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-   -   the "special" attitude of CS players?? (http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=392)

I)ark_Phoenix 2002-03-31 07:52 AM

same with u zeronx so i wouldnt be talkin:P

HLomegasin 2002-03-31 10:55 AM

Teddybearian is super annoying...he ain't talking no shit but some useless information....~~~like "yes"...what the heck is that?
no offense

Chruser 2002-03-31 11:12 AM


Originally posted by I)ark_Pheonix
same with u zeronx so i wouldnt be talkin:P

Teddybearian 2002-03-31 04:19 PM

zeronx who has no friend????

Teddybearian 2002-03-31 04:21 PM

nah i m just kidding and i gonna start posting usefull stuff now
i just wanna get 100 post. :)

Randuin 2002-03-31 06:02 PM

rofl.. ya because you laugh at posts that doesn't make sense to me... so probly doesn't make sense to u either :D

Teddybearian 2002-04-02 03:05 PM

hello ppl i m your new mod if u have question fell free to ask me

mightychicken 2002-04-03 09:24 PM

my experince with counterstrike has been that people take it waaaaay to seriously. not in the amount of game hours they play, but since a lot of people get new systems and fast connection just for this one holy grail of online games, they get really frustrated at things. Thats also why every other half decent player is accused of "hacking".

Teddybearian 2002-04-04 10:07 AM

i dont really like cs do u guys

NonGayMan 2002-04-07 09:39 AM

I have CS but I think I need HL to play it

mightychicken 2002-04-07 11:40 AM

yes, you do. why does teddy keep posting separate thoughts in separate threads in line with eachother?

Teddybearian 2002-04-07 06:48 PM

wut do u mean

Randuin 2002-04-08 10:52 PM

it's called professional spamming :d

HLomegasin 2002-05-07 07:14 PM

No...it is call the Top Spammer!!!

Medieval Bob 2002-08-20 05:15 PM

In reply to the thread starter, you just have to find a good server. Meet some regulars and don't suck. You'll have a great time. www.x-ploited.com was where I started, and they have some of the.. l337est CS players. I play @ www.kamikaz3kr3w.com but my ping has been around 90 recently due to server problems. The trick is to meet some people.. and above all else: Do Not Suck.

Grav 2002-08-20 05:16 PM


Apocolypze 2002-08-23 05:33 PM

Sorry but c-s fucking rocks... CT 4 l!f3

Sirpullido 2002-08-23 06:42 PM


[Delta6]PHANTOM 2002-08-23 10:45 PM

Errr. . .I resent ur stereotype, u may of had a bad Xpreience with CS but there are thousands who are enjoying it. I admint, as a 17 yr old i play a lot, but u know what . . .I LIKE IT SO BACK OFF!!!!!! . . . *smokes from ears*
. . .Im okay now. Sure there are annoying 13 yr olds whose. . .parts have not dropped yet, making them annoying to listen to on the mic. Ignore! Its east, you block the persons microphone. You dont have to bad mouth a great game for the attitude some snot nosed Peuberty lacking kid gave you.

Apocolypze 2002-08-24 07:43 AM

Sad thread...... double posting, 2 word replies....

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