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klo 2007-10-16 08:09 PM

they only cost like 150 if you get it installed, but yea..that was my requirement when my parents got picked out my graduation "present" (aka a payment book for the following 5 yrs...). AND it has a cassette player, need to upgrade that when we have some extra cash, haha. :(

Vault Dweller 2007-10-17 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Thanatos
I love Culver's. It's a better Steak N' Shake.

I've never heard of Culver's, but I'm hungry for some Steak N' Shake now at 2:30 am.


-Spector- 2007-10-17 03:18 PM

Fuck Algebra...... and your mom.

Vault Dweller 2007-10-18 01:50 AM

The barometric pressure is changing, so my knee feels like it's swollen with burning, jagged shards of evil.

-Spector- 2007-10-23 04:01 PM

I hate school.

And being tired.

HandOfHeaven 2007-10-23 04:03 PM

Twisted my ankle. I hate gopher holes.

Thanatos 2007-10-30 08:22 AM




HandOfHeaven 2007-10-30 08:46 AM

Big welt on my forehead. Fighting is never the answer.

!King_Amazon! 2007-10-30 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Thanatos



The root cause of all hangovers is, of course, drinking alcohol. If you drink enough and end up with a hangover, it means you've ingested more alcohol than your body can metabolize efficiently. The toxins in alcohol build up in your body and make you feel sick. A chief culprit is a chemical called acetaldehyde. This is an alcohol by-product that research suggests may cause the worst of your hangover symptoms.

Congeners are another cause of hangovers. These are impurities created during the fermentation process in some types of alcohol. Low quality wines and many dark liquors tend to have high levels of congeners. The rule of thumb is the darker your drink, the worse the hangover. Hungover.net's Pain-O-Meter has an amusing list of hangover-inducing alcoholic beverages.

Dehydration is both a cause and a symptom of hangovers. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases urination. The more alcohol you drink, the more water your body loses. Your liver and kidneys need water to process the alcohol, so when you lose water, your body struggles to rid itself of toxins.

The best cure for a hangover is prevention. If you insist on imbibing, be more careful about your intake. Drink no more than one drink per hour. Remember that light-colored drinks will hurt you less. Drink water while you drink alcohol. Having food in your stomach is a good idea because it slows the absorption of alcohol by your body.

Many hangover cures are just old wives' tales. Drinking more alcohol (known as the "hair of the dog") won't help. It simply postpones the inevitable. Caffeinated drinks like coffee are diuretics, so avoid them if you're hung-over. Eating fruits and vegetables can help replenish the nutrients you've lost. Hungover.net recommends B vitamins. Many sources advise against taking acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol) because it could damage your liver if mixed with alcohol. Ibuprofen painkillers are considered a better choice.

Other classic remedies include sports drinks like Gatorade and sugary food and drink. Tomatoes figure prominently in hangover cures, from Bloody Marys to V8 to Italian food. Some swear that exercise (even sex!) is a great way to get the blood pumping and move toxins out of the body. The amino-acid supplement cysteine may help your liver break down alcohol, too.

Medical research has shown that what you really need to get rid of a hangover is restful time for your body to heal. Plenty of water will help you feel better. Just remember to take it easy at the bar, and try to avoid problems next time.

Thanatos 2007-10-30 10:12 AM

Why, thank you KA!!

My hangover is going away as we speak....

!King_Amazon! 2007-10-30 10:14 AM

You're quite welcome.

Does it suck reading this with a hangover?

Thanatos 2007-10-30 10:19 AM

Yes, as does your signature.

Thanatos 2007-10-30 11:54 AM

I keep finding pictures of myself on myspace on girl's profiles from the past couple of weekends. gay...

!King_Amazon! 2007-10-30 11:57 AM

That must be pretty weird.

Willkillforfood 2007-10-30 03:48 PM

"omg I love going 2 parties cuz i get drunk and end up on girlz myspaces kekeke!"

Lenny 2007-10-31 04:38 PM

Bah... I've had a thumping headache for the best part of three days, I'm horribly ill, sore throat, blocked nose, tickly cough (the works! Glee...), and I've got a cold sore on my bottom lip.

I want to crawl in to bed and sleep for a month. :(

!King_Amazon! 2007-10-31 04:44 PM

I have a pounding headache, that's about it.

HandOfHeaven 2007-10-31 04:45 PM

You too? I've had a sizeable headache since Sunday night, and it is Wednesday afternoon. Quite the annoyance when you have to work and do homework.

Lenny 2007-10-31 04:56 PM

Jeez, we're a right old lot of members, aren't we? Headaches galore!

I wonder if a headache can be transmitted via the intarweb. :rolleyes: :p

Vollstrecker 2007-10-31 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny
I wonder if a headache can be transmitted via the intarweb. :rolleyes: :p

It's possible. I think one of Kyeruu's posts gave me AIDS.

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