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[10:48] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:48] D3V: so. I just got back from Miami.
[10:49] D3V: OMGAWD.
[11:14] System: D3V has left the chat
[11:14] System: Mdselctr has joined the chat
[11:14] Mdselctr: D3V, what was it like?
[11:24] System: Mdselctr has left the chat
[12:43] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[12:43] HandOfHeaven: Probably saw the cast of Jersey Shore and threw sharp objects at them
[13:42] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[15:17] System: D3V has joined the chat
[15:17] D3V: we actually joked about seeing snooki gettin a train ran on her, but no, we didnt' see them.
[15:18] D3V: we were on south beach though, I was hoping we would. Mdselctr; the beach was amazing. We stayed a resort on the shore. The weather cooperated wonderfully, and we had a wonderful time. Unfortunately, I don't remember much of that night because of the two bottles of Patron I help down, but overall, the trip was amazing.
[15:19] D3V: I don't mind spanish women, actually, if I had to pick only one race of females to roam the earth for the rest of mankind, Latina women would top that list. So spanish speaking in almost every area of the city was awesome.
[15:28] System: D3V has left the chat
[16:15] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[16:15] Skurai: I think if Mdselctr was a girl, he'd have a bra under his shirt.
[16:18] Skurai: I straightened my hair, and it's all sticky, so now I can have a pick in my hair. :3
[16:23] System: Skurai has left the chat
[16:36] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[16:36] jamer123: ?
[16:38] System: Mdselctr has joined the chat
[16:38] Mdselctr: Skurai, kumoricon's in a few days....
[16:38] Mdselctr: Md. got four free passes, if anyone's in the portland area and would want one, hit up Cislife on aim
[16:39] Mdselctr: (usually the tickets are $60-90) so this is a good deal, to say the least
[16:39] System: D3V has joined the chat
[16:40] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[16:40] Skurai: OOoooo~
[16:40] Skurai: I'm not there, now I haz a sad. lol
[16:41] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[16:42] Skurai: Mdselctr, you stole my chat color! Theif!!
[16:42] Mdselctr: aww skuwai.. dow be swad ; *
[16:42] Mdselctr: *glomps you*
[16:42] Mdselctr: lol
[16:42] Mdselctr: Now what are you going to do?
[16:42] Skurai: o_o'
[16:43] Skurai: Ummm.... wat
[16:43] Skurai: You sayin' I like dudes??
[16:43] Mdselctr: Seriously, pondering what your next move will be is like watching a squirrel make it's mind to run one way or the other the moments before it is roadkill
[16:43] Mdselctr: ; P
[16:43] D3V: lolwut.
[16:43] Skurai: I'm gonna put... my pick...
[16:44] Skurai: on the other side of my hair....
[16:44] Mdselctr: Skurai, what's the difference between being secretive and plain-out lieing?
[16:44] Skurai: Saying you don't mind black people is secretive. Saying you like them is lying.
[16:44] Mdselctr: skurai, there was a porta-potty on the i99 down in oregon going south toward roseburg with some writing above the manifold
[16:45] Skurai: Okay?
[16:45] Mdselctr: it read "look quick put dick in back of head"
[16:45] Mdselctr: and then someone else wrote under that "OK..."
[16:45] Mdselctr: lol
[16:45] D3V: .
[16:46] Mdselctr: the only thing behind your head were a bunch of spiders...
[16:46] Skurai: wat
[16:46] Skurai: !??
[16:46] Mdselctr: and just then a brown recluse made the kill..
[16:46] Mdselctr: a fly got trapped in its web...
[16:46] Mdselctr: a web of lies... you see? *wink wink*
[16:46] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[16:46] jamer123: hm
[16:47] Skurai: ...you sayin' I like dudes?
[16:47] jamer123: i might sell my desktop computer
[16:47] D3V: bravo.
[16:47] Mdselctr: jamer123, what are the specs?
[16:47] *Mdselctr might buy it if it can play games good*
[16:47] Skurai: Hey, look! Now we just need Mantra and Kagom and it's a party.
[16:47] Mdselctr: this macbook pro isn't very pro
[16:47] jamer123: its a pentium 4 ... it would need a little upgrading to get it game worthy
[16:48] Mdselctr: oh no! pentium 4! haha
[16:48] jamer123: graphics is major
[16:48] Mdselctr: how much and do you include the ram, etc?
[16:48] Mdselctr: what type of ram, and bus speed, that's another question
[16:48] jamer123: it includes everything needed
[16:48] jamer123: pc 2400
[16:49] Mdselctr: did you overclock it in the past?
[16:49] jamer123: ddr2
[16:49] jamer123: nope
[16:49] Mdselctr: oh, that's only 800mhz at most
[16:49] Mdselctr: well, it could be a server
[16:49] Skurai: lol, it's like a bussiness.
[16:49] *Mdselctr might need a server*
[16:49] D3V: 733
[16:49] Mdselctr: awesome, d3v
[16:49] Skurai: I'm going to read all of jamers posts in Billy Mays voice now.
[16:49] Mdselctr: d3v, does one pronounce your name "dev" ?
[16:49] D3V: yes.
[16:49] jamer123: 2.4 ghz cpu
[16:50] jamer123: 2.4 ghz cpu
[16:50] D3V: that's the intention of it, at least.
[16:50] jamer123: stupid chat
[16:50] Skurai: I refuse! I will say "Dee-thre-vee". :3
[16:50] Skurai: three*
[16:50] D3V: that works too, it's personal preference. my name is devin so d3v was my first idea for a name.
[16:51] jamer123: i had someone look over the specs and see what its worth
[16:51] Mdselctr: yeah, when will chruser give mdselctr access to the server so there can be some improvements made here
[16:51] jamer123: 100 gb hard drive
[16:51] Mdselctr: it's probably only worth $250 or $300 depending on how much ram you have
[16:51] Skurai: (did he refere to himself in the third person)
[16:51] jamer123: 1 gb
[16:52] D3V: ^ agree with that guestimation.
[16:52] Mdselctr: skurai, you type "/me ..."
[16:52] jamer123: he says around 400 with win 7
[16:52] D3V: you won't get more than $250 IMO. for just a tower? You can buy brand new dual cores with 2gigs of ram for $300.
[16:52] jamer123: its a common irc thing
[16:52] *Mdselctr prefers linux*
[16:52] Skurai: (He's done it more than once, before. Sometimes he's happy, sometimes angry, the other happy...)
[16:53] *jamer123 likes ircing*
[16:53] *Skurai thinks outloud*
[16:53] D3V: linux, ubuntu. redhat linux is the best imo.
[16:53] Mdselctr: come on irc.oftc.net/$nerds : P
[16:53] D3V: @work.
[16:53] jamer123: mibbit
[16:53] Skurai: *Picks his hair while listening to THIS http­://­www­.­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­333w6NhGQVM *
[16:53] jamer123: backtrack is nice
[16:54] jamer123: used live cd for a week
[16:54] D3V: good song.
[16:54] D3V: listening to some dudes i went to school with: http­://­www­.­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­ojG_XZtbqbg
[16:55] Mdselctr: jamer123, backtrack is nice, yeah
[16:55] System: Skurai has left the chat
[16:55] Mdselctr: it has decent tools
[16:55] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[16:56] Mdselctr: chruser uses SELinux
[16:57] D3V: why
[16:57] jamer123: stupic cheek
[16:57] jamer123: bit it during lunch and now its swollen
[16:58] Mdselctr: A problem with SELinux is one of it's advantages: it makes the system completely secure by giving limited "jail" access to regular users
[16:58] Mdselctr: but the system is pretty transparent to a system administrator
[16:59] Skurai: Who's that one dude that played God in Bruce Almighty?
[16:59] Mdselctr: you have to set things called "roles" using this sestatus command
[16:59] Mdselctr: which allows users privelages to access dynamic memory, for example, it's the NSA's inventino
[16:59] Mdselctr: inventino*
[16:59] Mdselctr: invention* <_M
[16:59] Skurai: l0l
[17:00] Mdselctr: Italian typo
[17:00] Mdselctr: literally.. http­://­en­.­wiktionary­.­org­/­wiki­/­inventino
[17:00] *Skurai knocks over his printer*
[17:01] Skurai: FUCK ITALY!
[17:02] Skurai: (and nobody went to Italy, that day)
[17:03] jamer123: ?
[17:03] System: D3V has left the chat
[17:04] System: D3V has joined the chat
[17:05] *Skurai is now listening to Eff Grandad by Thugnificent*
[17:05] D3V: morgan freeman.
[17:05] jamer123: ...
[17:05] Mdselctr: skurai, and you have no say over it: someone's whereabouts.
[17:06] System: Skurai has left the chat
[17:06] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[17:07] Skurai: Thank you, D3V
[17:08] Skurai: and, what, Mdselctr???
[17:08] System: Mdselctr has left the chat
[17:08] System: Mdselctr has joined the chat
[17:08] Mdselctr: Skurai, oh nothing...
[17:08] Skurai: edited a post. Okays.
[17:09] D3V: it's funny watching you talk to yourself.
[17:09] D3V: skurai/mdselctr.
[17:10] Skurai: >Implying you didn't instantly reply to Mdselctr, before
[17:11] *Mdselctr rolls eyes*
[17:11] Mdselctr: lol
[17:12] D3V: busted.
[17:12] Skurai: o.0
[17:12] D3V: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showpost­.­php­?­p­=­690343
[17:12] Skurai: lol u mad?
[17:13] D3V: not at all. i'm happy actually.
[17:13] Mdselctr: Oh well, it's better than being mistaken for a girl or something inane like that.
[17:13] D3V: skruai is a girl. didnt you know she has a purse.
[17:13] System: Skurai has left the chat
[17:13] D3V: skurai*
[17:13] jamer123: lol
[17:14] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[17:14] jamer123: i had that thought tha skurai was
[17:14] Mdselctr: [he] was making it seem like he bought the purse to mod it and use it as a rucksack-type rig
[17:14] Skurai: I'm not a girl, I just like... girl things...
[17:15] jamer123: ....
[17:15] Skurai: Basically what Mdselctr said.
[17:16] D3V: he just has mental issues, and tries to display multiple­-­personalities
[17:16] Skurai: I have... all the pride cards from school... some notebooks...
[17:16] Mdselctr: skurai is one of the people who hasn't shown his pic in the famous picture thread
[17:16] Skurai: wat
[17:16] Mdselctr: skurai, you don't have anything to lose, man. lol
[17:17] System: D3V has left the chat
[17:17] Skurai: My photographic virginity, perhaps!
[17:18] Mdselctr: meh
[17:18] Mdselctr: if it's a question of balancing that value, then there should be no reason you can't post it
[17:18] Mdselctr: because you give way too much importance to your secrecy than is normal
[17:19] Skurai: ...wat
[17:19] Skurai: :<
[17:19] Mdselctr: skurai, in other words: if you want other people to respect your value of secrecy, you still don't lose anything by posting your picture
[17:20] Skurai: I don't wanna, though...
[17:20] Mdselctr: but your reason in questionable
[17:20] Mdselctr: ; )
[17:21] Skurai: I stayed inside all summer and gained 5 pounds. I'm fat and ugly... I'll do it on Halloween...
[17:21] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[17:21] System: Skurai has left the chat
[17:21] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[17:22] Mdselctr: alright, will post pics from the anime con, too
[17:22] Skurai: Oooo~
[17:22] Mdselctr: skurai, what would you cosplay as?
[17:22] Skurai: Me?? Hmmm...
[17:22] Skurai: Ash from Phantom Brave, or... Kamen Rider Decade... or....
[17:22] Mdselctr: http­://­www­.­animefreak­.­tv­/­book

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