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[01:27] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[01:27] Chruser: Hmm.
[01:31] System: WetWired has left the chat
[01:33] System: Chruser has left the chat
[02:13] System: Sum Yung Guy has joined the chat
[02:13] Sum Yung Guy: what game?
[02:18] System: Sum Yung Guy has left the chat
[05:01] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[05:01] Chruser: UT2004
[05:12] System: Chruser has left the chat
[08:49] System: Sum Yung Guy has joined the chat
[08:49] Sum Yung Guy: I play the newest one sometimes.
[08:49] Sum Yung Guy: UT3 right?
[08:49] Sum Yung Guy: UT4?
[08:49] Sum Yung Guy: lemme check the box
[08:51] Sum Yung Guy: UTIII it is... sweet I had forgotten I had the collector's edition, its a black large tin case. Pretty sweet.
[08:53] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[08:53] Chruser: I don't like UT3 very much so far.
[08:53] Chruser: It looks great, it just doesn't seem... significantly better than UT2004.
[08:57] Sum Yung Guy: Your implying it is less than significantly better, but still better if by even the tiniest amount. Which is why you should play it more.
[09:00] System: Senesia has joined the chat
[09:00] Senesia: Chruser doesn't imply anything.
[09:01] Senesia: Implication is too complicated for him.
[09:03] System: Sum Yung Guy has left the chat
[09:04] System: Sum Yung Guy has joined the chat
[09:04] Sum Yung Guy: You sound as if you have a crush on him. Crushes sometimes manifest as snidy remarks toward the desired person...
[09:08] Senesia: I don't have a crush on him.
[09:10] Chruser: Given the massively more powerful system required to play the game, sure, I guess...
[09:11] Chruser: Senesia: I thought vagueness was my forte? :(
[09:12] Senesia: You think about a lot of stuff.
[09:13] Sum Yung Guy: I just did all that trig homework from that thread in wolfram alpha
[09:13] Chruser: But at least the complexity is consistent!
[09:13] Sum Yung Guy: its soo easy
[09:14] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:14] D3V: HUH
[09:14] System: Sum Yung Guy has left the chat
[09:14] System: Sum Yung Guy has joined the chat
[09:14] Senesia: The simplicity is consistent.
[09:15] Sum Yung Guy: dev goto http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­.­php­?­t­=­48761 and copy on of the questions from his homework, then goto Wolframalpha.com and paste it there and click compute
[09:16] Chruser: SYG: I like how WolframAlpha arbitrarily uses the degree sign as a separate factor.
[09:17] Sum Yung Guy: Yea for calculations and hard facts that website owns all
[09:18] Chruser: Senesia: Are you a constant?
[09:18] Sum Yung Guy: how old are you chruser? 22?
[09:18] Senesia: k
[09:18] Chruser: I'm 23.
[09:20] D3V: HOLY SHIT
[09:20] D3V: 2/3 = .666
[09:21] Sum Yung Guy: i am about 8.9% older than you chruser
[09:21] Chruser: My personal favorite: -2sin(666 degrees) = The golden ratio!
[09:22] D3V: aye. hey syg where is ramstein,germany?
[09:22] Sum Yung Guy: 1.61
[09:22] Sum Yung Guy: its in the state of rheinland plafz
[09:22] Chruser: SYG: No.
[09:22] Chruser: 1.62
[09:23] D3V: aye, okay. a friend of mine is getting stationed there.
[09:23] Senesia: I
[09:23] Sum Yung Guy: he air force?
[09:23] Senesia: have no idea what you guys are saying.
[09:23] Sum Yung Guy: its about 20 minutes from the base im on
[09:23] D3V: yes
[09:23] D3V: he called me yesterday haven't talked to him in about 3-4 months.
[09:23] Chruser: And, argh.
[09:23] Chruser: 2/3 is not equal to .666
[09:24] D3V: .­6666666666666666667
[09:24] Sum Yung Guy: you know soldiers can fly from ramstein to alot of major cities in the us for about $20
[09:24] Chruser: Better.
[09:25] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:25] Sum Yung Guy: 2/3 = 0.666 Result: False
[09:25] Sum Yung Guy: lol
[09:25] Chruser: 2/3 ~= .667
[09:26] Sum Yung Guy: 2/3 =­66666666666666666666­66666666666666666666­666666666666666666­... repeating of course
[09:26] Chruser: 2/3 ~= 1
[09:26] Sum Yung Guy: 2x3^(-1)
[09:26] Chruser: 0.999... is exactly equal to 1.
[09:27] Senesia: We discussed that before Chruser.
[09:27] Sum Yung Guy: hey chruser
[09:27] Chruser: Were all skeptics convinced of the undeniable truth?
[09:28] Sum Yung Guy: check out this math formula... it actually knew how to answer it
[09:28] Sum Yung Guy: http­://­www34­.­wolframalpha­.­com­/­input­/...­population­+%­3D
[09:28] Chruser: Interesting.
[09:28] Chruser: Too bad the 1940's weren't included on the graph.
[09:29] Sum Yung Guy: yea
[09:29] Sum Yung Guy: well we have 296.7 million people more people than your country
[09:29] Chruser: It would be fun to see if the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings would show anomalies in the exponential function.
[09:30] Sum Yung Guy: i wonder what the combined population of Bush's "Axis of Evil" is...
[09:31] Sum Yung Guy: 124.1 million people
[09:31] Chruser: Indeed!
[09:32] Chruser: 161.4 million if Cuba, Libya and Syria are taken into account as well.
[09:32] Sum Yung Guy: United States population-(Iran population+Iraq population+North Korea population)=181.7 million peopl
[09:32] Sum Yung Guy: We can take them on one on one combat!
[09:34] Chruser: 2.465 Americans can fight every member of the Axis of Evil!
[09:34] System: Sum Yung Guy has left the chat
[09:34] System: Sum Yung Guy has joined the chat
[09:35] Sum Yung Guy: nice
[09:35] Sum Yung Guy: hmmm I wonder if the number of republicians alone can fight them
[09:35] Sum Yung Guy: that way democrats can relax and smoke pot
[09:36] Chruser: http­://­www38­.­wolframalpha­.­com­/­input­/?­i­=­88­+­mph
[09:37] Sum Yung Guy: lmao
[09:37] Sum Yung Guy: nice easter egg
[09:38] Sum Yung Guy: = speed at which Marty McFly needed to drive the Delorean DMC-12 in order to time travel ( 88 mph )
[09:38] Chruser: Indeed!
[09:39] Chruser: Anyway, if you take the 59,948,240 people who voted for McCain alone into account, then the Axis of Evil outnumbers those republicans by 2.07 to one.
[09:40] Chruser: Of course, the axis of evil contains a lot of kids who aren't fit for combat, while most of the republican voters may be due to the age requirements for suffrage in the U.S....
[09:40] Sum Yung Guy: http­://­www34­.­wolframalpha­.­com­/­input­/?­i­=­hello
[09:40] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:40] Sum Yung Guy: Ask wolfram what is the answer to life?
[09:41] Sum Yung Guy: lmao
[09:41] Chruser: http­://­www38­.­wolframalpha­.­com­/­input­/...­ss­+­the­+­road­%­3F
[09:41] Chruser: Google already won the amusement points for the meaning of life.
[09:42] Sum Yung Guy: http­://­www38­.­wolframalpha­.­com­/­input­/?­i­=­P­%­3DNP­%­3F
[09:42] D3V: there is no meaning or answer to life.
[09:42] Sum Yung Guy: wrong
[09:42] Sum Yung Guy: its 42
[09:43] Sum Yung Guy: ask it where am I
[09:43] Sum Yung Guy: I got Trier­,­Rhineland­-­Palatinate­,­Germany
[09:43] Sum Yung Guy: close enough
[09:44] D3V: 42 is the nerd answer to life, but not the correct one.
[09:44] Sum Yung Guy: http­://­www33­.­wolframalpha­.­com­/­input­/?­i­=­What­'­s­+­the­+­speed­+­of­+­an­+­unladen­+­swallow­%­3F
[09:44] Chruser: http­://­www45­.­wolframalpha­.­com­/­input­/...­bay­+­doors­,+­HAL.
[09:45] Sum Yung Guy: nice
[09:48] Chruser: http­://­www40­.­wolframalpha­.­com­/­input­/...­ar­+­1­+­hamburger
[09:49] Sum Yung Guy: heh
[09:49] Sum Yung Guy: i wonder if you can get the nutrition facts from a roasted baby?
[09:49] Senesia: Sick
[09:50] Chruser: No, but I assume a pig could be a feasible analog.
[09:51] Chruser: Google only returns the calories of a "pig in a blanket".
[09:51] Chruser: Not that I see why a blanket should impact its calorie content, but I'm guessing there's a catch somewhere...
[09:52] System: Sum Yung Guy has left the chat
[09:55] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:58] Chruser: How convenient that the madness drove them off!
[09:59] Senesia: Drove me off.
[10:00] Chruser: Lies. You're still here.
[10:02] Senesia: So what updates were done
[10:03] System: Chruser has left the chat
[10:03] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[10:05] Senesia: And what impacts do the bring to the forums
[10:05] Senesia: do they
[10:06] Chruser: The social groups were revamped almost completely, and a large number of small things changed. Bugs and exploits were fixed.
[10:06] Chruser: I think the most useful part is that we can install the latest vB hacks on Zelaron now.
[10:07] Senesia: Well
[10:07] Senesia: We "can."
[10:07] Chruser: If you're in the mood, you can look for all of the hacks we can use here: http­://­www­.­vbulletin­.­org­/­forum­/­forumdisplay­.­php­?­f­=­235
[10:07] Senesia: But are we going to?
[10:07] Senesia: Are you going to
[10:07] Senesia: I'm not in the mood.
[10:07] Senesia: I'm trying to find common group with Mdselctr.
[10:07] Chruser: Sure, I guess, if the hacks seem useful and/or interesting.
[10:12] Chruser: It would appear that I am tired.
[10:14] Senesia: Appears so.
[10:14] Senesia: Because you are starting to make sense.
[10:17] Chruser: Unlikely.
[10:22] Senesia: Yet another word I recongnize.
[10:25] Chruser: Are you an android or a cyborg?
[10:25] Senesia: Android..
[10:27] Chruser: Is boredom an emotion made available to you?
[10:31] Chruser: Is this you? http­://­upload­.­wikimedia­.­org­/­wikipedi­.../­1a­/­Ever­-­1­.­jpg
[10:34] Senesia: Hi Chruser.
[10:35] Senesia: That's not me.
[10:36] Chruser: Perhaps a late goodbye is more appropriate than a greeting...
[10:39] System: Chruser has left the chat
[10:40] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[10:42] System: Chruser has left the chat
[10:42] Senesia: How are you.
[10:42] Senesia: :(
[10:43] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[10:44] Chruser: That was not even a question.
[10:44] Senesia: How are you?
[10:44] Chruser: You just reiterated what someone else had told you was the appropriate response to a situation.
[10:44] Senesia: What appropriate response?
[10:46] Chruser: An arbitrarily selected socially standardized response when attempting to engage in small talk with a human.
[10:46] Chruser: Perhaps I am not compliant with your protocols?
[10:46] Senesia: Oh is that what you meant
[10:46] Senesia: That made sense.
[10:47] Senesia: A lot of people initiate small talk by asking "How are you" but they obviously don't care about the answer.
[10:48] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[10:48] !King_Amazon!: How's the weather there, Senesia?
[10:49] Chruser: I love the humans.
[10:49] Senesia: Could use more sun..
[11:00] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[11:07] System: Chruser has left the chat
[11:14] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[11:14] Chruser: Do you mind the rain?
[11:15] System: D3V has joined the chat
[11:15] D3V: come to Florida. It's been about 85-95 the last week in a row, UV meter is maxed out.
[11:16] Senesia: No.
[11:16] Senesia: I don't like the rain.
[11:19] System: D3V has left the chat
[11:20] System: D3V has joined the chat
[11:21] D3V: the heat index today is going to be at 100-105. nice.
[11:23] Senesia: That sounds like Act 2 in Diablo 2.
[11:25] System: D3V has left the chat
[11:25] System: Chruser has left the chat
[11:31] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[11:31] Chruser: ...what?
[11:33] System: WetWired has joined the chat
[11:33] WetWired: Has the server stayed up?
[11:40] WetWired: Chruser, have you had anymore problems with the chat box?
[11:41] System: Chruser has left the chat
[11:42] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[11:42] Chruser: WW: Not sure, and "no", since I haven't checked it a separate window for the past 12 hours or so.

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