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[00:06] System: Knight Sir Rick has joined the chat
[00:06] Knight Sir Rick: When is a slave not a slave?
[00:13] System: Knight Sir Rick has left the chat
[06:29] System: Wed-G has joined the chat
[06:29] Wed-G: When you don't live in fear.
[06:35] System: Wed-G has left the chat
[08:45] System: Knight Sir Rick has joined the chat
[08:45] Knight Sir Rick: When he is a slave master. Har har har.
[09:11] System: Knight Sir Rick has left the chat
[09:31] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:31] D3V: wakka heyyyy fozzie bear is in attendence, yes?
[09:33] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[09:33] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:33] !King_Amazon!: always
[09:33] !King_Amazon!: http­://­www­.­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­kKrtbUinWOU
[09:40] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:40] D3V: LOL thats pretty epic
[09:40] D3V: pannn, slo-mo zoom means he's the tarrrget
[09:42] !King_Amazon!: It's one of his better literal trailers but there are some other really good ones
[09:42] !King_Amazon!: The Bioshock one is pretty good
[09:47] !King_Amazon!: slow motion lasts until you look down, so don't look down
[09:47] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:56] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:56] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[09:56] D3V: that'sgood, im gonna have to subscribe.
[10:02] System: D3V has left the chat
[13:37] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[13:37] Lenny: Olllllddd. Though good.
[13:37] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[13:37] !King_Amazon!: It came out a whole 2 months ago
[13:37] !King_Amazon!: And I saw it when it came out because I'm a subscriber
[13:37] !King_Amazon!: In other words, STFU and IDGAF
[13:38] !King_Amazon!: Also, do your fucking job and get rid of this spammer
[13:38] !King_Amazon!: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­.­php­?­t­=­50426
[13:38] !King_Amazon!: bitch
[13:39] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[13:40] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[13:41] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[13:43] System: Lenny has left the chat
[13:45] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[13:45] Lenny: I was doing. Then someone rand me. =(
[13:45] Lenny: Anyway, why can't Mr. Stealth Mod do it?
[13:45] Lenny: rang*
[13:45] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[13:46] !King_Amazon!: I don't use my powers for menial tasks like that
[13:46] !King_Amazon!: That is why peons like you exist
[13:46] !King_Amazon!: You might as well ask the CIA to start setting up speed traps to stop speeding on US roads
[13:47] System: Lenny has left the chat
[13:48] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[14:10] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[14:10] !King_Amazon!: http­://­www­.­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­TS8pFJKUjfg
[14:10] !King_Amazon!: There, his WoW: Cataclysm Literal trailer which was released TODAY
[14:14] !King_Amazon!: It only has 305 views as of this posting
[14:21] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[15:13] System: D3V has joined the chat
[15:13] D3V: youtube's view counter updating system isn't updated but every 24 hours or something. It'll stay like that for a few hours and you'll go back and look at it and it'll be in the 30k-50k-100k-500k range.
[15:23] System: D3V has left the chat
[16:14] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[16:14] !King_Amazon!: irrelevant
[16:49] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[18:56] System: Wallow has joined the chat
[18:58] System: Wallow has left the chat
[22:31] System: klo has joined the chat
[22:31] klo: what was kanedas new name?
[22:41] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[22:41] !King_Amazon!: what are you talking about
[22:41] !King_Amazon!: are you gonna bring some crazy back to Zelaron?
[22:42] klo: he hung himself dude its kinda crazy....just wanted to be crazy for a while and look around
[22:43] !King_Amazon!: hung himself?
[22:43] !King_Amazon!: literally?
[22:43] klo: soooooo?
[22:43] klo: yeah
[22:43] !King_Amazon!: as in, dead
[22:44] !King_Amazon!: that's pretty lame
[22:44] klo: he was on a ventilator until our babys bday and his dad let him go
[22:44] klo: yeah, your telling me
[22:45] !King_Amazon!: that's fucked up
[22:45] !King_Amazon!: sorry to hear it
[22:45] klo: i basically took care of everything and he drank until he let go. so what's his name? ive already gone thru all the fb and myspace accts i could access, but its all the same crazy shit i was expecting. the only thing i found that was of significance was a poem he wrote me over a year ago
[22:45] klo: me too, sorry he really felt that bad man; i tried for 8 fukn years and he just dueced it.
[22:46] !King_Amazon!: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­search­.­php­?­do­=­finduser­&­u­=­24027
[22:46] klo: wasn't it katy perry?
[22:47] !King_Amazon!: Any idea why he did it?
[22:47] klo: he was drunk enough.
[22:47] !King_Amazon!: Hayduke=Kaneda
[22:47] !King_Amazon!: That's all I know
[22:47] !King_Amazon!: was he depressed or something?
[22:47] !King_Amazon!: or was it an accident?
[22:47] klo: def wouldn't have done it like that, he did it in a bathroom that 4 other people used, 4 days before our daughter turned 4
[22:47] klo: hes always been depressed.
[22:48] klo: never thought he'd leave me. I'm w one of his old roomates at my place trying to clean up my "old" self, going insane
[22:49] !King_Amazon!: We all leave eventually, but that is really sad
[22:53] klo: yeah he was supposed to wait for me too man
[22:53] klo: like, we were supposed to grow old together and stuff.
[22:54] klo: having a hard time facing future thoughts without him, it was a long time of my life and our baby is him with my lips and hair
[22:54] klo: so smart tho
[22:55] !King_Amazon!: You'll be alright
[22:56] !King_Amazon!: Life has a way of taking you where you are supposed to go
[22:56] !King_Amazon!: It hardly ever makes sense until after the fact
[22:59] !King_Amazon!: You've always got friends here as well, if you just need to get away from real life
[23:03] System: klo has left the chat
[23:03] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat

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