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Vault Dweller 2008-06-01 06:19 PM

Well. That's just fucked up.

Makes my minor grievance miniscule by comparison.

Chicks are fucked in the head. Proper fucked.

Asamin 2008-06-01 06:29 PM

I'm calmed down now that he is gone but am still pissed when I think of him. If only I was a bit bigger....... I could use a golf club....... or a 22 rifle........ or 12 gage shot gun.

A stink bug just flew stright at my head and smashed itself against my skull. Not a nice smell.

Elizabeth 2008-06-01 07:31 PM

I'm at work....

Thanatos 2008-06-02 10:47 PM

I am extremely sunburnt. Like, sun poisoning sunburnt. Like, you can't tell if I'm a person or a giant crab sunburnt. Like, if I were 2 tons and 11 feet long I'd be a FUCKING FIRETRUCK

-Spector- 2008-06-02 10:54 PM


fuck my tolerance. >.>

Coriander 2008-06-02 11:24 PM

:( :( :( :( :( My grievance is mater puked on me.

Goodlookinguy 2008-06-03 03:53 AM

My leg hurts.

-Spector- 2008-06-03 07:09 AM

2 burned fingers.

Lenny 2008-06-03 01:42 PM

Four exams in three days starting tomorrow (two History exams, three hours in total).

At least it means I finish on Friday, though.

Coffeedagger 2008-06-03 02:21 PM

I have a project to finish for Friday.

Goodlookinguy 2008-06-03 09:08 PM

MAJOR Grievance: My 10-year old, almost 11-year old (only 2-weeks away), dog died overnight.

Vault Dweller 2008-06-04 12:56 AM

That sucks, dude. Deepest condolences.

Minor grievance: stomach virus.

HandOfHeaven 2008-06-04 08:39 PM

Oh, you too? I've had a wicked 'combo' since I woke up this morning. Now I have a massive headache because I can't even keep water down. Ugh.

KagomJack 2008-06-04 09:00 PM

Being right blows sometimes.

Vault Dweller 2008-06-04 11:33 PM

Sorry, HoH. Mine seems to have been mostly intestinal. A ridiculous amount of gas. But best of luck with your troubles.

Coriander 2008-06-06 11:02 AM

The college is going to cost me 70k......:(

Lenny 2008-06-21 04:37 PM

Just watch the Netherlands team be outclassed by the Russian team, and get knocked out of Euro '08. Don't think I'll bother keeping up with the rest of the tournament, onw - the flair has gone out of it. :(

Willkillforfood 2008-06-21 04:38 PM

The communists are on the rise again!

Goodlookinguy 2008-06-21 04:48 PM

My head was banging from the time I woke up, 3AM, till 12:30~ish. I had to take Advil to rid myself of it. Now it's coming back... AW!

Also, I obtained the migraine by drinking a ton of Dr. Pepper 3-days ago because I needed to stay up 2-days in a row to finish my homework. Now I am paying with it by acquiring a Caffeine Migraine, not headache.

HandOfHeaven 2008-06-21 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 641778)
Just watch the Netherlands team be outclassed by the Russian team, and get knocked out of Euro '08. Don't think I'll bother keeping up with the rest of the tournament, onw - the flair has gone out of it. :(

I was so pissed. I wanted Croatia vs. Netherlands in the final, and both got aced out.

My eyes are burning. Damn allergies and high pollen counts.

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