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[01:52] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[01:52] Chruser: Why did you pour water on it?
[02:03] System: Chruser has left the chat
[07:33] System: Sum Yung Guy has joined the chat
[07:33] Sum Yung Guy: i hate trying to quit smoking
[07:33] Sum Yung Guy: last sunday I had 13 cigs, and each day I lower my number by 1
[07:34] Sum Yung Guy: and then when I run out next week I am going to slap on the patches I bought
[07:34] Sum Yung Guy: hopefully my plan works...
[07:37] System: Sum Yung Guy has left the chat
[08:34] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:34] D3V: The Hangover = funniest movie this year.
[08:37] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:40] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[09:40] Goodlookinguy: Chruser, I would like to report an arcade hack by Mdselctr for Joust. Check it out for yourself. Under 3-minutes with a score that doesn't match up with the rest properly.
[09:41] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[09:57] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[09:57] Chruser: I don't think the times are reported accurately, but yes, that's an overwhelmingly high score.
[09:58] Chruser: Fixed.
[10:02] System: Chruser has left the chat
[10:24] System: Mdselctr has joined the chat
[10:24] Mdselctr: It's best not to work.
[10:25] Mdselctr: A life wasted working in the system that has created ignorance and engineered your reactions? No.
[10:27] System: Mdselctr has left the chat
[10:45] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[10:45] !King_Amazon!: Jumping to conclusions is bad GLG.
[10:45] !King_Amazon!: It's likely his score just got bugged
[10:46] !King_Amazon!: You might want to confer with the person you're accusing before you start accusing them of hacking.
[10:56] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[11:03] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[11:04] Goodlookinguy: Dude, his score was 7-digits, no comment, and at 2:53(I think). I've had it glitch, but not give ultra scores like that in less than three minutes. Plus he's new, I don't trust him yet.
[11:06] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[11:08] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[11:08] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[11:08] !King_Amazon!: Yes, but you're a cock, and he didn't hack.
[11:09] Goodlookinguy: Lies
[11:09] Goodlookinguy: He did
[11:09] Goodlookinguy: Look for FireFox addon TamperData
[11:09] Goodlookinguy: The Zel arcade is easy to hack if you use FireFox.
[11:09] Goodlookinguy: I use Google Chrome though.
[11:09] !King_Amazon!: I know it's easy to hack
[11:10] !King_Amazon!: I also think it's unlikely that someone would hack a single score
[11:10] !King_Amazon!: on one random game
[11:10] !King_Amazon!: especially with how buggy a lot of these games are
[11:10] !King_Amazon!: now stop being a cock
[11:10] Goodlookinguy: A few of the games are buggy. But I've never had one create a really large score randomly.
[11:12] Goodlookinguy: "Mdselctr: A life wasted working in the system that has created ignorance and engineered your reactions? No." - I don't work. You're an idiot.
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: You really need to get laid, man
[11:13] Goodlookinguy: No I don't.
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: Yes, I'm sure you do.
[11:13] Goodlookinguy: I would rather get far in my education rather than have a child.
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: Yes, but the effect of that is you are a COCK
[11:14] Goodlookinguy: Sure am. I'm vain as hell.
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: Fix yourself
[11:14] Goodlookinguy: There's nothing broken with me.
[11:16] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[11:16] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[11:17] !King_Amazon!: "[12:13] Goodlookinguy: I would rather get far in my education rather than have a child." WAY TO BE REDUNDANT YOU FUCKING IDIOT
[11:17] !King_Amazon!: RATHER RATHER
[11:17] Goodlookinguy: RATHER!
[11:17] Goodlookinguy: No you're not.
[11:18] Goodlookinguy: Not even close
[11:18] Goodlookinguy: WOW! I CAN WRITE IN ALL CAPITALS TOO!
[11:18] Goodlookinguy: AND HAVE LOTS AND LOTS OF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­11111
[11:21] System: Skurai has joined the chat
[11:21] Skurai: Hi guys! :D
[11:21] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[11:21] Goodlookinguy: Screw you
[11:21] Skurai: ._.'
[11:22] Goodlookinguy: ^_^
[11:22] Skurai: lol.... haha.... uhhhh.... ._.'
[11:22] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[11:22] Chruser: All women are strong, all men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.
[11:23] Goodlookinguy: I disagree
[11:23] Goodlookinguy: Plus, "above average" describes what?
[11:23] Skurai: No, I agree.
[11:23] System: WetWired has joined the chat
[11:23] WetWired: "all the children are above average" is self-contradicting
[11:23] Skurai: This man is obvious from a forign country.
[11:23] Chruser: That's the point...
[11:24] Chruser: http­://­en­.­wikipedia­.­org­/­wiki­/­Lake_Wobegon_effect
[11:24] Skurai: wait...
[11:24] Chruser: RETARDS.
[11:26] Goodlookinguy: UPPERCASE.
[11:26] Skurai: Cheese!
[11:26] WetWired: Chatbox bans for all!
[11:26] Goodlookinguy: Eh?
[11:26] Goodlookinguy: Cool down WetWired.
[11:26] Chruser: Nice wild card, GLG.
[11:26] Chruser: Yay.
[11:27] System: WetWired has left the chat
[11:27] Goodlookinguy: He left, oh crap!
[11:27] Skurai: My bad.
[11:27] Goodlookinguy: What?
[11:28] Skurai: I unno.
[11:28] Goodlookinguy: "unno" - UNO? I love that game
[11:29] Chruser: This sentense contains exactly three erors.
[11:29] Chruser: Uno was fun.
[11:29] Goodlookinguy: "was"?
[11:30] Goodlookinguy: Still is
[11:30] Chruser: I'm not currently playing it, so I don't know that.
[11:31] Skurai: *snorg*
[11:31] Chruser: Perhaps it suddenly got boring after a few years. Hypothetical woes.
[11:32] Chruser: What would this sentence be like if it were not self-referential?
[11:32] Skurai: then it would be
[11:33] Goodlookinguy: Don't know. But read this next sentence I wrote.
[11:33] Goodlookinguy: Hey Chruser, I noticed that you can subscribe to threads in the social groups. Which makes it way easier to reply to someone who has posted.
[11:33] Chruser: Do notifications work now?
[11:33] Goodlookinguy: Yeah
[11:34] Chruser: I had hoped that they would work by default for all social groups that one is a member of.
[11:34] Goodlookinguy: I'm hapy
[11:34] Goodlookinguy: *happyy.
[11:34] Goodlookinguy: *happy.
[11:34] Goodlookinguy: Geez.
[11:34] Skurai: what?
[11:34] Skurai: o.o
[11:34] Chruser: Remembering to subscribe seems annoying.
[11:35] Chruser: It's not like new posts appear in social groups particularly often.
[11:35] Goodlookinguy: I think there is a setting that will auto-subscribe
[11:35] Goodlookinguy: I have it for regular threads, so I'm guessing they have it for the social groups
[11:35] Chruser: Feel free to reply to this: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­group­.­php­?­d­...­discussionid­=­1
[11:39] Skurai: I wanna be in a group. ._.'
[11:39] Goodlookinguy: Too bad
[11:40] Skurai: Ok. :(
[11:40] Chruser: Gah. No notification.
[11:42] Chruser: Try again.
[11:42] Goodlookinguy: Hmm
[11:44] Goodlookinguy: You try posting a message. I set it up for me.
[11:46] Chruser: Done.
[11:46] Goodlookinguy: I figured out how to auto-subscribe
[11:47] Goodlookinguy: Oh, it's there!
[11:47] Goodlookinguy: Lux et veritas Today 09:46 AM by Chruser
[11:47] Chruser: User CP?
[11:47] Goodlookinguy: Yup
[11:47] Chruser: It'd be nicer to have a notification under Your Notifications...
[11:48] Goodlookinguy: I always just visit threads that are inside my User CP.
[11:48] Chruser: I suppose it'd be annoying if the new messages just piled up there though...
[11:48] Goodlookinguy: I auto-subscribe to any place I post in now.
[11:48] Chruser: That's pretty nice.
[11:49] Chruser: Do you have any subscribed "Discussions"?
[11:49] Goodlookinguy: Yes
[11:49] Goodlookinguy: Those are auto now too.
[11:50] System: Skurai has left the chat
[11:50] Goodlookinguy: If you go into "View all Subscribed Threads" or "View all Subscribed Discussions" you can alter the notification type to no email or email. So that when you post, that thread is subscribed.
[11:57] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[12:12] System: Chruser has left the chat
[12:13] System: Senesia has joined the chat
[12:14] Senesia: Hi.
[12:27] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[12:27] Chruser: Hello.
[12:28] Senesia: Hi Chruser.
[12:29] Senesia: What's LaTeX
[12:29] Chruser: http­://­en­.­wikipedia­.­org­/­wiki­/­LaTeX
[12:29] Senesia: No
[12:29] Senesia: I want you to explain it.
[12:30] Chruser: LaTeX (pronounced /ˈleɪtɛk/, /ˈleɪtɛx/, or /ˈlɑːtɛk/) is a document markup language and document preparation system for the TeX typesetting program.
[12:31] Chruser: It lets you do remarkably useful stuff, such as posting equations with subscript and superscript.
[12:31] Senesia: You sound liek wikipedia.
[12:31] Senesia: like
[12:31] Chruser: It's probably the most widely-used markup language used to present mathematical formulas.
[12:32] Chruser: Wikibrain consumes all.
[12:32] Chruser: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­.­php­?­t­=­47599
[12:32] Chruser: Look! It's wonderful!
[12:33] Senesia: I see broken images,
[12:33] Senesia: because I disabled images on FF.
[12:34] Chruser: Re-enable them.
[12:34] Senesia: Goodlookingguy
[12:34] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[12:34] !King_Amazon!: Senesia, what are you
[12:34] Senesia: Do you think he's a good looking guy?
[12:34] Senesia: I'm an archer.
[12:35] Senesia: What are you?
[12:35] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[12:35] Senesia: Wizard?
[12:35] Chruser: Is your birthday in December?
[12:36] Chruser: Aw, you wrote it down. BORING!
[12:36] Senesia: ?
[12:36] Chruser: May 24.
[12:37] Senesia: Yes.
[12:37] Chruser: You said you were an Archer.
[12:37] Senesia: o
[12:37] Senesia: I see.
[12:38] Senesia: What are you Chruser
[12:38] Chruser: I'm some entity that doesn't like astrology.
[12:39] Chruser: You passed.
[12:39] Senesia: Are you Taurus
[12:39] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[12:39] Chruser: Why do you think I'm a bull?
[12:39] Goodlookinguy: I'm a Panda
[12:40] Chruser: I don't think any of us are particularly anthromorphic.
[12:40] Chruser: (Or "­;­anthropomorphic­" should you desire the lengthier version of the word.)
[12:41] Chruser: SEMICOLON!
[12:41] Senesia: What are you then
[12:41] Senesia: Chruser
[12:41] Chruser: Did you see that, WetWired the Unbound?
[12:41] Senesia: What's a panda
[12:41] Senesia: Is that barabarian
[12:41] Goodlookinguy: WWU!
[12:41] Goodlookinguy: Yes Senesia

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