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Atnas 2008-03-10 09:17 PM

I have chronic migraines. :(

Been mildy sick all today and haven't been able to really think straight.

talentedhamster 2008-03-10 09:22 PM

i am so hyper, cause i devoured a huge italian ice in 10 minutes. i cant sleep now. i have a huge test tomorrow ughhh

Lenny 2008-03-11 12:28 PM

Energy Drinks. Waste of fucking time.

Someone gave my mum one the other day, she didn't want it so she gave it to me. One of these Red Bull rip-offs... and it was awful! I drank it over an hour whilst I played some games of Pool, and I ended up with a bastarding headache, I felt dizzy, I couldn't focus or see straight, I was extremely cold, and I was shaking slightly.

I can finish off six cans of coke (1.98 litres) in an hour and feel perfectly fine, but not a single 500ml bottle of energy drink. Eugh.

Asamin 2008-03-11 02:04 PM

My minor grievance, that is really easy! LIFE!

Thanatos 2008-03-11 02:09 PM

Ever had Bawls? I just bought one and it's pretty damn good.

Goodlookinguy 2008-03-11 02:26 PM

Why did Microsoft have to create such a crappy operating system? (Vista)

(And even crappier updates the screw up the computer even more than it already was)

Coriander 2008-03-11 06:11 PM

I sprained my damn ankle the other day when fishing. I tried to step down to grab a drink and i fell, i went one way my ankle went the other..still hurts like a bitch..

Atnas 2008-03-11 08:45 PM

Didn't finish my big assignment. allowed to use it on the big test tomorrow if I finished it

:) It's all good tho

Asamin 2008-03-11 10:27 PM

I finished the same big assignment, but just to use it on the test. I hope that it isn't out of to many points..... :(

Thanatos 2008-03-12 08:59 AM

Threw out my back.. pulled a muscle in my back... I fuckin did something to my back! It's killing me.

talentedhamster 2008-03-12 02:53 PM

have 9 hours of work over the summer, followed by a 3 hour chem class!

-Spector- 2008-03-12 10:37 PM

headachheee.... fuck.

Vault Dweller 2008-03-13 05:57 PM

My day off and I have to stop by work anyway to learn how to do some kind of paperwork for Sunday. I'd much rather be playing Deus Ex all day long.

Atnas 2008-03-13 07:23 PM

There were "complications" with my dad's surgery today. He's gotta stay overnight. I'm scared to find out what happened.

Goodlookinguy 2008-03-13 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Atnas
There were "complications" with my dad's surgery today. He's gotta stay overnight. I'm scared to find out what happened.

That realy doesn't sound good.
As for me, life couldn't be better at this time.

Grav 2008-03-13 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Vault Dweller
I'd much rather be playing Deus Ex all day long.

Deus Ex is probably my favorite PC game. Or just game.

!King_Amazon! 2008-03-13 09:27 PM

I've been playing Deus Ex lately :P

I've got some pretty fucking serious RL shit going on that's stressing me out like hell. I'm not going to talk about it here, though. At least for now.

Adrenachrome 2008-03-13 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
I've been playing Deus Ex lately :P

I've got some pretty fucking serious RL shit going on that's stressing me out like hell. I'm not going to talk about it here, though. At least for now.

The original or sequel?

!King_Amazon! 2008-03-13 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Adrenachrome
The original or sequel?



Adrenachrome 2008-03-13 10:06 PM

Knock yourself out, I assure you it would not break my heart.

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