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undeadzombieguy 2005-03-07 01:31 PM

Such a talent for writing, awesome!!!

*Smokes even more weed than Kaos*

slaynish 2005-03-07 01:36 PM


*plays diablo 2*

KagomJack 2005-03-07 04:19 PM

Alright, let's just get this out of the way. I honestly find it to be pathetic when you have to go investigate someone's hobbies/fetishes because you have nothing better to do. As for the story, remove it before someone who is "sensitive" to the subject gets upset or something. As for my name, that's not to be given to anyone. I'm also a fox. Now, can we all not act like fucktards or is this going to continue? Either way I'm not going to shed much patience on this subject.

Sovereign 2005-03-07 04:21 PM

My bad. He's an anthro fox.

kaos 2005-03-07 04:21 PM

It's only pathetic because it's yours, if it wasn't you'd probably be laughing with us ..

kaos 2005-03-07 04:22 PM


KagomJack 2005-03-07 04:25 PM

No, not really. I was laughing my ass off regardless. It's just pathetic, that's all. I find it amusing at all the comments, etc. But I still think you guys are being fucktards. Nothing more.

slaynish 2005-03-07 04:31 PM

Oh yeah, Kagom?

How do you want me? Want to stick it in my Otter Pooci, or under my tail, in my Otter butthole?

KagomJack 2005-03-07 04:36 PM

Depends, how do YOU want it?

Grav 2005-03-07 05:03 PM

Hahahahahahaha. You are disgusting as fuck. God.

slaynish 2005-03-07 05:19 PM

Oh! I'm soooo glad you asked.

I want it NOWHERE. I dont want my penis inside a man. I want it in a wo-man.

That is not a sad man, it is a woman.

GG Kagom Ghayck.

!King_Amazon! 2005-03-07 05:51 PM

I wasn't investigating anything, I just happened to notice that the URL of the picture that guy posted was from FURNATION and the picture somewhat resembled your last one that I saw(except you look older in this one.)

Then I decided to look around and see what all you had on there, like your vacation pictures and such, and ended up finding that. It's not like I'm making anything up about you, every single bit of everything I've said is completely true.

Oh and also, bashing you for being gay was getting old as you might have noticed, so I stopped doing it. Now I've got this instead!

Thanatos 2005-03-07 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
Hmmm, so what does this guy Kagom Jack do in his spare time, you might ask?


How did I reach this conclusion?

Someone posted a picture from http://www.furnation.com/KagomJack/ and asked if it were kagom. I was curious and decided to browse this website.

It ends up I found a story about two gay male furries(1) that have a sexual encounter, along with a file saying his e-mail is [email protected](2). Take a closer look at the URL and you will see it is at FURNATION.com, some sort of furries group.

Discuss this furry man KagomJack and his homosexuality and newly discovered love of animals.

1. http://www.furnation.com/KagomJack/Yiff%20Stories/Rob%20and%20John(Yiff).doc

2. http://www.furnation.com/KagomJack/Hello.doc

LMFAO! Holy shit. Go get 'em, Kagom! You da Otter!

Hahahaha, that's fucking FUNNY.

KagomJack 2005-03-07 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
I wasn't investigating anything, I just happened to notice that the URL of the picture that guy posted was from FURNATION and the picture somewhat resembled your last one that I saw(except you look older in this one.)

Then I decided to look around and see what all you had on there, like your vacation pictures and such, and ended up finding that. It's not like I'm making anything up about you, every single bit of everything I've said is completely true.

Oh and also, bashing you for being gay was getting old as you might have noticed, so I stopped doing it. Now I've got this instead!

But the fact of the matter is you went through and posted some things that weren't appropriate for the forums and that requires looking for something. However, I could care less about being bashed for being a furry. May not seem like that at the given moment, but I don't. I'm not saying that anything you've said is made-up either. If I were, I'd go right out and say that.

!King_Amazon! 2005-03-07 08:07 PM

It's still fun, even if you don't care.

KagomJack 2005-03-07 08:08 PM

Yeah, it is fun to a degree. I can side with you somewha on that.

!King_Amazon! 2005-03-07 08:10 PM

I wasn't talking about playing with little otters, I was talking about bashing you for being a furry.

I hope you don't have any pets, maybe we need to call PETA.

KagomJack 2005-03-07 08:13 PM

I know what you were talking about, Captain Dipshit n.n

I actually find a lot of furry bashing funny. But a lot of others get so pissy over it. It's funny, so laugh. I'm not going to be uptight about it. So laugh and bash away.

!King_Amazon! 2005-03-07 08:15 PM

Do you have any pets kagom?

KagomJack 2005-03-07 08:16 PM

I just have a cat...why?

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