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Mdselctr 2009-09-08 08:47 PM

Werner Herzog's documentary, Encounters At The End Of The World.
Recommended to any adept and non-adept at post-war European doc-
umentary works.

JRwakebord 2009-09-09 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 681379)
Any good? Everyone I know says it's rather bad the first time they see it (which isn't surprising - the book wasn't much), but that it gets better on second viewing.

JR - District 9. Tell me about ittt!

The story is great, the CGI is phenomenal, it's a movie where you genuinely can't predict the ending after only 30 minutes, and it is just a blast to watch. Very highly recommended.

HandOfHeaven 2009-09-09 07:40 PM

Inglorious Basterds. It was very well done, and Brad Pitt is hilarious in the movie. Although I must warn those with a weak stomach. There is a lot of gore and twisted imagery in the movie. It honestly makes Pulp Fiction look like a Disney movie.

Go see it!

Thanatos 2009-09-10 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by JRwakebord (Post 681449)
The story is great, the CGI is phenomenal, it's a movie where you genuinely can't predict the ending after only 30 minutes, and it is just a blast to watch. Very highly recommended.

Agreed. District 9 has a very unique storyline. It isn't your ol' "Aliens vs. Humans" movie. I definitely recommend this to anyone and everyone. You will not be dissapointed.

Lenny 2009-09-10 03:54 PM

I think I'm swayed, then!

Talking about Sci-Fi and all that, has anyone seen Moon? I hear it's got good reviews, but I'd like to hear opinions from ordinary folks - SF reviewers are wont to go over the top when reviewing a SF film, and I might have been unlucky and heard of reviews from SF nuts.

Lenny 2009-09-11 02:25 PM

I started watching Gamer earlier, but the quality was shite (and shaky - some fool forgot to take their tripod to the cinema) so I gave up. From what I did see it looks like a decent film, and the story was interesting.

Anyway, I'm about to watch Monsters vs. Aliens.

EDIT: Ah, FFS - it's out of sync with the audio by about a second. And lol - Stephen Colbert is playing the President.

HandOfHeaven 2009-09-12 10:44 AM

I Love You, Man.

Tyrannicide 2009-09-12 01:36 PM

Saw 9 last night and it wasn't to bad.

Short, but good.

Lenny 2009-09-12 03:43 PM

Saw District 9 today and I agree with all above that it's a very good film. The ending is... well, it's not exactly happy, but it's a typical ending to a blockbuster - big fight, people die, the party that wants to do something gets it done, the bad guy pops up after the action and gets killed. It's not "happy" because the film isn't happy. The CGI was very good - I'd love something like the navigation technology the aliens have.

After seeing it I thought to myself, "This film is a fantastic standalone film - there's not going to be anything else". I've thought it about films such as Hancock and Cloverfield, too, and it saddens me that the industry is in a phase where it feels the need to constantly produce franchise films. What I'd like to see more of is films like D9, Hancock and CF - films that are single films created from completely new material (not an adaptation of a book, or a comic, or a remake of an old film). Sure, they're all good in their own ways, but they just can't compare to something fresh.

Jessifer 2009-09-12 06:53 PM

I'm gonna go see 9 next week.

Lenny 2009-09-13 02:18 PM

Tonight I watched The Spiderwick Chronicles. For a film that feels like it would be more at home in rural England, rather than American New England, it wasn't at all bad. It was obviously aimed at a much younger audience, but for all that it was also quite... well, not scary to the older ones like me, but I can imagine it would have the little uns shitting bricks.

A decent score from James Horner but, for all his brilliance, he's a dick for re-using One Last Wish from the Casper film. You just don't get the same emotion in Spiderwick when you hear it as you do in Casper (the beautiful piano tune at 3', and when they're dancing at the end (4' 16") and Casper says "Can I keep you?"):


And there's the small fact that Freddie Highmore just ain't Christina Ricci. :rolleyes:

Thanatos 2009-09-14 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny (Post 681578)
After seeing it I thought to myself, "This film is a fantastic standalone film - there's not going to be anything else". I've thought it about films such as Hancock and Cloverfield, too, and it saddens me that the industry is in a phase where it feels the need to constantly produce franchise films. What I'd like to see more of is films like D9, Hancock and CF - films that are single films created from completely new material (not an adaptation of a book, or a comic, or a remake of an old film). Sure, they're all good in their own ways, but they just can't compare to something fresh.

...... You really don't think there's going to be a sequel to this movie? They left it wide open for a District 10.

Lenny 2009-09-14 03:19 PM

They did, but I doubt they'll do a second, simply because it's one of those ideas that will only work once.

Possibilities for District 10: alien uprising, Christopher returns with more of his race and kills everything/takes everyone away, Wickus is returned to human form.

* An alien uprising would turn it into a generic gunfight.
* Prawns killing everyone would turn it into a generic gunfight.
* Prawns going home... wow... five minutes of special effects and then... ?
* Wickus being returned to human form is, at best, a sub-plot.

Yes, they've left it open, but in a way that makes you want to know the answers, rather than in a way that would make a new film worth it. At least, that's what I think.

A lot of the best standalone films show you a snapshot of the whole - you don't see the absolute beginnings of the events that lead up to the snapshot, and you don't see anything after the snapshot. Rather, you watch the snapshot (which is always the two or three days in which something happens after not happening for an arbitrary number of years) and are left with questions both about why it happened, and what happens next. I'd personally be very disappointed if District 10 was made.

Lenny 2009-09-16 02:32 PM

I watched X-Men Origins: Wolverine tonight. It was decent, and quite standard X-Men fare. There are some things in the film (which are canon) that I didn't know about Wolverine, and seeing Gambit made me happy.

There were times throughout it when it was spoiled completely by the special effects. I don't know if I did watch the final release, but I know that it wasn't the pre-effects release (I was quite looking forward to seeing the directions for effects) - a huge majority of the effects were obviously computer generated (as opposed to computer generated but looking real), which spoilt parts of it. Wolverine's claws in some shots, for example, were obviously graphics, and were almost cartoony in their rendering.

Silverjinx18 2009-09-16 03:12 PM

The last movie I saw was 9...it was okay. The animation and idea of it was interesting though. The last movie I saw that I loved was District 9. The underlying context of the movie was amazing and witty.

HandOfHeaven 2009-09-16 06:47 PM

Blow. Love Johnny Depp.

Thanatos 2009-09-18 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by HandOfHeaven (Post 681722)
Blow. Love Johnny Depp.

I read that as "I would blow Johnny Depp"

I thought you were KA for a moment.

D3V 2009-09-18 12:36 PM


Lenny 2009-09-23 03:09 PM

9 is the film about strange sackdolls, yes?

What did you think of it, Jess?

S2 AM 2009-09-23 11:11 PM

Every time I see someone say 9, I think they are talking about district 9, I forgot there was a whole other movie called 9. Anyways if you haven't seen district 9 and aren't convinced it's good enough to see, here's another thumbs up, I finally got some time last weekend to see it.

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