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Sovereign 2010-04-04 03:17 AM

Strike Witches
Fantasy / War / Pantsu / Gonzo's last chance at making money etc.

Animation: A-
Story: B-
Dub: NO
Sub: A

So it is possible for Gonzo to make decent anime.....

Pantsu Witches takes place in an alternate timeline where world war two never happened and all the countries have weird ass names. Instead of fighting each other, the world has come together to fight the evil Nerouis (sp?) who have seemingly decided to take over the planet. This show has nothing to do with a war on pants. Shame on you funimation.

The story itself is nothing spectacular. The fights incorporate CG elements very heavily, not dissimilar to vandread, but the blend between the CG and the animation is pretty decent. It seems no company wants to hand animate space ships before. I still think banner of the stars had some of the best battle scenes EVER.

The series focuses on fanservice a lot. There are several bathing scenes with full nudity (minus of course the evil crotch area which japan seems to hate). Nipples, butts, and groping galore. The Witches outfits are apparently tailored to fit EVER curve of their body to the nanometer. (EVERY..... CAMEL AND ALL). There are lots of gratuitous butt shots and crotch shots of our pretty little witches whenever possible. This actually got a bit distracting. I was, believe it or not, actually trying to follow the fights, but I kept on having my attention diverted to sweet loli ass. Even during the fight scenes, the camera angle would always focus on showing the SW assests, Agent Aika style. Fanservice for me is fine. I encourage full nudity of every female particpant!!!... but only when it's appropriate. Bath scenes and random breast groping are fine, but when it's going on during what's supposed to be a serious fight scene it just annoys me.

Overall Suggestion: I think it's worth at least watching it. You will be decently entertained throughout the series. It's 12 episodes long so you wont be spending much time on it either. I finished it in 2 nights.

Next up: Star Trek Enterprise . I've burned through too much anime lately and my reserves are running low. Pay day is Monday. I'll have stuff from the Amazon sale by thursday. I can hardly wait

Sovereign 2010-04-09 11:49 PM

To Love-Ru Set 2/2
Ecchi / Comedy / Semi one sided romance

Animation: B-
Story: C+
Dub: Sub only release <3 Sentai
Sub: A

This series has really no significant story. It's pure fanservice and comedy. It's ok, but there isn't really much to say about it. There are a lot of exposed breasts and butt, but I will never understand why there was so much mist in the DVD version. I also noticed in one shot when one of the characters turned around, a crotch shot was ruined by a random bit of steam that appeared out of nowhere and disappeared as soon as she entered the bath. Censorship on tv is bad. Censorship of dvd's is just stupid.

Overall Suggestion: Eh.... unless you collect dvd's I'd say you can safely pass on this. It's nothing extremely boring, but there isn't much other then the fanservice that would compel anyone to watch this. You are still better off watching Hentai though. A few that I own actually have good storylines, and are very well animated for what they are...

Next up: Ghost Hunt

Also, my first post is going to have direct links to specific reviews soon! You should just be able to click on the show you want to read about, and bam!

Sovereign 2012-03-23 08:08 PM

Holy crap has it really been nearly 2 years since i watched To love?

I just finished Motto To Love Ru. Same shit. It's ok and Mikan is the best imouto next to Nishihi.

I'd love them all if you know what I mean.

Asamin 2012-03-25 12:19 PM

I don't have time now but I think I'll go through this looking for new anime to watch.

Wed-G 2012-03-26 07:33 AM

Ghost Hunt was the shit.

Sovereign 2013-03-14 06:22 PM

Aoi Hana
Yuri / Romance / Drama

Animation: A-
Story: C-
Dub: Sub only release
Sub: B+

I don't have much to say about this series. It's cute and the animation is nice but that's really all that it had going for it. I really wasn't paying attention after the 4th episode. Very little comedy didn't help.

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