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Kaneda 2005-11-02 06:15 PM

Ahhh a snake!

JRwakebord 2005-11-02 07:19 PM

Mushroom MUSHROOM!!

Sovereign 2005-11-02 07:36 PM

asgasdgfawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww rofol rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Lenny 2005-11-03 10:40 AM

What the?! When was the last time you posted in here?


Lenny 2005-11-03 11:12 AM

Interesting...I've just gone back through this thread till I found where I started posting. I had the worst "lol", "anywho" and "..." addictions! And what's with the superfluous use of punctuation?!

Anway, there's so much interesting stuff...he he he, I even found this from when you guys tried to give me advice on asking out my crush, just before Easter...I honestly thought I'd ask her out over Easter, but never did... :(



Originally Posted by Kaneda
Be sure too keep us updated then eh. Never forget about your fellow forums members when commiting acts of stupidity. J/K flirtin is easy. Especially in school. Touching is half of it right there.

I never did forget... :p

In all my time at school though I've only ever properly talked to her once or twice... :cry: We only ever have conversations on MSN, and even those have become few and far between now, but that might have been because after Easter she started going out with a guy, they've just broken up (he was the drunkard)...so...you never know.

I've got people at school saying:

"Get in the Lenny."
"Come on, now's your chance!"
"Get talking to her, become really good friends then BAM! Ask her out!"

And so on...

Ah the life of matchmaker... :weird:

sciencekid 2005-11-03 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lenny
Interesting...I've just gone back through this thread till I found where I started posting. I had the worst "lol", "anywho" and "..." addictions! And what's with the superfluous use of punctuation?!

Anway, there's so much interesting stuff...he he he, I even found this from when you guys tried to give me advice on asking out my crush, just before Easter...I honestly thought I'd ask her out over Easter, but never did... :(


I never did forget... :p

In all my time at school though I've only ever properly talked to her once or twice... :cry: We only ever have conversations on MSN, and even those have become few and far between now, but that might have been because after Easter she started going out with a guy, they've just broken up (he was the drunkard)...so...you never know.

I've got people at school saying:

"Get in the Lenny."
"Come on, now's your chance!"
"Get talking to her, become really good friends then BAM! Ask her out!"

And so on...

Ah the life of matchmaker... :weird:

man, you're hecka lucky that you even have a chance that she might like you as more than a friend. all the girls I know don't like me any more than a friend :( this sucks.

JRwakebord 2005-11-03 01:36 PM

Fuzzy llama funny llama llama llama duck!

Dar_Win 2005-11-03 03:51 PM

Does anyone remember that "You know your addicting to D2 when..." thread? It was made a while ago, I just couldn't seen to dig it up. Can anyone get me a link?

undeadzombieguy 2005-11-03 05:14 PM

For some reason I remember almost exactly what I posted in that thread...even though it's a long time ago, like 2 years maybe? Weird... :wierd:

undeadzombieguy 2005-11-03 05:16 PM

Oh and I believe I posted something like

You know when you are addicted to D2 when you build mud golems out of sand...blabla... Something to do with mud golems I think.

Wasnt there a reward or whatever for the best posts?

Dar_Win 2005-11-03 07:00 PM

Don't remember. I just remember a lot of them were very funny. :)

Randuin 2005-11-03 08:46 PM

Elitist is where it's at

Randuin 2005-11-04 09:32 AM

What's the point of the poll again?

Lenny 2005-11-04 01:55 PM

I don't know how much she likes me, but I'll probably be lucky if it is more than a good friend.

But I spoke to her today! :grin:

Left Maths with a big grin on my face. The girl who was sat next to me can't see for a few months (eye problem, something to do with her contacts) so she's been moved to the front which, by sheer coincidence, is where the girl I like sat. She's no sat on the back row with me and some other guy...who actually fancies the pants of her best friend...yeah, so she's sat on the back row now, next to me, for the next few months.

I'm gonna be leaving Maths every day with a giant grin on my face... :D

Randuin 2005-11-04 06:02 PM

Less suck please.

JRwakebord 2005-11-04 09:35 PM

The day she wears a miniskirt is the day Lenny excuses himself to the bathroom...

undeadzombieguy 2005-11-05 02:07 AM

They always wear skirts dont they? Does your school have schooluniforms, Lenny?

Lenny 2005-11-05 04:28 AM


Blazer, shirt, tie, trousers for lads and skirts for the girls (though they have got their own design of trousers).

We got a new HeadMaster in April and he's been trying to make some changes to appearance. Not exactly the Uniform itself but how it's worn. Before him, many of the chavs in my form came in wearing what looked like belts. It would give you nightmares. Now girls must have knee-length (or thereabouts) skirts.

We occasionally have non-uniform days though - Jeans for Genes, Sports Hall Appeal Sportswear Day, [Breast Cancer Awareness] Pink Day, Just Non-Uniform Day.

We had a Pink day just before the holidays. It was pretty funny to see what people wore...for example (this is a lad...I know, terrible!):


It's too scary to put [img] tags round.

Kaneda 2005-11-05 10:18 AM

Looks like a girl from Grease.

Thanatos 2005-11-05 10:38 AM

Or a faggot from England.

JRwakebord 2005-11-05 12:24 PM

Or me when I'm drunk.

Randuin 2005-11-06 09:38 AM

Zeus, obviously

Lenny 2005-11-06 10:23 AM

I'm annoyed...:mad:

Missed my 4 posts now I'm down to 96% activity.

Ah well, that's what happens when you let your sister use the computer before you...stupid cow.

Kaneda 2005-11-06 10:24 AM

lol. Your sister is a heffer!

Kaneda 2005-11-06 10:25 AM

Put her out to graze!

Lenny 2005-11-06 10:27 AM

I ought to...the house is surrounded by fields so...

Randuin 2005-11-06 10:48 AM


Randuin 2005-11-06 10:49 AM

Hey grav, sup

undeadzombieguy 2005-11-06 01:43 PM

...I was going strong, but now inactivity strikes again and I cant find anything worthwile to reply to.

Kaneda 2005-11-06 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by undeadzombieguy
cant find anything worthwile to reply to.

Which is why half of Lennys post are something similar to,
Did anyone know that Sir Edmond III invented the game of Dominos because he was dislexic and like to match up the dots whilst under the influence of Burgby.

undeadzombieguy 2005-11-06 02:16 PM

No, but I do know a week has 7 days.

Great-Thanatos 2005-11-06 02:36 PM

sov has 13k posts holy shit

undeadzombieguy 2005-11-06 02:49 PM

Great-Thanatos posts are not available holy shit


Kaneda 2005-11-06 03:29 PM


undeadzombieguy 2005-11-06 03:31 PM


Kaneda 2005-11-06 03:31 PM


undeadzombieguy 2005-11-06 03:32 PM

... :(

undeadzombieguy 2005-11-06 03:33 PM

R U MV-snAP?


Kaneda 2005-11-06 03:34 PM

I DUPEZ 4 U!!11

That was actually a quadruple kill I had but I broke it up. -_-

undeadzombieguy 2005-11-06 04:04 PM

okay whatever, ik ga naar bed...

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