti!

RoboticSilence 2002-05-19 07:38 PM

Marie Callender's I think... it comes with garlic bread! HUZZAH!

Sirpullido 2002-05-19 07:41 PM

massage, blowjob and Breakfast at bed... anyone knows a better way to wake up?????

Sirpullido 2002-05-19 07:44 PM

Robots have hair in their asses???

Strider Fury 2002-05-19 07:44 PM

subsilver looks so much better under mozilla

Sirpullido 2002-05-19 07:45 PM

Robots have penis?????

Sirpullido 2002-05-19 07:45 PM

robots eats spaghetti???????

Strider Fury 2002-05-19 07:46 PM

i;m staring to think hes some sort of sex toy!

Sirpullido 2002-05-19 07:46 PM

Robots drinks daiquiris?????

Sirpullido 2002-05-19 07:47 PM

hahaha!!!!!! RoboticSilence is the first masturbator that don't use batteries

Sum Yung Guy 2002-05-19 07:48 PM

SirPullido the spanish invader!

Sum Yung Guy 2002-05-19 07:49 PM

log onto LOD lets do some killing

Sirpullido 2002-05-19 07:50 PM

IT's up again??????

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:06 PM

Some Alaskan Eskimo boys are allowed to smoke pipes when they are only three or four years old. Their fathers believe this makes the boys manly

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:06 PM

Some Alaskan Eskimo boys are allowed to smoke pipes when they are only three or four years old. Their fathers believe this makes the boys manly

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:07 PM

In the French court of Louis XI, the fine ladies lived mainly on soup because they believed that excessive chewing would cause them to develop premature facial wrinkles

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:07 PM

In the French court of Louis XI, the fine ladies lived mainly on soup because they believed that excessive chewing would cause them to develop premature facial wrinkles

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:07 PM

The name Leah does not mean cow.... whoever said that, Leah is Hebrew for Female Ruler

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:07 PM

The name Leah does not mean cow.... whoever said that, Leah is Hebrew for Female Ruler

Sirpullido 2002-05-19 08:07 PM

My cousin gave me beer when i had aroun nine months....

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:08 PM

As of 1976, Chile, Egypt, and Guatemala had the highest birth rates in the world

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:08 PM

As of 1976, Chile, Egypt, and Guatemala had the highest birth rates in the world

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:08 PM

In a Czechoslovakian church there is a chandelier made of human bones. The ceiling is festooned with the remains of former worshipers

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:08 PM

In a Czechoslovakian church there is a chandelier made of human bones. The ceiling is festooned with the remains of former worshipers

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:09 PM

Oliver Stone made his acting debut as a tramp in The Hand (1981), which he also wrote and directed

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:09 PM

Oliver Stone made his acting debut as a tramp in The Hand (1981), which he also wrote and directed

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:09 PM

That stuff you find on the keyboard and covering your mouse ball is not called gunk, the technical name is candy.

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:09 PM

That stuff you find on the keyboard and covering your mouse ball is not called gunk, the technical name is candy.

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:10 PM

Cleopatra took her first lover at the age of 12

User Name # 1 2002-05-19 08:10 PM

Cleopatra took her first lover at the age of 12

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