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[05:35] System: Wiccan][V][asta has joined the chat
[05:35] Wiccan][V][asta: Swine Flu originated in my hometown: http­://­sheboyganpress­.­com­/­article­/­20­...­Sheboygan­+­teen
[05:40] System: Wiccan][V][asta has left the chat
[07:31] System: D3V has joined the chat
[07:31] D3V: 0wnt.
[07:44] System: D3V has left the chat
[07:47] System: Sum Yung Guy has joined the chat
[07:47] Sum Yung Guy: +1 Rep to Wiccan for starting a badass epedemic
[07:55] System: Sum Yung Guy has left the chat
[07:59] System: D3V has joined the chat
[07:59] D3V: hahahaal
[08:08] D3V: bbl
[08:29] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:34] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[08:34] !King_Amazon!: k
[08:35] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[08:36] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:36] D3V: kk
[08:38] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:46] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[08:46] !King_Amazon!: lulz
[09:06] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[09:06] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[09:06] !King_Amazon!: So
[09:07] !King_Amazon!: Anyone ever tried ativan?
[09:16] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[09:21] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:21] D3V: notta.
[09:24] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: shit
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: so
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: dude
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: bout a year ago
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: I meet this dude named Alex
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: k
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: He's a /b/tard
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: I met him back when /b/ was protesting scientology
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: Me and him were the only ones to show up for one of the protests
[09:24] !King_Amazon!: so we hung out
[09:25] !King_Amazon!: I never talked to him again until like a week ago
[09:25] !King_Amazon!: I told him I'm not engaged anymore and I've got my own place, we should hang sometime etc.
[09:25] !King_Amazon!: so he was gonna come over this past sunday, and bring a friend
[09:25] !King_Amazon!: he's 19, his friend is 19
[09:25] !King_Amazon!: we were gonna toke
[09:25] !King_Amazon!: then he asks me if he can bring another friend, also 19
[09:25] !King_Amazon!: I'm like, sure why not
[09:26] !King_Amazon!: then like half an hour later
[09:26] !King_Amazon!: he texts me asking if he can bring two other friends, Lizzy and Mercedes
[09:26] !King_Amazon!: a couple of 15 year old jailbaits
[09:28] D3V: k leme read that
[09:28] !King_Amazon!: naturally, I said fuck no lol
[09:29] !King_Amazon!: I mean, jailbait is great and all, but jailbait is for looking, not getting high with
[09:29] !King_Amazon!: in your residence
[09:29] !King_Amazon!: with a bunch of pot
[09:30] !King_Amazon!: I could get in so much shit for that
[09:31] D3V: yah dude tell teh 15's to fuckoff.
[09:31] !King_Amazon!: so anyway, he's coming over by himself on Saturday lol
[09:31] !King_Amazon!: I was pretty much like
[09:31] !King_Amazon!: k dude let's hang you and me before we invite all of your friends lol
[09:32] D3V: yah for real.
[09:32] D3V: thats the thing though man, smoking is one of the most social things to do nowadays
[09:32] !King_Amazon!: and he's fucking talking about
[09:32] !King_Amazon!: each of us smoking an eighth
[09:32] !King_Amazon!: it takes me a fucking week to smoke an eighth smoking multiple times a day lol
[09:33] D3V: this kid does sound like an rtard
[09:33] !King_Amazon!: He's actually pretty cool, he's just crazy too
[09:34] !King_Amazon!: You'd never guess it looking at him
[09:34] !King_Amazon!: He looks like a fucking /b/tard
[09:34] !King_Amazon!: lol
[09:34] D3V: lol yah man I know the type
[09:35] D3V: me and my bros call his type "pud"
[09:36] D3V: there's two categories of smokers. Puds and non-puds. The non-puds can always point out the puds in any pud scenario that may be presented to them at any time. Even non-puds can have pud moments, and that's when the +/- system works. Something you do good gets a +1-5 and something retarded is a -1/5
[09:37] !King_Amazon!: All I know is he's gonna get me either killed or arrested
[09:37] !King_Amazon!: or really high
[09:37] D3V: lol.
[09:37] !King_Amazon!: He's even gonna bring over his hookah
[09:37] D3V: man he's goin all out
[09:38] D3V: just don't let your apt turn into the hangout spot, those are the areas that always get hit.
[09:38] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[09:38] Thanatos: no one on the corner has swagger like us
[09:40] D3V: well hai
[09:41] Thanatos: WELLLLL HAIIIIII
[09:42] D3V: whats been up
[09:42] Thanatos: not a damn thing
[09:42] Thanatos: still bummin' it up
[09:43] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[09:43] D3V: yeh? that really sucks man.
[09:43] Thanatos: meh it ain't so bad
[09:44] Thanatos: i've stepped up the job search hardcore so I'm positive I'll find something soon
[09:44] D3V: yeh yeh
[09:44] D3V: hell yeh, didnt u just get a certification somewhere or sumpin
[09:44] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[09:44] !King_Amazon!: Fucking 15 year olds, seriously
[09:44] !King_Amazon!: WTF?
[09:44] Thanatos: yeah I hold 2 certifications
[09:44] Thanatos: need more though
[09:45] !King_Amazon!: I don't even think I'd get it on with a 15 year old
[09:45] !King_Amazon!: That's kinda young for me
[09:45] Thanatos: I let a 15 year old give me dome before :(
[09:45] Thanatos: I was 20
[09:46] Thanatos: but in my defense, she was WAYYYY to fucking hot to be 15
[09:46] D3V: haha thats a little different tho
[09:46] D3V: STILL gotta be careful.. haha
[09:46] !King_Amazon!: Maybe if I'm over at his place or some shit
[09:46] !King_Amazon!: I'm not doing anything at my place with anyone under 18
[09:46] Thanatos: yeah i didnt bang her.. she was a virgin.. I was like NOOOO thx
[09:46] !King_Amazon!: hell, I don't think I'll do anything anywhere with anyone under 18
[09:46] D3V: fuck it.
[09:46] Thanatos: i am not about to take some 15 year old's virginity
[09:47] D3V: just dont do it with some chick that actually knows you, i think dome would be okay 15-16 chick if she wanted too, im not gonna aruge.
[09:47] !King_Amazon!: I'm more worried about getting arrested
[09:47] D3V: argue*
[09:47] !King_Amazon!: And 15 year olds really aren't "hot" IMO
[09:47] !King_Amazon!: not most of them anyway
[09:47] Thanatos: ^ that
[09:47] !King_Amazon!: I'd say around 17 is where it's at
[09:47] Thanatos: no... this chick... is banging
[09:47] !King_Amazon!: But I wouldn't go under 18
[09:47] D3V: i agree
[09:47] Thanatos: she's as tall as I am
[09:47] Thanatos: doesn't look 15
[09:48] !King_Amazon!: thing about 15 year olds
[09:48] D3V: my bros lil girlfriend just turned 16 and she looks nothing of it.
[09:48] !King_Amazon!: is angry fathers
[09:48] Thanatos: well yeah but it was at my apartment
[09:49] D3V: lol
[09:49] Thanatos: not like I'm hittin that at her house lol
[09:49] Thanatos: yo so get this
[09:49] Thanatos: my buddy went to jail like a month ago.. not too sure when he gets out, but his girlfriend has been ALL OVER my nuts since he's been in there
[09:50] D3V: hahaha..
[09:50] Thanatos: so I might have obliged and fucked her
[09:50] Thanatos: not good?
[09:50] D3V: how long they been dating
[09:50] D3V: not good for him.
[09:50] D3V: great for you, the ball is in your court.
[09:50] Thanatos: like a year and a half
[09:51] D3V: ouch
[09:51] D3V: that puts a twist in it
[09:51] Thanatos: she's all like well i was gonna break up with him before he went to jail!
[09:51] Thanatos: yeah... he's my mexican ex-roommate
[09:51] D3V: didnt he give you problems as your roomate?
[09:52] Thanatos: fo sho
[09:52] Thanatos: but that gives me no excuse to fuck his girl lol
[09:52] D3V: do it up
[09:52] !King_Amazon!: bros before hos
[09:52] D3V: is she hot?
[09:53] D3V: 1-10?
[09:53] Thanatos: butterface. her body is bangin but face is so-so
[09:53] Thanatos: i'd say 7
[09:53] Thanatos: i'd never date her.. just fuck her
[09:53] !King_Amazon!: Totally not worth it then
[09:53] Thanatos: yeah i know
[09:53] !King_Amazon!: Just go find some chick at a bar or something
[09:53] Thanatos: but im in too deep now
[09:54] D3V: if she's on your nuts, i'd just hit it and quit it.
[09:54] !King_Amazon!: That's punny
[09:54] D3V: fuck it, she's gonna go have sex with someone else then, and your mexican exroomate will be pissed no matter what at his girl.. thats just me tho
[09:55] Thanatos: and honestly I tried to say no like 50 times but she kept persisting sending me sexy text messages.. "im horny.. what u want to do about that?" and shit.. AHHH my drunken mind could only thing "pussy pussy pussy pussy"
[09:55] D3V: lol shes a hoe anyways who cares
[09:55] Thanatos: bah fuck it
[09:56] D3V: what is she like 18-19?
[09:56] Thanatos: yeah 18
[09:59] !King_Amazon!: She sounds like a slut
[10:00] !King_Amazon!: Wear a condom
[10:00] D3V: lol
[10:00] D3V: so I hear brett favre might go to minneSOTA
[10:04] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[10:05] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[10:09] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:09] System: Crazyfaxmachine has joined the chat
[10:09] Crazyfaxmachine: oh really
[10:10] System: Crazyfaxmachine has left the chat
[10:11] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:11] D3V: yeah rly
[10:13] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:14] System: Crazyfaxmachine has joined the chat
[10:14] Crazyfaxmachine: that's umm... interesting
[10:15] System: Crazyfaxmachine has left the chat
[10:15] System: Crazyfaxmachine has joined the chat
[10:17] System: Crazyfaxmachine has left the chat
[10:20] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:20] D3V: so who are you
[10:23] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[10:23] !King_Amazon!: YO MAMA
[10:25] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[10:31] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:44] System: Sum Yung Guy has joined the chat
[10:44] Sum Yung Guy: Chruser and Jess are on
[10:44] Sum Yung Guy: sic em!
[10:45] System: Jessifer has joined the chat
[10:45] Jessifer: Oh godz save meh!
[10:45] Jessifer: Hey! You're not on the list!
[10:46] Sum Yung Guy: The list?
[10:46] Jessifer: The "members online" list.
[10:46] Sum Yung Guy: I AM THE GOVERNMENT!
[10:46] Jessifer: Orly?
[10:47] Sum Yung Guy: yessum
[10:47] Jessifer: Hmm...
[10:48] Jessifer: So if I killed someone, could you cover it up for me?
[10:49] Sum Yung Guy: Are you asking me because you already did it?

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