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MarkiX 2003-07-30 07:16 PM

listen acer I'm not crackin on ppl that are sittin at home I'm just sayin if i have to believe someone its going to have to be some one who is expieriencing the war or in congress or sumtin not sumone who is not in the war or involved in it at all. And how do u know its oil. what if there is no such thing as irag what if this was the only nation in the world and our government is hiding things from us.... that is basically what u r sayin u gotta believe sumone and i choose to believe ppl who r involved in it.

symnzXx 2003-07-31 09:03 AM

Acer you dumbass, where the hell would you get that idea. I am actually offended at what you are saying in this thread. You sound 100% anti-american. If you don't believe in our government then why the hell are you living here? Move to Canada, stupid fucker.

Acer 2003-07-31 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by symnzXx
Acer you dumbass, where the hell would you get that idea. I am actually offended at what you are saying in this thread. You sound 100% anti-american. If you don't believe in our government then why the hell are you living here? Move to Canada, stupid fucker.

stfu, im offended you read half my post and said that. I said in my post I dont beleive in it, but I don't beleive it isnt true. Im opened minded! No, I don't beleive in our government, dosen't mean its the worse one in the world, so why the fuck would I leave? Stupid ass, think before you speak, try to understand what I am saying rather than your false pride defense stopping my meaning.


Originally Posted by MarkiX
listen acer I'm not crackin on ppl that are sittin at home I'm just sayin if i have to believe someone its going to have to be some one who is expieriencing the war or in congress or sumtin not sumone who is not in the war or involved in it at all. And how do u know its oil. what if there is no such thing as irag what if this was the only nation in the world and our government is hiding things from us.... that is basically what u r sayin u gotta believe sumone and i choose to believe ppl who r involved in it.

Im just saying, think about it... and about the oil, watch the news alittle, its uncovering itself. Some news has been about the oil, not big news but still there. The UN wasn't giving us support, why? Maybe our reason's weren't strong enough, Bush still hasn't produced enough evidence to support the war, they were talking about that on CNN.

symnzXx 2003-07-31 10:14 AM

You're 100% retarded and I'm not going to waste any more time fiddling with your bullshit posts. Heh, telling me to think before I speak... maybe you should pull out some Hooked On Phonics and learn to read you fucking jackass.

Why do you people think this war was about oil? Stop being so shallow. It has been proven that Saddam Hussein worked with Osama Bin Laden, making him a threat. Threats need to be eliminated. And it took a stupid enough president (George Bush Jr.) to eliminate him(in an indirect way, think about it). Now, I don't especially like George Bush but I don't believe that they would make all this shit up just for oil. You can take your shallow theory and shove it up your ass, and stop offending me and my government with your anti-political views.

Acer 2003-07-31 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by symnzXx
You're 100% retarded and I'm not going to waste any more time fiddling with your bullshit posts. Heh, telling me to think before I speak... maybe you should pull out some Hooked On Phonics and learn to read you fucking jackass.

Why do you people think this war was about oil? Stop being so shallow. It has been proven that Saddam Hussein worked with Osama Bin Laden, making him a threat. Threats need to be eliminated. And it took a stupid enough president (George Bush Jr.) to eliminate him(in an indirect way, think about it). Now, I don't especially like George Bush but I don't believe that they would make all this shit up just for oil. You can take your shallow theory and shove it up your ass, and stop offending me and my government with your anti-political views.

blah blah blah, you just stateing things your heard... which is exactly was I was talking about... and if you haven't figured out I dont serious beleive that shit, then dont post on my threads. You just a noob that has turned a fine thread into a flame war.

Your gov? its not yours, and it started out talking about whats out there, I based my theorys are reasonable facts, if you cant accept there is a chance that what I said could be true, then your narrow minded. Im a idealist, I just think of things that no one else does, does it mean I beleive it? NO! So now stfu, have a good day, you loose

symnzXx 2003-07-31 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Acer
blah blah blah, you just stateing things your heard... which is exactly was I was talking about... and if you haven't figured out I dont serious beleive that shit, then dont post on my threads. You just a noob that has turned a fine thread into a flame war.

Your gov? its not yours, and it started out talking about whats out there, I based my theorys are reasonable facts, if you cant accept there is a chance that what I said could be true, then your narrow minded. Im a idealist, I just think of things that no one else does, does it mean I beleive it? NO! So now stfu, have a good day, you loose

You have no proof whatsoever of there not being a war in Iraq. I agree that you have the right to your own opinion. However, if you know it will piss people off, and like you said, you don't believe it, then why the hell would you post it? You post anti-political opinions and expect someone like me (a patriot) to not post on your threads. And then you call me a "noob" in a conspiracy thread. Spare me, we aren't playing Diablo 2.

Yes, my government. My country also. Name a reasonable fact that explains there not being a war in Iraq. Allow me to counter-reason for a moment. There are millions of people that the government would have to silence before they could even think about staging a war, then add in every news person that would be reporting on it, and actual people who would be shipped to this "war". It becomes an almost impossible task. Not unless there was a massive mind control operation going on, but that's straying from the point. The point is, the theory is completely and 100% bullshit, and you know it whether you say you believe in it or not. And this isn't a flame war, no one wins.

Acer 2003-07-31 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by symnzXx

Originally Posted by Acer
blah blah blah, you just stateing things your heard... which is exactly was I was talking about... and if you haven't figured out I dont serious beleive that shit, then dont post on my threads. You just a noob that has turned a fine thread into a flame war.

Your gov? its not yours, and it started out talking about whats out there, I based my theorys are reasonable facts, if you cant accept there is a chance that what I said could be true, then your narrow minded. Im a idealist, I just think of things that no one else does, does it mean I beleive it? NO! So now stfu, have a good day, you loose

You have no proof whatsoever of there not being a war in Iraq. I agree that you have the right to your own opinion. However, if you know it will piss people off, and like you said, you don't believe it, then why the hell would you post it? You post anti-political opinions and expect someone like me (a patriot) to not post on your threads. And then you call me a "noob" in a conspiracy thread. Spare me, we aren't playing Diablo 2.

Yes, my government. My country also. Name a reasonable fact that explains there not being a war in Iraq. Allow me to counter-reason for a moment. There are millions of people that the government would have to silence before they could even think about staging a war, then add in every news person that would be reporting on it, and actual people who would be shipped to this "war". It becomes an almost impossible task. Not unless there was a massive mind control operation going on, but that's straying from the point. The point is, the theory is completely and 100% bullshit, and you know it whether you say you believe in it or not. And this isn't a flame war, no one wins.

I didn't say there wasn't a war in iraq lol. Why post it? Its Conspiracy forum, thats what it is for. Post all you want, but you started a flame type post, which is why I posted what I did. Its my country too, but this country was built on free speech. Yes, I think it is far fetch, but I won't ever feel that its never possible. 100% bullshit? thinking that way makes it easier for them to do it, there always has to be someone to think of these things, otherwise who knows what would be going on. I just said I win to piss you off, lol. The reason I didn't respond with a flame is I understand why you got mad, I kinda got narrow minded myself. So, if you agree with me or not, that "it is possible" I really dont care, I will post my threorys(not saying you are trying to stop me)

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