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I think I met my long lost brother.
Stranger: hey there You: Watch out for that puppy. You: .... :D Stranger: oh okay Stranger: hahaha Stranger: ? You: Ok, that's a double, 2 medium fries, and a shake, right? Stranger: no i want a chicken pattie and waffle fries FO FREE You: Oh shit son! You: That'll be nothin' at your 12th window! Stranger: gigity Stranger: i like ur way of smiling Stranger: its yellow You: Orly? Stranger: yeah girlfrand You: w00t! Stranger: im bored You: That's why the toilet was invented, silly. Stranger: ohhhhhh Stranger: i do love the porcelain god You: That's racist! Stranger: no ur rasist Stranger: i like pickles You: I am not racist, you nigger! Stranger: dont call me a nigger Stranger: u poop face You: That's what SHE said! Stranger: no thats what the dog says on tuesday evenings at 4:86 ap You: exactly 4:86? You: is he ever late? Like on an off day or something? Stranger: and 9dsevent 4 seconds Stranger: yeah You: beast mode. Stranger: hes sometimes a bone off Stranger: DIRTY MOUTH? Stranger: clean it up with orbit You: Dirty anus? Clean it out with Oxy Beans! Stranger: i just cumed on the computer Stranger: now i cant see what i type You: Cum on the computer? Spray it away with skeet-b-gone! Stranger: oh Stranger: i got a can of that in the basement Stranger: damn it Stranger: its out You: :( Stranger: ill go get the mule to lick it off You: Good idea! You: I'll get the lawnmower. Stranger: i have 6 Stranger: i win Stranger: byebye |
its like a match made in ... heaven.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! You: Jesus loves you! Stranger: and im thankful for that You: :') Stranger: haha Stranger: what you up to You: Spreading the word of Jesus! You: You? Stranger: bored Stranger: mind if i join u You: Only if you promise not to have sex before marriage. You: An abstain from masturbation. Stranger: well first is ok Stranger: second is kinda hard Stranger: i try Stranger: but damn... You: masturbation is a tool of the Devil Stranger: hehe tool You: And the Devil likes hung dicks in a man's hand. Stranger: oh really You: Do not laugh! Stranger: ok well you tell me Stranger: what tips do you offer Stranger: to abstain from masturbation You: Think of Roseanne Arnold naked. You: Whenever you get the urge. Stranger: oh god i think my dick fell off You: That is not, uh, something I think you should share with me. You: You see, I'm an ex-gay. Stranger: oh You: And I am abstaining from my past homosexual lifestyle. Stranger: so as an ex gay, you would pick up my dick that just fell off and run off with it? Stranger: you got other issues than being jus gay then You: That's not funny! You: And no, I would not. Stranger: oh ok Stranger: give me some more practical tips Stranger: lets say i have the urge to look at porn Stranger: which leads to jacking off You: Find a hobby! You: Play video games or knit. You: I like to crochet when the urge arises. You: Or play basketball with my crippled sister. You: Those are just samples. Stranger: yaeh Stranger: thats true Stranger: i could do that Stranger: video games Stranger: arent a bad idea You: I find playing basketball with crippled people is a great idea. You: Let them win a little and they feel like winners. You: Same with the children with retardations. Stranger: right Stranger: do you really play bbal with special ppl You: Yes, I do. You: I volunteer to do so every Saturday evening at the local church rec center. You: A different ex-gay used to do it, but then they caught him performing fellatio on one of the cripples in the locker room. You: Plus he used to bounce the balls off the heads of little kids Stranger: thats really good Stranger: i am proud of you Stranger: keep up the good work You: Being an ex-gay is hard. Stranger: yeah Stranger: i bet Stranger: how do you get by You: I didn't want to be an ex-gay at first, but with the power of Christ I am rejuvenated and Hallelujah I am found again! You: I get by okay. You: I avoid looking at other boys..."that" way. You: And I avoid dealing with other boys who try to tempt me. Stranger: right right You: I even have a girlfriend! Her name is Esmerelda. Her family moved here from Mexico when she was a baby. She's an ex-gay too. Stranger: wow Stranger: thats kinda messed You: Howso? We're both happy. Happier with Christ in our lives! Stranger: well i mean Stranger: u both basically have repressed feeligs Stranger: for the other gender You: We overcame those feelings! You: And anyone can too, with the power of Christ! Stranger: thats good Stranger: keep it up Stranger: but do you feel weird when you have sex with your wife Stranger: do you think of guys You: I do not have sex with her! We're just dating. And..no...I don't. Stranger: oh i c Stranger: i thought you were married Stranger: my bad Stranger: would you marry her You: Of course! I love my Esmerelda Rosalita Vazquez! You: That's not her real last name, but she wishes it was. She said it'd be funnier if she was more stereotypically Mexican. Stranger: haha Stranger: are you spanish Stranger: or white You: I'm white. Stranger: i c You: Sometimes, when I'm asleep, I do have dreams about other guys, but the ex-gay psych said it was normal and I should ignore it. You: But I have to punish myself somehow when I do. You: So I eat unhealthy food when I do. Stranger: how do you punish urself You: I eat greasy burgers You: Esmerelda used to cut herself. I made her stop. Now she eats unhealthy food with me. Stranger: why would she cut herself You: Because she thought if she did, she'd stop thinking about girls. Stranger: oh Stranger: thats not cool You: It wasn't. You: Our ex-gay friend Ronnie gave up and eloped with some gay from San Francisco. I felt envious at first, but then I felt mad. He gave up on Jesus. You: And...and...you just don't do that! Stranger: one sec Stranger: why dont u bring him back Stranger: go on a mission Stranger: with ur gf Stranger: transform him back You: It doesn't work that way. He won't come back. We tried to talk him into going back. You: And if we were to go, we'd be too tempted. You: And we can't turn our back on Jesus! Stranger: how did you become an ex gay Stranger: i mean what process did you go thryu Stranger: to leave the gay behind You: I'm not allowed to say. You: Other than the power of prayer, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. Stranger: i c You: Plus I don't remember a lot of it for some reason. You: But that's okay! You: Three months of my life that I can do a little more without. :) Stranger: wow Stranger: thats kinda cool Stranger: but isnt being gay something ur born with Stranger: its not a choice You: NO! It is a choice! The Liberal media wants people to believe you're born with it! Stranger: why not Stranger: what if you want to be gay Stranger: and why is being gay so wrong in the eyes of jesus You: Because Jesus wants us to have wholesome, clean spirits and being gay is against God's wishes. It's in the Old Testament AND the New Testament. Stranger: why Stranger: whats so anti god abt being gay You: It doesn't lead to procreation and...and it leads to a lifestyle that ends in unhappiness and suicide. Stranger: procreation i understand Stranger: but how can u make other claims Stranger: what if 2 gay ppl love each other Stranger: wont they be happy You: It's wrong! They won't be happy. You know the average gay has over 200 partners in their lifetime? You: A man will be happier with a woman! You: It's in the Bible. You: Letters to the Corinthians! Stranger: i dont know Stranger: what abt this Stranger: allow gay ppl to marry Stranger: but keep em out of the church Stranger: so its a civil union You: Still wrong. You: Man and a woman. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve or Monique and Rhonda! Stranger: why is it wrong Stranger: its not doing the religion any harm anymore Connection imploded. |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You: Hello. Stranger: hey Stranger: where u from You: Nowhere. Your conversational partner has disconnected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You: Hello. Stranger: I'd like to speak with a good-humored, intelligent woman. You: You are too choosey. Stranger: is it too much to ask? You: Ask what you want. You: But be the person who asks too much. Stranger: Ask and you shall receive. You: There are not enough resources for that. Stranger: there are Stranger: limited supply just means not everybody gets what they want Stranger: but i will You: You do not deserve resources. Stranger: hasty judgement id say Stranger: go ahead and disconnect You: You are worthless. Stranger: rofl Stranger: faggot Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
I genuinely laughed at that last one
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Stranger: I ish a unicorn :P You: Hello.. Stranger: How are you human? Stranger: do not forget to take the bananas if you dont want to get in front of the fox You: Okay Stranger: wise choise mate Stranger: ...zzz... You: *dream* Stranger: mu?...ah..sorry, i fell, asleep, you know youre boring You: oh.. : ( Stranger: you should be ashamed of wasiting the tim of the unicorn You: *hug* Stranger: what are you doing to my leg? You: You have good unicorn legs. Stranger: thank you Stranger: got some unicorn stuff to do c ya Your conversational partner has disconnected. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ... ] Stranger: like candy? You: yes, sweetheart Stranger: I have obtained you I.P address, and the cops are on their way, good day, sir. You: *smacks you* You: how dare you talk to adults like that. Stranger: I'm actually a F.B.I cop. You: Are you a christian cop, little girl? Stranger: you sir, are going to jail for along time. Stranger: Sex predator Your conversational partner has disconnected. -------------------------------------------------------------------- You: . Stranger: hi You: Hello.. Stranger: hi Stranger: from where? You: male. Your conversational partner has disconnected. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stranger: hi Stranger: wats up? You: Hello.. You: Do you really want to know? Stranger: sure You: And, why? Stranger: y not? You: That does not count as an answer. You: You do not know how to answer the query. You: Please try harder. Stranger: i want to know ur state of mind Stranger: is tat fine? You: You shall never know. Stranger: okies Stranger: so wat brings in u here? You: You do not know how to compose messages correctly. Stranger: fucker wat do u know tell me You: Not much. Stranger: asl plz You: Male. Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
you sir, are going to jail for along time.
Some of the best conversations i've ever had have come through Omegle.
Wow, that is great.
Has anyone been on Omegle lately? They've changed it up a little bit. Still tons of fun!
Did I just see Mdselctr hug a Unicorn?
My life is complete. :eek: |
Stranger: heyy
You: hi Stranger: asl? You: yes Stranger: are u a girl? You: would that make you happy? Stranger: yeah You: in what way? Stranger: are yo Stranger: you* You: maybe You: i have boobs Stranger: big boobs? You: not really :( You: big boobs are grodie Stranger: seriously are u a girl tho? You: you still dont know? Stranger: yeahh okayy hot girl i think ;D You: :D Thanks You: have you heard of zelaron? Stranger: no what is it? You: its a website You: gaming website.. im kinda a geek I <3 games Stranger: hahaa okay babe Stranger: whats your full name btw? You: Cynthia... people call me cid Stranger: whats your 2nd name hun? You: you dont get that You: its against my contract Stranger: contract? You: i signed on with this guy I met on the street one day. He told me he can make me famous Stranger: he sounds like a paedophile tbhh Stranger: how old are you You: 23 You: nobody text me back, so I jumped on omegle Stranger: i wont disconnect from you i promise You: <3<3 Stranger: :D xxxx You: i have to go play a quick game of starcraft.. this tool is calling me out Stranger: okayy then babe You: have a good day You: :P nice meeting you |
god, people on the internet are so desperate. Lmao.
i would post my mibbit logs ive keep ... their sooo funny at times
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying. You: Dora straightened herself up and made a pose to Bill, who just nodded his approval. She proceeded to run off to her client. All she knew about this client was that he was sexually confused and liked to wear women's clothing and preferred the dancers to wear strap-on dildos. She'd had weirder requests, of course. Sportacus liked it when you shit on a glass table while he was under it and Baby Bop liked it when you walked on egg yolks barefoot while masturbating with a chili pepper with a purple condom on it. That last one ended up being a terrible experience, but damn did she get a ton of blow with the cash she got from then! Stranger: why did you tell me this? You: :)~ Stranger: uh-huh.. :D You: There is more to the story You: Shall I post? Stranger: do i have to :P You: That is up to you! Stranger: i dont want too xD You: :( Stranger: finee You: No, no. It's okay. You: You don't want me to, so I won't. You: I'm respectful! Stranger: lol Stranger: okay Stranger: thank you Stranger: :D You: Any time :)~ You: So I sell propane and propane accessories. What do you do? Stranger: whats proppane You: It's a gas. I use it for operating sex toys. And barbecuing my sexuall repressed wife's shoes. Stranger: oh,yay You: It's a clean-burning fuel that doesn't leave the taste that charcoal does. You: It is pure. Stranger: ... You: Are you...a charcoal user? Stranger: indeed i am You: Well this is just dreadful. >:( Stranger: lol You: How could you do this? Charcoal is...such an inefficient source of fuel! And it stinks! Propane is a fine mistress and she's clean-burning and so easy to use. And she doesn't char anything. Your conversational partner has disconnected You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying. You: I lost my feet in 'Nam. :( Stranger: why You: I stepped on a landmine. You: Goddamn Charlie was everywhere too! Stranger: o You: But I got the last laugh. I cut one of them bastard's ears off. You: And probably fucked his whore wife. You: I was drunk and experimenting with LSD at the time. You: Who knows. Stranger: where are you from? You: I am from Texas. Stranger: i am from china You: Ni hao. You: Nin hao ma, cockstain? Stranger: nice to meet you ~ Stranger: i am a student , my english is not good You: Ah, well, I'm not your typical stupid guiluo. You: I learned some Chinese in 'Nam. You: Mostly to pick up hookers. Stranger: so i want to develop my english Stranger: where is nam? You: Vietnam. Stranger: yes i konw Vietnam. Stranger: why you go to Vietnam. You: Vietnam War. You: To shoot those bastard hanbaobao liuchan Stranger: really? You: Yes really. You: I'm a decorated war hero. Stranger: o my gard Stranger: you were hero Stranger: i like hero You: Yes! I shot 100 men to protect my platoon after I stepped on a landmine. You: Goddamn disgraceful day it was. You: And let me tell you: don't have sex with hookers from Guangdong. They will give ya rotted dick. Stranger: rotted? Stranger: what? You: Yes! Syphillis. You: Terrible goddamn thing that is. Stranger: o i know that Stranger: do you have try? Stranger: why you konw it? You: But I once met this hooker that was from Shanghai. Goddamn gorgeous girl with long, flowing hair and a pretty smile. I got about fifteen blowjobs out of her before she went back to Shanghai with all my money. Her name was Yili. You: Why do I know what? Stranger: It was awful Stranger: like you say You: I was a medic, son. That's how I know. Stranger: o you are doctor You: 博士 You: Correct! You: Well, I was. Stranger: 博士? You: Until my feet got blown the fuck off! So now I run a medical technology center out of Houston, Texas. You: I don't know where that came from. Stranger: what you doing now ?medical technology center out of Houston? You: I teach people how to be doctors and to save lives. You: And how to use medical devices. Stranger: just like a angel You: Nothing like an angel, son. Those don't exist. You: Like a teacher. Stranger: that' all right Stranger: how do you think abobt china? You: I have no opinions or thoughts on China as I have not been there. Stranger: i don't think china is a good place here have so mush pretty pass You: That's a shame, son. You: I am going to bed now. It's been a pleasure, son. Don't step on any landmines like I did. You have disconnected. |
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying. You: ( . Y . ) Stranger: hi Stranger: asl You: 22/m Stranger: hw ru You: tired You: you Stranger: 75 f You: impressive. Stranger: but want sex You: even more impressive. Stranger: i want to born a new baby You: Good luck. Stranger: i am able or not? Stranger: in this age You: Definitely. Go whore yourself up You: Fill yourself with semen You: BATHE IN SEMEN Stranger: had done sex with anyone Stranger: ? You: MANY MANY 75 YEAR OLDS Stranger: fuck off Stranger: mother fucker You: LAWL Your conversational partner has disconnected. |
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