I cant, yet. I dont have bluetooth, infrared or the proper cables. I also havent activated the email client/internet on my phone yet, because that takes too much trouble... :o |
That guy has the same avatar Grav just recently had. Except he has had it since like forever. Or 2002... whatever way you want to look at it. |
Grav is a copycat!
Testes 123
There we go =D
I think this site needs to expand is sig restraints just a we bit. Like 400 by 150.
Significant content my ass. |
Cause my prefered size is 150x400. This one would look better if it a mer 25 extra pixels. :)
See thats why I just started with the size limits Zelaron has and kept it all in there.
I think big sigs are ugly. I like the size limits.
Things that make the page bigger should be made illegal.
SO really long posts should be outlawed?
No...I meant things that make the page bigger widthways.
Say images that stretch the page so you've got a scroll bar at the bottom... Saying that though, I posted a few pics not too long ago that did that... :p |
You got served ~
I usually don't mind our size restrictions but I don't want to have to make a different sig for ever site. I like this one. ^.^
I've found that any other forum I register on has the same size restrictions of 500 x 125.
What the hell is that?
Some map of Europe displaying some kind of information.
Lenny I find that all other forums usually allow 2 sigs plus user bars and other shit. Ours seems pretty nazi about it.
It depends what 'make' of forum it is.
Some vBulletin ones I've seen have no signatures. Invision allow things like 100 characters, or 5000, or 10000. I don't know about PHPBB though. ---------- And I believe that map shows where people live, maybe off a forum? If it was Zelaron for instance and showed the regular posters and members you associate with Zel you'd see a lot in America, and the odd few in Europe, Asia and Australia. |
mmm? |
Actually, it's the current location of my undercover agents. Maybe I shouldnt have posted that. But ah well, it's their real names being displayed so there's no way someone is going to know who they really are at this moment, seeing as they use undercover names.
That's a lot of agents.
Do the people they fight against know they're spies? Like James Bond. The people he fights and spies against know that he's a spy, which kinda deafets the thing about spies being secret and no-one knowing they're spies because they're spies. |
Hes not a spy, hes an agent. Spys are always undercover. Bond never is.
Really? Then how come half the time he uses a fake name :-P
And MI6 are all Spies. It's common fact. They built a nice new HQ not too long ago. All glass and angles. There was a news report on it. They stood right outside... :) Now all the terrorists can't miss it! |
I actually saw that building when I visited London. Looks very unique, I liked the design alot.
What did you think about the Erotic Gherkin?
The what?
The Erotic Gherkin. Ken Livinstones office. The sneaky little bastard built it outside the congestion zones. So whilst everyone else pays to go to work, he doesn't... :p
It might have not been built when you wwere over here. When were you over here? |
On the internet we call that a red X.
Why can no-one see my Images in [img] tags?!
Because microsoft says I'm not allowed to visit that page, it's forbidden. :|
Oh for Gods sake!
I swear those guys will get a very nasty package if they don't comply with my complications! |
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