Originally Posted by mjordan2nd
On a macroscopic scale, history repeats itself. You should probably try and understand the implications of a statement before attempting to use it. However, I realize that is too much to ask from a buffoon, so you are excused of your error.
Again, personal insults ftw I guess? We're talking about our races here, if you want to make it personal feel free to PM me.
Fact is, black people have failed building up a decent culture/civilization. Just look at south africa, they're topping any other country by atleast double when it comes to murders.
Why is it that black music is quite possibly the most popular music in America? And who disseminates the propaganda? Your people.
It is indeed very popular, as it is being promoted by Jews. And no, jews are
not white. As for it being the most popular: I doubt it. It might be popular, but don't forget about rock etc.
Funny. I would say that makes the majority of white children dumb in at least some sense. Since that is the case, is it fair for me to assert that the entire white race is dumb (may I say stupid?) Too bad your statement has absolutely no validity.
Again, your logic is very flawed. Ever heard of the term 'sheeple'? That's what most people are, regardless of race. Rap culture is being stuffed down their throath, so that's what they think is 'cool'.
Funny how America was built on the black man's back. It's preposterous to insinuate that America is wholly white.
White people planned it all, black people simply put the stones together. That's like a plummer taking credit for building a house.
Yes, after you have exhausted every natural, and human resource from Africa, I would suspect it will be quite difficult to build back up. White man did not build anything in Africa. Africa was turned into a realm of mass destruction once the white man entered. Africa had flourishing civilizations before Europe realized what a civilization was.
Bollocks. Africa still has tons of natural and human resources, more than all European countries combined. Black people are just too stupid to actually use it though.
Also, it wasn't turned into mass destruction when we entered,
you turned it into mass destruction when we
left. Your savage nature once again was out of control, and guess what happened!
As for Africa flourishing, pure bullshit. It was in a shade of flourishing when the white man ruled it, and now its back to the shithole it was before we tried to help you lot. Our mistake, we should've just left you and your nigger forefathers to rot.
Facts are irrelevant when they are entirely fabricated. I did not resort to personal insult. It was easily perceptible that you are guilty of bigotry. I simply stated a fact: you are a bigot. If I wanted to insult you, it would be far more evident. However, you might have to pull your head out of your ass to see it.
Please reread your posts. There are enough insults in there, boy.
Besides, how can anyone be 'guilty' of bigotry? Who said it was a crime?
Want me to state you a fact? You're a
nigger and you'll always be one. No mather how hard you study, you'll always be looked down upon. You might aswell stop studying now and join your nigger friends at the local basketball pitch.
Your thought process is far too primitive. I'm quite confident I top you in IQ. Easily.
Oh really? Now what makes you think my IQ is lower than you? Please do take into account I have a racial 20% IQ bonus over you when it comes to IQ, just take a look at the averages.
Take a look at fights in real life, blacks dominate it. I'm not going to sit at my computer screen and sincerely tell you that I will win in a fight, because quite honestly I have very little idea of how you would be in a fight. You're far too conceited to be in as many fights as you claim, though, so I doubt that your experience, or lack thereof, would have any bearing on the outcome were you and I ever too fight.
Real life fights? You call 20 niggers vs 2 white kids a
As for me being too conceited to be in the amount of fights I claim: I don't care about your opinion about me. I'm just stating facts. I have been a skinhead for years now and with being a skinhead come fights. Be honest to yourself, if you see a skinhead, don't you atleast shout at him? Now consider the amount of niggers like you I run in every day, take into consideration how many of these arguements will result into a fight and you'll have an estimate of the amount of times I get into a fight.
You obviously have no idea what's going on in the basketball world nowdays, do you?
I take it I'm right as you didn't answer my question?
Too bad that's all you can judge by on an internet forum. Your conclusion that I am unintelligent is contradictory to the evidence, since you yourself stated that I sound intelligent, and flawed. I suspect that all of your (*laughs excessively*) logic follows a similar pattern.
I'm saying using big words might make you sound intelligent, but I can see by the actual content of your posts that you're full of shit.
Heh. Even if what you were saying wasn't utter bullshit, I think the last word in your question would have dismantled your entire argument.
I might've misformulated my question as I am not a native American/Englishman, and English isn't my mother tongue. I've explained myself in the reply to your question above.