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Dar_Win 2006-01-29 12:08 AM

Currently Active Users: 89 (1 members and 88 guests)
Most users ever online was 540, 06-13-2005 at 03:16 PM.


Lenny 2006-01-29 04:53 AM

I see you've dropped down to 61%.

It won't do Dar_Win. :p

Lenny 2006-01-29 09:57 AM

I think goats like it when you sing to them...then again, it may just be our goats.

SIlly goats. :)

Dar_Win 2006-01-29 10:15 AM

My fucking ISP. The internet went out for everyone on my street for a day or two. :(

Lenny 2006-01-29 10:17 AM

You should be able to get round that. :p Go to your local Library or Internet Cafe and use the computers there. :)

Dar_Win 2006-01-29 10:40 AM

I have to many books that were overdue, if I go there, they'll charge me.

And I don't feel like driving all the way to Baltimore to an Internet Cafe.

Lenny 2006-01-29 10:45 AM


Visit a friend.

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:13 PM


Lenny 2006-01-29 01:14 PM


Lenny 2006-01-29 01:15 PM

Tee haitch eye are tee why - enn eye enn eee

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:16 PM


Spells Forty dont'cha know?

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:17 PM


Crack open the champagne!

Pop the beer cork!

Slice the stripper!

Hire a cake!

We're having a party!

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:17 PM

At this stage, the subject can become open to any suggestions. Watch as the beta male persuades him to eat his sock as if it were a bamboo cane.

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:18 PM

As you can see, the rest of the tribe are sat round watching their once proud leader going crazy. Unfortunately, the Panda's would not let us get to close to film, instead we have to use a powerful magnification on our lense, which can distort the picture slightly.

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:18 PM

Look, the old leader is walking into the pack. Oh dear, he has just cuffed the crazy leader around the head with his paws. It looks like he has lost the Elder's respect. This can only mean one thing.

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:19 PM

In these situations there is usually a bid for power as the younger males see that the leader is losing it. This process usually takes the following form.

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:19 PM

The younger males will begin by showing off to the rest of the tribe, a ritual that can take between a day and 4 months to complete. Then, if all are free from scandal, a leadership contest will commence, with the Pandas going off to their local constituencies to have a Hustings with the local party members.

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:20 PM

At times like these, the media Toucans have a field day. Watch as they dive bomb the hopeful leaders. See how they squirm away? None of them would like to be in the limelight, or be questioned by these sharp tongued creatures.

Lenny 2006-01-29 01:20 PM

Tomorrow in Big Panda Diaries: What happens to the Crazy Leader? Do the tribe chase him away? And what about the contestors? How will they fare?

Join us tomorrow, to find out.

I've been David Atlenborough. Good night!

Jessifer 2006-01-29 02:58 PM

Lenny, no offence, but you need a life.

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