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KagomJack 2004-10-16 08:59 PM

lawlz yo :D

my mom is a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a big ol' bitch if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls :D

Tyrannicide 2004-10-17 09:44 AM

Want to tell us some more old info?

Tyrannicide 2004-10-17 09:45 AM

WHAAAA???A?A?A?A?A?A??A?seadjtfsad gsthgtryts
r y trsyhr hjsh tghseoijgfhfaeh
hhhfjsarajgdj gifjaaaaaagfgjskdfkdjfka vFSSA
f safA FDSAfawg

Lenny 2004-10-17 01:59 PM

Yo momma's so fat,
she makes Free Willy look like a tic tac

Yo momma's so fat,
when she walked in front of the TV I missed 3 commercials

Yo momma's so fat,
the last time she saw 90210 was on the scale

Yo momma's so fat,
when she steps on the scale it says one at a time please

Yo momma's so fat,
when she steps on the scale it says sorry we don't do livestock

Yo momma's so fat,
when she goes to a restaurant she gets and estimate

Yo momma's so fat,
at a restaurant when they give her the menu she replies " yes Please"

Yo momma's so fat,
when she went to the beach Greenpeace tried to drag her back in the water.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she went to get a water bed, they put a blanket across Lake Michigan.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she sat on a rainbow, Skittle's fell out.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she tiptoes, everyone yells "Stampede!"

Yo momma's so fat,
she makes sumo wrestlers look anorexic.

Yo momma's so fat,
she makes Big Bird look like a rubber duck.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she wore a shirt with an AA on it, people thought it was American Airlines biggest jet.

Yo momma's so fat,
Dr. Martens had to kill 3 cows just to make her a pair of shoes.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she goes to an all you can eat buffet, they have to install speed bumps.

Yo momma's so fat,
she can't stay on a basketball court for three seconds without getting called for a key violation.

Yo mama so fat,
that she climbed Mt. Fuji with one step.

Yo momma's so fat,
I had to take a train and two busses just to get on her good side.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips.

Yo mama' so fat,
she's 36-24-36... but that's her forearm, neck, and thigh!

Yo momma's so fat,
they had to grease a door frame and hold a Twinkie on the other side to get her through.

Yo momma's so fat,
she can lay down and stand up and her height doesn't change.

Yo momma's so fat,
the horse on her Polo shirt is real.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she runs she makes the CD player skip... at the radio station.

Yo momma's so fat,
her belly jiggle is the first ever perpetual motion machine.

Yo momma's so fat,
all the restaurants in town have signs that say: "Maximum Occupancy: 240 Patrons OR Yo Momma"

Yo momma's so fat,
when she ran away, they had to use all four sides of the milk carton.

Yo momma's so fat,
instead of wide leg jeans, she wears wide load.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she gets in an elevator, it has to go down.

Yo momma's so fat,
when I said I wanted "Pigs in a blanket" she got back in bed.

Yo momma's so fat,
when she was diagnosed with the flesh eating disease, the doctor gave her 5 years to live.

Yo momma's so fat,
she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth.

Yo momma's so fat,
she's got smaller fat women orbiting around her.

Yo momma's so fat,
a picture of her fell off the wall!

Yo momma's so fat,
her picture takes two frames.

Yo momma's so fat,
her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard.

Sorry. Great oppurtunity. Couldn't miss it.

KagomJack 2004-10-17 04:45 PM

For every "Yo mama's a bitch" joke made directly at me will earn you one USD.

Lenny 2004-10-19 11:13 AM

Yo momma's a bitch? 1 USD. What about 1 GBP???

Whatever (USD/GBP) your on.

Lenny 2004-10-19 11:15 AM

One so far:

Yo mama such a bitch, she interned for Clinton.

kockblocker1 2004-10-19 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Lenny
Yo momma's so fat,
when she sat on a rainbow, Skittle's fell out.

Best one out of the bunch. :haha:

Lenny 2004-10-19 11:24 AM

He he. Gotta put these in:

Yo momma so fat, her waist is bigger than her IQ.

Yo momma so ugly, I could only tell it was a face 'coz of the ears.

Yo momma so fat, that when she went out in a yellow coat, the schoolkids shouted "The schoolbus is here!".

Yo mamma so fat when she tries to roll out of bed in the morning she rocks herself back to sleep.

Yo momma so ugly, that when I went to the zoo, the zookeepers said thanks for bringing the bitch back.

Yo momma so fat she had to go to Sea World to get baptized.

Yo momma so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller.

Yo momma's so fat, she used the interstate for a slip, and slid.

Yo momma's so fat, The National Weather Agency assigns names to her farts.

Yo momma so fat the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn".

Yo momma so fat when she sits around the house, she SITS AROUND THE HOUSE!

Yo momma so fat when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too.

Yo momma so fat she has been declared a natural habitat for Condors.

Yo momma so fat she was floating in the ocean and spain claimed her for the new world.

Yo momma's so, fat she plays pool with the planets.

Yo momma so fat when she has sex, she has to give directions!

Yo momma's so fat, the telephone company gave her two area codes!

Yo momma's so fat, her feet need license plates!

Yo momma's so fat, people jog around her for exercise!

Yo momma's so fat her Highschool picture is taken on airfoto.

Yo momma's so fat, when she ran out into the road in front of me, I tried to swerve round, but ran out of petrol.

Yo momma's so fat that after sex I rolled over twice and I was still on the bitch.

Yo momma so stupid she hears it's chilly outside so she gets a bowl.

Yo momma so stupid you have to dig for her IQ!

Yo momma so stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved!

Yo momma so stupid that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order!

Yo momma so stupid she could trip over a cordless phone!

Yo momma so stupid she sold her car for gasoline money!

Yo momma so stupid she bought a solar-powered flashlight!

Yo momma so stupid she thinks a quarterback is a refund!

Yo momma so stupid she took a cup to see Juice.

And that's enough for today.

KagomJack 2004-10-19 05:33 PM

yeah...I fucking lied about that :D

Lenny 2004-10-20 09:46 AM

Aww...so I don't get no USD???

Lenny sad. Lenny go sniffle in cup of coffee now.

Mantralord 2004-10-20 02:22 PM

send nekked pix

KagomJack 2004-10-20 06:15 PM

bend over bitch, you're mine now!

Lenny 2004-10-21 09:54 AM

I'll Fight you for him.

timmay1113 2004-10-21 03:05 PM

yeah if your going to fight for him.... you might as well die

KagomJack 2004-10-21 06:29 PM

you can have him!

timmay1113 2004-10-21 08:19 PM

or you can all die

KagomJack 2004-10-21 08:29 PM

stfu and give me pleasure.

timmay1113 2004-10-21 08:57 PM

would you mind me shoving a gun up your ass and shooting you so you die

Lenny 2004-10-22 12:41 PM

Can I????

Oh, oh. 4 question marks. Not a good day.

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