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Skurai 2010-07-12 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by D3V (Post 689053)
So if they made your legal name visible you wouldn't have cared?

I don't think I would, actually.

D3V 2010-07-12 12:03 PM

The argument isn't wether people would care or not, it's if they should force it upon people to try and solve their forum problems. It's like having a giant gushing oil well pumping thousands of gallons a day into the gulf, and putting some fucking golf balls into it and calling it fixed. Trolls will never die, trying to deter them only makes it worse. Just embrace it, add some staff members to troll the trolls, problem solved.

Skurai 2010-07-12 01:02 PM

I 'unno... the only people that would be so persistent just to play there WoW'z either are trolls or need to be trolled.

!King_Amazon! 2010-07-12 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by D3V (Post 689053)
So if they made your legal name visible you wouldn't have cared?

I would stop playing their games (or using whatever service they're exposing my personal information on,) but that's beside the point. I don't think "ability to play anonymously" could be listed as a "perk" or anything like that. Most games are like that. It isn't as if that's something special to Blizzard's games, as your post implied.

D3V 2010-07-12 02:18 PM


I don't think "ability to play anonymously" could be listed as a "perk" or anything like that
But if it were required, as had been mentioned in this thread's creation, it would be a deterrent. Maybe my statement was too inflated, but it's not besides the point. That is the entire point. In fact, that point was made so clearly by the Blizzard "community" that only a few days after the announcement they back-peddled into submission.

Skurai 2010-07-12 06:55 PM

Blizzard: lulz, we gonna have visible names now, 'k?

All of it: No.

Blizzard: :(

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