Zelaron Gaming Forum

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Strider Fury 2002-06-28 11:38 PM

Groovy baby! FAR OUT!

Sum Yung Guy 2002-06-28 11:40 PM

Judo Chop!

ask_rabber 2002-06-28 11:40 PM

you can suck my dick cockface

Strider Fury 2002-06-28 11:43 PM

Thats not a man, baby, thats a woman!

Xenn 2002-06-29 12:39 PM


* SmarterChild [edit] [find posts by user] [find more ips for user]
* Sum Yung Guy [edit] [find posts by user] [find more ips for user]

tacoX 2002-06-29 01:03 PM


Xenn 2002-06-29 02:26 PM

He's back!

On icq his # is 35000


Sum Yung Guy 2002-06-29 03:19 PM


Originally posted by Xenn

* SmarterChild [edit] [find posts by user] [find more ips for user]
* Sum Yung Guy [edit] [find posts by user] [find more ips for user]

Well because smarter child is an AI he must be using my IP as a front

RoboticSilence 2002-06-29 04:00 PM

Rofl... you guys have been smoking too much crack.

Grav 2002-06-29 04:05 PM

They don't 'smoke' crack, as you put it, they are just.. bored. Very very bored. Like Penguin and I with pictures, you instead turn to AI.

Sum Yung Guy 2002-06-29 05:31 PM

of course we do it in the chat forum, you guys seem to do it anywhere you want......

ask_rabber 2002-06-29 11:28 PM

eh whoever edited my post *xenn* is my guess, seeing syg doesnt mod the chat forum or anything so he cant, unless im mistaken. and i dont have a grudge with JohnnyTAE or Penguin, or any of the supreme mods, so xenn is my guess!

Strider Fury 2002-06-29 11:40 PM

*whew*....... um, I mean... EDIT EDIT EDIT

Jamesadin 2002-06-30 09:02 AM

okay this thread is going no where....but who cares cause its in chat! YAY

mightychicken 2002-07-01 09:48 PM


Originally posted by ask_rabber
you leave aim for that pos MSN??? DIE!!!
*takes out knife*

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