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!King_Amazon! 2007-08-03 09:39 AM

Girls, girls! Both your dresses are pretty!

klo 2007-08-03 09:41 AM

Yea well mines prettier, and she doesn't have the boobs to even fill hers out!!!

Thanatos 2007-08-03 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by klo
Well I never wish to smoke with you asshole

lol wtf? So you're saying if I came over and had a blunt of some nice dank you wouldn't smoke it with me?

klo 2007-08-03 09:45 AM

I'd take it out of the roach for a bowl.

I just don't really like to smoke blunts....I dont like how sticky my lips get and the gross taste the sticky has. eww. I <3 bongs....and prefer pipes over blunts

Thanatos 2007-08-03 09:48 AM

You aren't hitting it right. Sometimes the "sticky" tastes good, especially if you have a grape blunt or strawberry. Leaves your lips numb and tasty.

Bongs are cool, too, though. I haven't hit one in a while. For shame.. :(

timmay1113 2007-08-03 10:21 AM

Bongs can hit so much more effectively and harder. Blunts you have to do shotguns and shit to get close to the way a bong hits imo.

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-03 11:56 AM

Honey Blunts FTW.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-03 03:35 PM

I was in a smoke shop today, it was so tempting to see a nice mini-bong for 10 bucks. Maybe next time.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-03 06:10 PM

It could also be what you have in your stomach. I remember making weed cookies with Arkantis. We only put about .7 grams each in three peanut butter cookies. Me, him, and another guy who only weighed 120 pounds ate them, and about an hour later we were totally fucked up. I felt bad for the other guy, because he just looked so fucked up and lost. This was at a state basketball game; I had no idea we were in the cities. Oh yeah, ate them on the fan bus.

slaynish 2007-08-04 10:16 AM

How can digesting weed like that be any better than smoking it?

Also, Thanatos, 1g blunts of KB FTW!

And, he wasnt getting ripped for the 650 an ounce. Even if it was a jack, it got flipped into a little under a G. He gets high quality buds from that rapper almost every week or two.

Anybody ever fucked with coke?

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-04 10:18 AM

I think there's something about having the weed completely saturated in oils or something which makes eating it better.

Plus, you're not doing any damage to your lungs if you eat it. It's probably the only truly healthy way of doing it.

slaynish 2007-08-04 10:28 AM


Lol, my Brother dropped out, and he went with a friend to go see my grandma and g-pa(who are potheads but try to keep it on the down-low, except everyone knows it), and they left their bong out.

Well, my brother brought some fire ass nugs, he was going to smoke them up, but they kept yelling at him about him dropping out. So, before they left, my brother sean was like "hey grandma, what's that?" and pointed to the bong.

They were like "oh.. ummmm.. we got that at an auction not too long ago...."
Lmao. Like smoking is even a big deal. Old bastards.

Thanatos 2007-08-04 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by slaynish
Anybody ever fucked with coke?

Couple of times. I could describe my experiences if you'd like. It's all good and gravy until you start coming down (but, that could just have been some low-quality stuff, I've had better come downs).

slaynish 2007-08-04 02:55 PM

feel free to post about it

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 03:25 PM

I'm not sure what makes it better, but I'll tell you that I was high for quite awhile after eating it. And ingesting weed lasts longer than smoking it, if done correctly. We didn't have time to make canabutter, we had to bake them in tin foil. Funny thing is, we did it right in front of Arkantis' parents, and all you could smell was hot/burnt peanut butter.

I honestly didn't think coke was that great. It seem like snorting a couple of adderall(sp), though I may not have had that good of stuff.

And Slaynish, who the fuck pays 125 bucks for an 1/8? I think you're lying. No nug is that good. NONE!

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-04 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Thanatos
Couple of times. I could describe my experiences if you'd like. It's all good and gravy until you start coming down (but, that could just have been some low-quality stuff, I've had better come downs).

I've heard that come-downs from coke really suck.

KagomJack 2007-08-04 06:05 PM

I want some fucking pot right now.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 06:06 PM

It would be nice, but I'm waiting a week until I visit friends again. Some things fell through yesterday; oh well.

slaynish 2007-08-04 06:49 PM


Powerselling 101:

650 an ounce converts into 23.21 a gram.
1 gram=1blunt
35$ a blunt(or gram)= 11.79$ profit

And 650/oz kush is pushable in under 4 days where I live.

A dime(3.5 grams as you probably know) of some 650/oz weed costs 90$. 23+23+23=69, which ends up being 21$ profit.

What REALLY gets them, is when you load a bowl of it first, let them rip it, and watch them get fucked up. People really take advantage of a free hit on some expensive shit. Then they get fucked up, and want that fire ass sack.

But I don't know any drug dealers.

Also, lets say you sold only dimes(8th's) of this. Still make 720$. Profit is profit, nigga. but that would NEVER happen. Ever. The best way to go is 35$ blunts to the kids who cant roll blunts, 35 dollar grams to the guys that weigh their shit.

Vault Dweller 2007-08-04 07:03 PM

For those who want to get ridiculously fucked in 1 hit off pretty much any grade pot - a gravity bong bubbler. The absolute thickest smoke you could possibly imagine. It will make you cough until you cry or puke or both. It's fucking amazing.

Attach a straw to the bowlpiece in the gravity bong and let it hang down into the water, so as you pull up, the smoke is filtered through the water, as it would be in a bubbler. Mindblowing, painful, and awesome.

Don't do drugs, kids.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 07:10 PM

Why would dumbasses pay $35 a gram? That's a rip, I can get better weed for $20 a gram. Obviously the rates are higher for you, and it would be so much more cost efficient to just buy it by the 8ths. Sounds to me like your friend is ripping people off. Who needs a blunt of fucking danks? I pack small chill-ums or pinchies, because that is all you need. Powerselling 101 my ass.

I used to go to Hyvee and get a 3 Liter of Tahitian Treat Punch, drink it, then make a homemade gravity bong. Works pretty well, just like a milk jug.

slaynish 2007-08-04 07:23 PM

If you ever came down to the KC-Area, i could just show you myself, and all of your concerns would disappear.

You can't say that you can get better weed for 20 a gram because you've simply never had these buds. Prices might be different where you live, too.

If you want to talk reggie, 15 a q, 25 1/2, 50 a zip straight across. 150 a qp, 300 a half, 600 a pound. That's if you're selling it. If you've got the hookups.. It's 500 a pound. 3 people have the hookups in my city.

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-04 07:28 PM

Slaynish, you're dumb.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 07:43 PM

I just think you're paying more for what I get here. I like how you're such a prima donna. And regulars are not shitty mids. Regulars for me are dank as fuck, the strains I get are just a step higher. Prices are different for me because they are cheaper. I think you're lying still.

(Wow, this is almost turning into a my dad is better than yours thread)

Grav 2007-08-04 08:01 PM

I guess this could be a good way to get Zelaron shut down...

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 08:09 PM

Slaynish shouldn't be offering to hook me up. But this is a drug thread, so I'm sure that drug conversation is allowed.

Grav 2007-08-04 08:47 PM

Can you be so sure?

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 09:28 PM

Nope. Can you explain why zelaron would get shut down, or are you bullshitting me?

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-04 09:42 PM

Limitation on discussion of drugs or weapons illegal in the US
You may not arrange a transfer of illegal drugs or weapons on this web site.
You may not describe or link to descriptions of the processes to make illegal drugs or weapons on this web site.
You may not direct members to another site, physical location, or person that does either of the two above.
You may talk about what/how much you used, how it makes you feel, etc.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 09:44 PM

I didn't arrange any transfer or location. The only thing I have is the discussion of prices, and that's not directly stated there. But thanks for trolling the thread, K_A!

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-04 09:51 PM

I was explaining what the fuck Grav was saying you fucking dumbass.

Go finish smoking yourself retarded or something.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 09:53 PM

Thanks. Your profanity is unnecessary. No wonder you were such a bad, rude moderator.

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-04 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by HandOfHeaven
Thanks. Your profanity is unnecessary. No wonder you were such a bad, rude moderator.


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
I was explaining what the fuck Grav was saying you fucking dumbass.

Go finish smoking yourself retarded or something.


HandOfHeaven 2007-08-04 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!


(fun game)

Vollstrecker 2007-08-05 06:11 AM

Could we just sticky a thread for this somewhere? We always end up with a new "lulz drugs" thread every few days anyway.

Lenny 2007-08-05 07:02 AM

This one should suffice, methinks.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-05 07:14 AM

I <3 drugs, lolz.

(I love aggravating K_A)

klo 2007-08-05 05:03 PM

I don't love all drugs...nope no more than one.

I see what K_A was doing and its appreciated. Just showing where the line is drawn.

But hey, if you like aggravating him more power to ya :P

!King_Amazon! 2007-08-05 07:11 PM

Wow, Klo being nice to me. I need to bribe kaneda for nood pix or something.

HandOfHeaven 2007-08-05 08:36 PM

I know full well that he's proven me wrong and is right, it's just more fun to avoid it and make fun of him than admit it on here.

(Oh no, here comes the speech from K_A where that tactic will never work in real life, but that's not how I am in real life!)

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