[00:15] System: Skurai
has left the chat |
[00:39] System: Snake
has joined the chat |
[00:39] Snake:
I need me some superpower like that... |
[00:40] Snake:
Oh, oh! How about I'm anti-cancer everything! Oh, that's right. It's on sweetheart. >:p |
[00:41] System: Snake
has left the chat |
[01:07] System: Skurai
has joined the chat |
[01:07] Skurai:
o.o |
[01:07] Skurai:
Umm... |
[01:07] Skurai:
o.0 |
[01:07] Skurai:
o.o |
[01:07] Skurai:
lol |
[01:14] System: Skurai
has left the chat |
[01:19] System: Snake
has joined the chat |
[01:19] Snake:
Oh, sorry. I just beat that hippie who is in 1st in Snake, on Curveball. |
[01:19] Snake:
What's new? |
[01:22] System: Skurai
has joined the chat |
[01:22] Skurai:
Hotel Soap is proud of his testicles, which never get dirty or stinky. |
[01:23] Skurai:
I'm about to go to bed actually. G'night! |
[01:23] Skurai:
Watch out for cancer! |
[01:23] Skurai:
Everything if FUCKIN' wonderful! |
[01:23] Snake:
I wish I had me a pair of those little studs.. |
[01:23] Snake:
G'ngiht ::D |
[01:24] Snake:
I'm anti, 'member? You 'member.. |
[01:24] System: Skurai
has left the chat |
[01:25] System: Snake
has left the chat |
[01:25] System: Snake
has joined the chat |
[02:06] System: Snake
has left the chat |