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Penny_Bags 2005-03-08 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack
That's my mom's dog. I hate the animal. As for other things: P_B: I'm not Catholic. I'm not even remotely Christian. Also, when I refer to appropriateness, I'm talking of the story posted. Some people don't want to read it or give it notice. Besides, it's a furry porn story, does that answer why it's NOT appropriate? Also, I'm not avoiding this thread at the given moment.

DO YOU NOT SEE MY POINT AT ALL!? DO I HAVE TO KEEP CAPS LOCK ON TO MAKE YOU OPEN YOUR EYES? God. We could talk about other porn! Why not furry porn? Because it is innapropriate, we agree on that. If you can realize that, CAN'T YOU REALIZE THAT SCREWING ANOTHER MAN IN THE ASS (or taking it) THROUGH AN ANIMAL SUIT IS DISGUSTING AND VULGAR AND INHUMAN?! Scratch that, it's very human, which disgusts me. Animals don't dress up like people and fuck each other in the ass. Maybe you should be more like the common house dog, and clean yourself, excersize, and not fuck same sex members of your species in the ass?

I went off on a radical tangent there, but you must realize the core point. By acknowledging that it is innapropriate subject matter means that it itself is innapropriate.

Penny_Bags 2005-03-08 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack
[/start douche bag]Who's FagomJack? Any relations to me? [/end sarcasm]

And dude, you used to say you were a devout Catholic, so I guess you were completely wrong, it just took you a long time to realize it... Maybe in time you'll realize how wrong you are again... or maybe just get a new fetish. Fuck.

KagomJack 2005-03-08 08:22 PM

Actually, I saw that Catholocism in itself was wrong. I saw Christianity in itself to be bullshit. Study Zoroaster and Buddha. You'll see parallels and understand that part of it. As for a new fetish: I'm content with what I've got. End of that. Also, I don't fursuit goddammit >.< It's weird and I can't get into it. If you wanna talk about furry porn, be my guest. I was just trying to show decency for the forum. Don't want it? Don't give a flying fuck here. I siad it was inappropriate because it's inappropriate for the forum's discussion, not because I think it's inappropriate for someone to read, therefore it is in and of itself not inappropriate as a whole.

Kaneda 2005-03-08 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Penny_Bags
DO YOU NOT SEE MY POINT AT ALL!? DO I HAVE TO KEEP CAPS LOCK ON TO MAKE YOU OPEN YOUR EYES? God. We could talk about other porn! Why not furry porn? Because it is innapropriate, we agree on that. If you can realize that, CAN'T YOU REALIZE THAT SCREWING ANOTHER MAN IN THE ASS (or taking it) THROUGH AN ANIMAL SUIT IS DISGUSTING AND VULGAR AND INHUMAN?! Scratch that, it's very human, which disgusts me. Animals don't dress up like people and fuck each other in the ass. Maybe you should be more like the common house dog, and clean yourself, excersize, and not fuck same sex members of your species in the ass?

I went off on a radical tangent there, but you must realize the core point. By acknowledging that it is innapropriate subject matter means that it itself is innapropriate.

I see nothing wrong w/ screwing another man in the ass. Not that I'm into it personally but I am into things, I'm sure some people would say is wrong, and vulgar. To each his own man.
Animals don't dress up like people, but then again animals don't use midcrowaves either...Whats your point? Haven't you ever seen two male dogs hump each other? I'm sure if the one could get his dick in the otherones ass they would have no problem having sex.

kaos 2005-03-08 08:54 PM

The only gross part about screwing a man in the ass is that your screwing a man in the ass.

Plus...girls keep their asses clean...

KagomJack 2005-03-08 08:55 PM

As do gay men. gay men, are by nature and stereotype, much more clean than the common straight guy.

D3V 2005-03-08 08:58 PM

That is something we all didn't want to know.

kaos 2005-03-08 08:58 PM

Then explain AIDS douchebag...

AIDS was started by GAY PEOPLE...and then those same GAY PEOPLE decided to screw girls and unleash AIDS into innocent straight America...

D3V 2005-03-08 08:59 PM

I think AIDS was started by african americans having sex with monkeys, Right?

KagomJack 2005-03-08 09:01 PM

AIDs? I will tell you a condesned summary of AIDs. It is a derivitive from primates and mutated slowly into humankind. However, it may have showed up in gay people at first, but it showed up in straight people. Some people carry the disease but were not infected and were having unprotected sex and spread said disease. That's why it is around. Sex with monkeys and unprotected sex. Nothing to do with the male's ass being clean or not. Also, the first case of AIDs in heterosexuals was with men. Were they raped by a carrier? Maybe, maybe not. Odds are that a girl was a carrier and spread AIDs.

kaos 2005-03-08 09:03 PM

Yes it's from gay people...give it up, I'm 8 years old but my daddy has taught me alot for me to be homosexually aware.

KagomJack 2005-03-08 09:04 PM

Goddamn you and your bigotted daddy ======(((((((( I'm heterosexually aware, so I pwn you :(

kaos 2005-03-08 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack

Is that suppose to be some kind of penis?

OH wait...my bad, I forgot you fuck furrys.

D3V 2005-03-08 09:08 PM

Wait, you fuck animals? WTF??!

...anyways. There is no way it is in somebody's genetics to have aids, you have to be born from somebody with HIV, and even then I don't think it can spread like that, I don't know.

People having sex with animals, sharing needles, and screwing other people with hiv/aids, contract and spread it.

Grav 2005-03-08 09:31 PM

Sex with monkeys isn't how HIV spread.. jeezus.

Penny_Bags 2005-03-08 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneda
I see nothing wrong w/ screwing another man in the ass. Not that I'm into it personally but I am into things, I'm sure some people would say is wrong, and vulgar. To each his own man.
Animals don't dress up like people, but then again animals don't use midcrowaves either...Whats your point? Haven't you ever seen two male dogs hump each other? I'm sure if the one could get his dick in the otherones ass they would have no problem having sex.

Male dogs hump each other as a sign of aggression. It is not sexual. Furthermore, I didn't mean to come across as anti-gay. I am anti-sick fucking fetishes. If you are gay, sweet. If you are bi, sweet. If you are a furry, I believe that entails some psychological issues.

Penny_Bags 2005-03-08 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack
AIDs? I will tell you a condesned summary of AIDs. It is a derivitive from primates and mutated slowly into humankind. However, it may have showed up in gay people at first, but it showed up in straight people. Some people carry the disease but were not infected and were having unprotected sex and spread said disease. That's why it is around. Sex with monkeys and unprotected sex. Nothing to do with the male's ass being clean or not. Also, the first case of AIDs in heterosexuals was with men. Were they raped by a carrier? Maybe, maybe not. Odds are that a girl was a carrier and spread AIDs.

YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID. I'm doing a research paper on school, like 15 pages... It's not a whole lot, but its Highschool, and that is enough for me to know that you are wrong. There are trends for there to be more AIDS in homosexuals. That is fact. You are completely misinformed. The AIDS did not spread through sex with monkeys, African rituals involving killing animals like apes in a very bloody way spread AIDS. Don't be stupid. When Americans began the slave trade, AIDS spread to America (one of the key parts of any immigration is disease transfer, imbecile). The reason its a trend in gay people is because when being gay wasn't as socially acceptable as it is today, gay people had small circles of sexual openness... thereby spreading AIDS vastly among themselves. Jesus, I feel like I'm dealing with some asshole who just read the "How to be a sick fuck and defend yourself with ass-backwards logic".

Kaneda 2005-03-08 10:22 PM

No I think its more of a sign of hornyness...All animals do it...hell I've seen female dogs hump o_0
And I do believe all fetishes stem from some sort of psychologicol indifferences.

Penny_Bags 2005-03-08 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack
Actually, I saw that Catholocism in itself was wrong. I saw Christianity in itself to be bullshit. Study Zoroaster and Buddha. You'll see parallels and understand that part of it. As for a new fetish: I'm content with what I've got. End of that.

You used to blindly defend Catholocism, and then you realized it was retarded. You believed in something dumb. That makes you wrong. Logic to me. I was stating that since you were wrong there, how can you be so sure you aren't just blindly defending something stupid again?

I am not Catholic. I am not Christian. Second of all, I know shit loads about Budhism, Taoism, and some about Zoroaster. You know what I have surmised? After all my readings of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Bernard of Clervoua(sp?), Kohlberg? You know what I have surmised?! I can think FOR MY FUCKING SELF. I don't need someone telling me how to think. I am not trying to tell you how to think. I am simply stating my opinion. If you disagree with me about one of my opinions, that is not important to me. If I have not yet formed an opinion, I will listen to those whom I respect because they share opinions that I believe are right. And I don't "respect other opinions" in most cases, because that is counter productive. Why would I respect something that I find wrong? The institution of slavery was wrong, yet beneficial to southern economy.... Do I respect it for that? No. It was still wrong. And since everyone believs they are right, why should I respect soemthing that I see as wrong.

I am right. End of story.

Penny_Bags 2005-03-08 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneda
No I think its more of a sign of hornyness...All animals do it...hell I've seen female dogs hump o_0
And I do believe all fetishes stem from some sort of psychologicol indifferences.

It's not about what I think though, on the first point. I know for a fact that animals, especially dogs, hump the same sex as a sign of agression. If it were sexual....... why would a female pelvic thrust!??!? I don't want to go look up sources, but believe me on this one.

Mantralord 2005-03-08 11:12 PM

There are homosexual animals...and homosexual manimals like mantralord! GRRROWWL!!


Slim 2005-03-09 01:21 AM

Mantralord, I'm sorry, but you are apparently a Jew lover.

Raziel 2005-03-09 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by kaos
Then explain AIDS douchebag...

Because we all know that AIDS is a result of improper wiping etiquette.

For fuck's sake...

!King_Amazon! 2005-03-09 11:21 AM

Either way, kagom has a story about a fox and an otter, both male, having sex and acting like humans.

I must say, this is quite strange.

KagomJack 2005-03-09 06:01 PM

I'm not trying to tell you how to think or what to think. I'm just saying look into Zoroaster and Buddha. There's parallels. If you don't want to look into it, that's fine. I'm not going to say you're wrong for not listening to me or anything like that. As for the AIDs thing, that's what we had learned in Biology. Sorry if we weren't taught the same damned thing as you were. As for being a furry, what's the big deal? To you and others, it entails of a psychological problem, to me it's just another thing to do to meet people. I may find it erotic, but it's really another way of meeting people to me.

Also, good that you can think for youself. I can too. It's not a very difficult process in the least bit.

KagomJack 2005-03-09 06:03 PM

Quite strange indeed. But is it as strange as a man with a horn up his ass? Is it as strange as a 500 pound crack addict attempting to pass a bowel movement? Maybe, maybe not. What says and thinks you?

Thanatos 2005-03-09 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by KagomJack
Quite strange indeed. But is it as strange as a man with a horn up his ass? Is it as strange as a 500 pound crack addict attempting to pass a bowel movement? Maybe, maybe not. What says and thinks you?

Where the fuck did that come from?

I have to agree with KA on this one; you are a strange/sick individual.

Grav 2005-03-09 06:59 PM

Yeah, he's really quite disgusting actually. He's the kind of person I would violently abuse.

Kaneda 2005-03-09 07:45 PM

His butt that is.

Grav 2005-03-09 08:15 PM

With a shotgun, yes.

KagomJack 2005-03-09 08:19 PM

That was just to be stupid. I had no real comment to add, so I said that instead.

Kaneda 2005-03-09 10:01 PM

Well I call mine a steeldriver, if you prefer shotgun thats cool too.

Grav 2006-10-10 10:46 PM

*cocks shotgun*

KagomJack 2006-10-10 11:02 PM

Stop reviving dead threads goddammit >=E

Thanatos 2006-10-11 09:39 AM

LMAO. Sorry, that could have been my fault.

gruesomeBODY 2006-10-11 11:26 AM

i blame thanatos

MightyJoe 2006-10-11 11:52 AM

Never saw this thread before, however it made me laugh a lot, great bump.

wilma 2006-10-11 07:03 PM

Wow. I leave for one year and look at the things I miss. That's some funny shit.

RoboticSilence 2006-10-11 07:40 PM

You guys are jerks.

Thanatos 2006-10-12 08:14 AM

Awww... boo hoo.

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