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RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:49 PM

Pot = Good
Crack = Baaad.
Pot can't kill you...
The idea of snorting shit = Bad.
:smiley with sign that says "I Love Pot":

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:51 PM

Jr... your 7.07 posts per day sucks compared to my average.

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 07:51 PM

lol nice attempy at a smiley there RS... ______
| POT |
| ___
(|--|. . |
|_-_| lol beautiful, eh?

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:51 PM

I have the best average here.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:51 PM

Get taco to make it.

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:52 PM

so? i joined, and then got grounded for a while so i couldnt post. for when ive been posting, its been almost nonstop

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:52 PM

so? i joined, and then got grounded for a while so i couldnt post. for when ive been posting, its been almost nonstop

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:52 PM

that was awful wiccan

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:52 PM

that was awful wiccan

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:52 PM

but still alot better than i could do, so im gonna shut up now b4 u rape my gold

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:52 PM

but still alot better than i could do, so im gonna shut up now b4 u rape my gold

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 07:53 PM

Profile For Wiccan][V][asta Search for all posts by this user.

Date Registered: 04-02-2002
Status: Supreme Moderator

Total Posts: 1098 (49.59 posts per day)

you may have the best average but looks whos been here for 22 days and is already a sup. mod... I was made a mod nearly immediatly cause Chruser saw my work from Cheatlist and Dworld. Then he realized i was an important asset and made me a sup mod. So I'm doing better than you in that area... :)

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:54 PM

oh hush. im still working on sucking up. itll take a while tho, i got lots of hmwk comin up

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:54 PM

oh hush. im still working on sucking up. itll take a while tho, i got lots of hmwk comin up

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 07:54 PM

I have lots of groundedness coming up so I'm raising the post count as best I can... lol

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:55 PM

ya thats why im not shutting up for now, i gotta make up for lost time

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:55 PM

ya thats why im not shutting up for now, i gotta make up for lost time

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 07:56 PM

lol same here, actually im pre-making up for it.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:56 PM

I've been here three days and bout have half your posts.

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:56 PM

damn u robotic, uve got more than me in the space of like 3 days

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:56 PM

damn u robotic, uve got more than me in the space of like 3 days

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:57 PM

then again, i have a life

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 07:57 PM

then again, i have a life

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 07:57 PM

but then again who spams the most? you. Who got the higher position faster? me. Who deserved it tho? me. :)

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:58 PM

:D Yup... I have no intentions of becoming mod.

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:58 PM

Cept for the item pwnage.

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 07:58 PM

I love the item pwnage, it's realy nice. I can get whatever I want... :)

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:58 PM

And I can't say I want to for the no timer... cause that wouldn't get it for me.. :D Whoops...

Randuin 2002-04-24 07:59 PM

wha for what?

Randuin 2002-04-24 07:59 PM

wha for what?

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 07:59 PM

I want my damn Space Robot title.

Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 07:59 PM

Well once I hit 1111 posts I'm done for the night so dont worry

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 08:00 PM

Mods don't deal with the 22 second timer between posts.

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 08:00 PM

yah, items here suck, no1 seems to like to pay me for the sex i give them ::cough::wiccan::cough:: so im stuck with crappy items

JRwakebord 2002-04-24 08:00 PM

yah, items here suck, no1 seems to like to pay me for the sex i give them ::cough::wiccan::cough:: so im stuck with crappy items

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 08:00 PM

Once you are 1337 you will leave..!!!

Xenn 2002-04-24 08:00 PM

Oh uh I forgot to mention: You need 2000 posts AND to be registered for 60 days to get a custom title :cool:

Xenn 2002-04-24 08:00 PM

Oh uh I forgot to mention: You need 2000 posts AND to be registered for 60 days to get a custom title :cool:

RoboticSilence 2002-04-24 08:00 PM


Wiccan][V][asta 2002-04-24 08:00 PM

Fine then you get 50 gold.

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