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D3V 2003-07-06 12:12 PM

LOL No, Republicans are just beer guzziling hillbiilly rednecks, all they do all day is get the're huntin' dogs, and go get thems some deer! Democrats are smarter for this nation and they know what they are doing, look how good our economy was doing when clinton was in office, we were at peace with all of the other nations and we were in surplus with our money, everyone had a job, and everything was going well, but when pres. bush comes in here everything starts to crumble in on itself.

ViciousMilitia 2003-07-06 01:00 PM

Fuck DEMOCRATTS!!!! if something goes wrong in this fuckin world you know a democrat had somthing to do with it!

!King_Amazon! 2003-07-06 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by D3V
Republicans are just beer guzziling hillbiilly rednecks, all they do all day is get the're huntin' dogs, and go get thems some deer! Republicans are smarter for this nation and they know what they are doing

I sense some confusion.

badboy 2003-07-06 02:07 PM

D3V the only thing Clinton did was be around when the economy was good. Get your facts straight you idiot.

Medieval Bob 2003-07-06 06:16 PM

No, actually, Clinton improved the economy quite a bit. Take a US Government class and "get your facts straight you idiot."

NonGayMan 2003-07-06 08:04 PM

If I could have a quarter for every thread in this forum about who hates bush, I would have a lot of quarters! ^_^

Batosi 2003-07-07 03:16 PM

Clinton didn't really do too much when he was in office. Smoked some pot and got his dick sucked...that was about it. Helped the economy a little but i think bush has put more work into the economy then clinton ever did. But Clinton was pretty funny. lol.

ViciousMilitia 2003-07-07 07:05 PM

Clinton got his wee wee sucked he's da man.

quikspy67 2003-07-07 09:53 PM

I fliped a coin and I got no.

Batosi 2003-07-08 09:37 AM

haha. Looks like the quarter chose the right side to land on.

ViciousMilitia 2003-07-08 03:18 PM

I want Batosi to suck my pee pee.....what do you say Batosi?

D3V 2003-07-08 03:45 PM

You guys are so stupid, you think that bush is better than clinton? Tell me something that bush has done that has been good? Went to war? Spent more money on bs we don't need. Clinton did things right. You need to get your facts right badboy. You don't even know what your talking about.

Batosi 2003-07-08 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by viciousmilitia
I want Batosi to suck my pee pee.....what do you say Batosi?

I say you take your pee pee and go fuck yourself with it. End of discussion.

D3V 2003-07-09 12:46 AM

no thats quite alright.

badboy 2003-07-11 04:33 PM

Omg, D3V tell me something that Clinton did "right" if your not such a stupid lame-ass flaming cock sucker you might "make" something up.

Stripe 2003-07-26 02:09 AM

Pro-war people have been brainwashed by propaganda and republican-influenced media through out the whole fucking country. You think you know the facts? Tell me some fucking facts. You don't have any? Didn't think so. You're minds have been turned into mush by Bush and his team of propagandists. You think you have facts, but they are lies.

Acer 2003-07-26 02:34 AM

I use to hate him, but lately my dad hasn't been getting paid a lot and we were in big money problems. We might of lost our house if he didn't do that $400 tax releif thing for each child born after a certain date. I didn't count but my sisters did. We needed that $1200.

"angel" of war 2003-07-26 05:06 AM

my my what a bunch of fine candidates we have you boys like war well pleased to meat you i bet you bunch of fine lads can't wait to grab a gun, go to a defenseless third world country and start this fine nature of ours we call war. cause nothing makes a human feel like a human like the smell of fresh blood and the wailing ear popping screams of women and children being raped and shot dead by their liberators.

"angel" of war 2003-07-26 05:15 AM

well im gonna vote idiot why because he has to be if he's gonna be a world leader otherwise war can't happen. don't get me wrong i love the guy, i mean who else would come up with such a bargain renting the oil fields with the lives of his soldiers. also bush is the true posterboy of what makes america america. a republican jesus freak who likes to pray before going on a killing spree, who fathers a fine crack head dauther whom he likes to molest when feeling almighty:killgrin:

D3V 2003-07-26 10:24 AM


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