Zelaron Gaming Forum

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Tyrannicide 2004-08-13 06:36 PM

That is an awsome sig Kagom.

KagomJack 2004-08-13 08:12 PM

thanks :) I like it :)

Anman 2004-08-14 02:02 AM

World record thread? The highest Ive seem is 90 somthing thoughsand.

LimeDeMoN 2004-08-14 06:30 AM

this thread is a waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

Anman 2004-08-14 06:58 AM

Your point being?

Youre a waste.

KagomJack 2004-08-14 09:41 AM

thank you for stating the obvious to the Lime person

Tyrannicide 2004-08-14 12:44 PM

And thank you for saying thank you.

KagomJack 2004-08-14 01:42 PM

let us cut the throats of a thousand horses and drink the blood of children...

yeah...i'm bored :(

KagomJack 2004-08-14 01:43 PM

One thing I've always wanted to know...is that King from Art of Fighting on your avatar?

Tyrannicide 2004-08-14 01:45 PM

Im assuming ur talking to Anman.

KagomJack 2004-08-14 01:45 PM

no, I'm talking to you

Tyrannicide 2004-08-14 01:51 PM

Oh, well the pic in my avatar is the same as in my sig.

Its a character from the game, "War of Genesis III"

Its an old game, but the art is good, plus this guy looked kinda cool.

KagomJack 2004-08-14 01:58 PM

well...play Art of Fighting for Genesis/SNES/Arcade

There is a character named King who looks like the guy in your avatar...beating her good makes the bouncer reveal she's a she!

-=Rico-GP=- 2004-08-14 02:30 PM

I'll cut ya bitch.

KagomJack 2004-08-14 02:32 PM

i really will! :D

-=Rico-GP=- 2004-08-14 04:13 PM

I'll cut ya bitch.

Tyrannicide 2004-08-14 04:18 PM

No no no...

>Kill everyone I hate
>Go on a second murderous rampage killing anyone
>Have sex, again and again>

Anman 2004-08-15 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by KagomJack
let us cut the throats of a thousand horses and drink the blood of children...

Why not drink the horse blood while youre at it? Hate to waste all those horses.

KagomJack 2004-08-15 09:10 AM

because someone else will drink the horse blood

-=Rico-GP=- 2004-08-15 03:23 PM

I'll cut ya bitch.

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