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[03:45] System: -Spector- has joined the chat
[03:45] -Spector-: It's
[03:45] -Spector-: NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM
[04:00] System: -Spector- has left the chat
[04:44] System: Wed-G has joined the chat
[04:44] Wed-G: I know the nom. But I swear he says num. I really did debate it before posting.
[04:52] System: Wed-G has left the chat
[08:17] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:17] D3V: sO THE new efficiency standards have been put into place.
[08:26] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:00] System: Jessifer has joined the chat
[10:00] Jessifer: Curse you, Tuesday Maintenance!
[10:01] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:01] D3V: oye
[10:03] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:07] System: Jessifer has left the chat
[10:22] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[10:22] !King_Amazon!: Oye
[10:24] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[10:35] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[10:35] HandOfHeaven: bored
[10:38] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:38] D3V: wel hai tha
[10:38] D3V: r
[10:40] HandOfHeaven: what up
[10:44] D3V: man not shit, just took my car to get the oil changed on my lunch break.
[10:44] D3V: wut you been up too
[10:49] HandOfHeaven: just sittin at work, studying for my midterm
[10:51] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[10:51] !King_Amazon!: Bleh
[10:51] !King_Amazon!: I talked to Sara for an hour today before she went to work
[10:51] !King_Amazon!: on webcam
[10:51] !King_Amazon!: lol
[10:51] D3V: lol really
[10:51] D3V: how'd that go
[10:51] !King_Amazon!: at like
[10:51] !King_Amazon!: 4:30 in the morning
[10:51] HandOfHeaven: w o w
[10:52] HandOfHeaven: Were you blazizzled?
[10:52] !King_Amazon!: Went good, lol
[10:52] !King_Amazon!: Nah
[10:52] !King_Amazon!: I got blitzed a little later though
[10:52] HandOfHeaven: Nice. So who is sara?
[10:52] !King_Amazon!: wanted to show -spector- my baby
[10:52] D3V: aye.
[10:52] !King_Amazon!: looong story, I'm gonna write it out for everyone in the going to hell thread
[10:52] !King_Amazon!: or maybe a new thread
[10:53] HandOfHeaven: oh my...
[10:53] HandOfHeaven: 15 years old isn't she...
[10:53] !King_Amazon!: 20
[10:53] !King_Amazon!: she has a boyfriend
[10:53] !King_Amazon!: she wants my cock
[10:53] D3V: this should be entertaining.
[10:54] !King_Amazon!: we talked for 3.5 hours like friday or saturday night
[10:54] !King_Amazon!: she was drunk and I was high
[10:54] !King_Amazon!: talked until 4 in the morning
[10:54] !King_Amazon!: While her boyfriend was in bed, I assume
[10:54] !King_Amazon!: or being worthless
[10:54] D3V: so shes staying up while hes sleepin talkin to u
[10:55] !King_Amazon!: Pretty much.
[10:55] !King_Amazon!: And I don't know how they could possibly be having sex
[10:55] D3V: hey just figure this, if you guys ever did magically end up in a relationship together, she'd prlly do the same thing to you as current boyfriend.
[10:55] !King_Amazon!: So they probably aren't
[10:55] !King_Amazon!: yeah
[10:55] D3V: that sounds like a crappy relationship.
[10:55] !King_Amazon!: except
[10:55] !King_Amazon!: if I'm ever in a relationship again
[10:55] !King_Amazon!: I'll make sure that shit is perfect
[10:55] D3V: brb
[10:55] HandOfHeaven: Just get some pussy man...
[10:55] !King_Amazon!: else some asshole could take her
[10:55] HandOfHeaven: So where is she located?
[10:56] !King_Amazon!: Bleh, that's too far into the long story
[10:56] !King_Amazon!: I explained this yesterday
[10:56] !King_Amazon!: lol
[10:56] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:56] HandOfHeaven: My bad man, haven't been on in a few days
[10:56] HandOfHeaven: Too busy with school and work
[10:57] !King_Amazon!: lol
[10:57] !King_Amazon!: I'm not gonna put your head on a chopping block because you don't know the intimate details of my life
[10:58] !King_Amazon!: faggot
[10:58] HandOfHeaven: I guess I'll just have to wait for the story
[10:59] HandOfHeaven: Should be an interesting read
[10:59] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[11:00] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[11:00] !King_Amazon!: I'll try to do a really short summary
[11:00] !King_Amazon!: waaaaaaaaaaay back
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: went to georgia for a few months, went to school there, back in high school
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: met this chick, was pretty much my best friend
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: with the exception of this guy
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: who was pretty cool to
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: they're now together
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: I started talking to her randomly a few days ago
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: well
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: a couple weeks ago maybe
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: at the most
[11:01] !King_Amazon!: she calls me on her breaks
[11:02] !King_Amazon!: she messages me every time she's got a moment
[11:02] !King_Amazon!: she lost her phone like a week ago, but didn't care because she doesn't use it
[11:02] !King_Amazon!: but she ordered a new one because she wants to be able to call/text me
[11:02] !King_Amazon!: lol
[11:02] HandOfHeaven: Wow, pretty much wants to munch on your cock
[11:02] !King_Amazon!: Pretty much
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: Her and her boyfriend are just like me and Nikki were
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: and she hates it
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: and her life is nothing but work
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: and she's in a small ass town in georgia
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: she's moving to Ohio soon
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: her boyfriend probably isn't going
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: which might mean they wont be together
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: also
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: she's coming to visit sometime
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: lol
[11:03] !King_Amazon!: and she smokes pot now
[11:03] HandOfHeaven: Oh fun...booty call
[11:04] !King_Amazon!: she used to be a crazy christian but now she's like
[11:04] !King_Amazon!: pretty much me
[11:04] !King_Amazon!: not quite as depressing
[11:04] !King_Amazon!: Eh, the weird thing is
[11:04] !King_Amazon!: it started out just me talking to her
[11:04] HandOfHeaven: So how close are you to Ohio?
[11:04] !King_Amazon!: and then I started trying to break up her and her boyfriend
[11:04] !King_Amazon!: for whatever reason
[11:04] !King_Amazon!: I'm close to everywhere
[11:05] !King_Amazon!: I've actually been thinking about getting out of SLC
[11:05] !King_Amazon!: I dunno what will happen
[11:05] !King_Amazon!: taking it day by day
[11:05] !King_Amazon!: but I started trying to break them up
[11:05] !King_Amazon!: for some irrational reason
[11:05] HandOfHeaven: SLC?
[11:05] !King_Amazon!: I think it gave me joy
[11:05] !King_Amazon!: salt lake
[11:05] !King_Amazon!: Utah
[11:05] HandOfHeaven: Oh, damn
[11:05] HandOfHeaven: Gotcha.
[11:05] HandOfHeaven: Well, you probably did is because being an asshole is fun
[11:06] !King_Amazon!: yeah but it's my old friends O.O
[11:06] HandOfHeaven: Seriously, I get joy out of pulling mean pranks on people I don't like
[11:06] HandOfHeaven: oh....that's fucked up
[11:06] !King_Amazon!: And I'm pretty much trying to make my old friend go through the same shit I just went through
[11:06] !King_Amazon!: so I can sleep with his girlfriend
[11:06] !King_Amazon!: who is also my old friend
[11:06] !King_Amazon!: lol
[11:06] !King_Amazon!: that's why I'm going to hell
[11:06] !King_Amazon!: but
[11:07] !King_Amazon!: I actually feel like I'm falling for her
[11:07] !King_Amazon!: probably rebound though
[11:07] !King_Amazon!: that's why I'm taking it day by day
[11:07] !King_Amazon!: Only fools rush in
[11:08] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[11:09] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[11:09] HandOfHeaven: Yeah, too true
[11:10] HandOfHeaven: Gotta test the waters. You're definitely going to hell, but this may work out for you
[11:10] !King_Amazon!: She's like my perfect match, so it seems
[11:10] !King_Amazon!: But I'm not naive enough to think it's that simple
[11:10] HandOfHeaven: Hopefully you don't get sucked in and then she finds the 'next best thing'
[11:10] !King_Amazon!: If it is a rebound, my best course of action is to slow down and keep my eyes open
[11:10] HandOfHeaven: Good plan
[11:11] !King_Amazon!: The fact that she's talking to me for such absurdly long hours pretty much means her relationship is screwed, though
[11:11] !King_Amazon!: I mean, her boyfriend is almost irrelevant
[11:11] HandOfHeaven: Try not to overthink it though. Sometimes overanalyzation will lead to paranoia
[11:11] !King_Amazon!: Yeah, I'm definitely doing a lot of that.
[11:11] !King_Amazon!: I know that:
[11:11] !King_Amazon!: at the very least
[11:11] !King_Amazon!: she's a cool chick I'd love to hang out with
[11:11] !King_Amazon!: and I'd bang her
[11:12] !King_Amazon!: and she smokes pot
[11:12] HandOfHeaven: The amount of contact that you and her are having resembles one of my friends' relationships, and they are going well. Hopefully you're not 'just a distraction'
[11:12] !King_Amazon!: Yeah
[11:12] !King_Amazon!: Also, too much of a good thing and all that
[11:12] !King_Amazon!: If we continue to talk for hours and hours and hours a day we'll get sick of each other
[11:12] HandOfHeaven: Understanding the female psychee (?) is too hard to do since it has so many facets
[11:12] !King_Amazon!: Which is why I'm continuing to try to develop my social life
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: Eh, it's not as hard as you think
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: It's only the little glitches that are problematic
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: Women are actually pretty easy to figure out, they're just prone to irrationality
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: And suddenly going batshiat insane
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: like Nikki
[11:13] !King_Amazon!: lol
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: I'm not convinced that this is a rebound though
[11:14] HandOfHeaven: I can understand most things about them, but going in depth is like uncharted territory
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: I'm not necessarily convinced that it isn't
[11:14] HandOfHeaven: Probably not, because you're not local
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: Well I was rebounding about a week ago
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: I came straight out and told a girl she was the girl of my dreams
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: v.v
[11:14] HandOfHeaven: Rofl
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: Good way to freak most girls out
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: She didn't freak out though
[11:14] HandOfHeaven: did you get in her pants?
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: Nah
[11:14] !King_Amazon!: I haven't even met her yet
[11:15] !King_Amazon!: which is actually kinda relevant
[11:15] !King_Amazon!: since I called her the woman of my dreams
[11:15] !King_Amazon!: I realize how pathetic it is
[11:15] !King_Amazon!: lol
[11:15] HandOfHeaven: ha ha ha
[11:15] !King_Amazon!: I was really high at the time
[11:15] !King_Amazon!: she is local though
[11:15] HandOfHeaven: I suppose that you mostly keep to yourself?

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