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[23:03] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[23:45] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[00:41] System: Jessifer has joined the chat
[00:41] Jessifer: Bleh...I gotta be up in five hours.
[00:41] Jessifer: Maybe I just won't go to sleep at all?
[00:57] System: Jessifer has left the chat
[01:18] System: Jessifer has joined the chat
[01:18] Jessifer: Tee hee...
[01:18] Jessifer: G'night!
[01:19] System: Jessifer has left the chat
[04:46] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[04:46] jamer123: hello
[04:58] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[05:02] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[05:02] !King_Amazon!: Sup Jamer
[05:32] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[07:14] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[07:14] Chruser: So Obama wants to bomb Iran now? GG.
[07:15] Chruser: I guess he doesn't "want to be the peace president" like W.
[07:21] System: Chruser has left the chat
[07:33] System: D3V has joined the chat
[07:33] D3V: Never heard Obama wasnts to bomb Iran.
[08:03] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:10] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:10] D3V: douchecanoe
[08:10] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[08:10] Thanatos: BITCH
[08:11] D3V: urawut
[08:11] Thanatos: BITCH
[08:12] D3V: iknewit
[08:13] D3V: so wana make a wager on the Jags-Indy game?
[08:13] D3V: another round of loser tags or something?
[08:14] Thanatos: sure
[08:15] Thanatos: I don't see how Indy could lose...
[08:15] Thanatos: our DEs kept us in that Cleveland game.. and the Jags O-line is hurtin right now
[08:15] D3V: I know, but it's the matter of the fact.. it's the damn indy/jags.. on thurs night.
[08:16] Thanatos: this upcoming thursday?
[08:17] D3V: well.. next week, yahh
[08:17] D3V: right? or am I wrong again
[08:18] Thanatos: im not sure
[08:18] Thanatos: lemme check
[08:18] D3V: two weeks* my bad.
[08:18] D3V: week 16
[08:18] D3V: yah, just found my schedule. its thurs dec 18th at 815
[08:18] D3V: what a great christmas present that would be.
[08:19] Thanatos: yeah 2 weeks
[08:19] Thanatos: yeah and then you guys get owned
[08:19] Thanatos: and you = :(
[08:19] D3V: take up on that bet?
[08:22] D3V: so I heard OJ is going to jail this morning on TV for like 6 years minimum
[08:23] Thanatos: brb
[08:24] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[08:34] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[08:34] Thanatos: back
[08:34] Thanatos: yeah I'll take you up on that bet
[08:35] D3V: alright
[08:37] Thanatos: bitch
[08:40] D3V: lol
[08:40] D3V: kazilla isn't in here and you keep saying bitch.
[08:40] D3V: idungetet
[08:41] Thanatos: kazilla is a worthless fag, you're the bitch
[08:41] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[08:41] !King_Amazon!: Both worthless fag bitches, IMO.
[08:42] !King_Amazon!: Well
[08:42] !King_Amazon!: Kazilla is a worthless fag bitch
[08:42] !King_Amazon!: D3v is a fag bitch with some worth
[08:42] !King_Amazon!: And I think that "Fag bitch" might just be the best insult ever this week
[08:43] D3V: Lol.
[08:43] D3V: i'm only a fag 4u, honey.
[08:43] D3V: ima go play lulz football and slap everyones ass
[08:43] D3V: in the shower
[08:43] D3V: nekkid
[08:43] !King_Amazon!: I wonder what it's like knowing that you could disappear and nobody would care and the world would be no different.
[08:44] !King_Amazon!: WE SHOULD ASK KAZILLA
[08:44] D3V: idk, ask kazilla
[08:44] D3V: LOL!
[08:44] Thanatos: lol
[08:44] Thanatos: i know you're online kazilla... commeeer boy commeeer
[08:44] !King_Amazon!: I guess his slave woman would care, but only because she's stupid enough.
[08:44] D3V: it's gotta be a lonely feeling knowing your own girl wont break up with you because she feels so bad for you.. but that if you died, or turned up missng she would be happy.
[08:45] Thanatos: harsh
[08:45] !King_Amazon!: true
[08:45] !King_Amazon!: she probably wouldn't care
[08:45] !King_Amazon!: she'd probably be happy
[08:45] D3V: i would.
[08:45] Thanatos: a burden would be lifted, for sure
[08:45] D3V: oh w8, this is 3rd grade remember. shouldnt we be talking about pokemon and girls
[08:45] !King_Amazon!: She could actually live for herself!
[08:45] D3V: and our new huffy buikes
[08:46] D3V: bikes*
[08:46] !King_Amazon!: Be with someone who would rather spend time with her than with an Xbox
[08:46] !King_Amazon!: crazy shit
[08:46] Thanatos: how old is he?
[08:46] !King_Amazon!: 19-20?
[08:46] !King_Amazon!: I think
[08:46] D3V: 20?
[08:46] D3V: 19? yeah idk in that range.
[08:47] Thanatos: I just don't see how you could be happy with your life when you do absolutely jack shit every single day
[08:47] D3V: I would like to cordially invite Kazilla to the chatbox, I know he's reading this right now.
[08:47] !King_Amazon!: He's 19.
[08:47] Thanatos: If I stayed at home and played video games I'd be bored within 3 days
[08:47] !King_Amazon!: Well, he is 19 years old physically
[08:47] Thanatos: I need to occupy my time doing something beneficial to my future
[08:47] !King_Amazon!: He's actually about 12
[08:47] D3V: mentally about 12? ..
[08:47] Thanatos: wow... you guys are thinking very alike today
[08:48] !King_Amazon!: I start feeling physically and mentally like shit if I do unproductive things for extended periods of time
[08:48] D3V: lol wow again. i'd be bored too after the first two days or so. Shit, when we have time off of work for holidays and shit like a 4 day weekend and I have a full day of nothing I usually go crazy bored after games for 2-3 hours.
[08:48] !King_Amazon!: I feel like I'm pretty much wasting life
[08:48] !King_Amazon!: I don't know how he can stand it
[08:48] Thanatos: same here.
[08:48] Thanatos: It makes me want to go to work when I have nothing to do..
[08:48] D3V: yeah same here, it's kinda sad but it's w/e because I could be making money.
[08:49] Thanatos: yo d3v
[08:49] Thanatos: what's your SteamID?
[08:49] Thanatos: I have DoD:S now
[08:49] !King_Amazon!: In a little under 5 hours I'm going camping, bitches
[08:49] D3V: mmm i'm not sure. i think its l3prechaun07 or something
[08:49] D3V: i dont have dod:s yet
[08:49] !King_Amazon!: Got a bottle of Jager and a cooler full of beer and I'm out
[08:50] Thanatos: just dod 1.3? either way, fuckin bring it
[08:50] Thanatos: its too cold to go camping..
[08:51] !King_Amazon!: Nah, that's the best part of it
[08:51] !King_Amazon!: When it gets cold, the women don't go
[08:51] D3V: shit i'd say the women are the best part of camping.
[08:51] Thanatos: I'm not following you...
[08:51] !King_Amazon!: Weekend away from the women = roxxors
[08:51] D3V: i call homo
[08:51] Thanatos: Well I'm sure they make camping a fuckin nuisance
[08:51] !King_Amazon!: Well if you're a single guy, sure
[08:51] Thanatos: camping with women = bad, stressful times
[08:51] !King_Amazon!: But I'm aorund her all of the time
[08:52] !King_Amazon!: around*
[08:52] D3V: oh true that I forgot.
[08:52] !King_Amazon!: It's not like sex is exclusive to camping
[08:52] D3V: yeah, camping with the bros would be good especially without the female tagging along.
[08:52] !King_Amazon!: D3v I have a question for you
[08:52] D3V: yessir
[08:52] !King_Amazon!: Would you one of your senses in trade for a sixth sense type of deal? If so, which sense?
[08:52] D3V: LOL
[08:52] Thanatos: LOL
[08:52] D3V: fuck you
[08:52] !King_Amazon!: Then who was phone?
[08:53] Thanatos: d3v is completely retarded at times
[08:53] D3V: like it's hard for me to type shit out here at work because constantly I have managers walking by me and I have to alt+tab out and my thoughts get all jumbled and moronic seeming at times.
[08:53] !King_Amazon!: At least it was funny nonsense this time
[08:53] !King_Amazon!: I lol'd when I read that
[08:53] D3V: I lol'd when I went back, I was about to pick kazilla apart and realized I actually was the retard for once.
[08:53] !King_Amazon!: Do you alt+tab multiple times in a single sentence?
[08:53] !King_Amazon!: It seemed like you stopped thinking a few times while writing that
[08:53] D3V: most of the time, yeah.. like just now I had to.
[08:54] D3V: I know I went back and was like.. I don't even know how I got that.. I don't reread shit hardly ever after I type it .. which is another problem.
[08:54] Thanatos: what do you alt+tab out to?
[08:54] Thanatos: your desktop?
[08:55] D3V: back to my queue window lol.
[08:55] !King_Amazon!: That reminds me of some funny shit
[08:55] D3V: i keep the chatbox opened in a little box in the bottom corner of my screen.
[08:55] !King_Amazon!: Back in school, I used to go in the computer lab and screenshot the desktop on a computer, then set the screenshot as the wallpaper and delete all of the icons
[08:55] !King_Amazon!: people would be clicking on the fake icons like mad trying to get something to happen
[08:55] Thanatos: lol
[08:56] Thanatos: that's actually pretty good
[08:56] !King_Amazon!: Apparently about 50% of the population believes that clicking harder makes it more likely to have a result
[08:56] D3V: lol dude I've done that all the time too...
[08:56] D3V: know what else?
[08:56] D3V: disable properties, disable right click, opposite the mouse hand change it from right-hand to left hand. Drag the windows bar ont he bottom to the top of the screen and autohide it. Disable ctrl alt delete, disable the windows key
[08:56] Thanatos: ?
[08:57] !King_Amazon!: That shit's too complicated
[08:57] !King_Amazon!: Then you're just being sadistic
[08:57] !King_Amazon!: Asshole
[08:57] D3V: no way, if you're gonna do it, do it right.
[08:57] D3V: it takes like 2 minutes to do all of that. it takes longer to take a screenshot and set it as the background.
[08:58] !King_Amazon!: I remember I used to just unplug the keyboard or the mouse from the computer, and half of the teachers would seriously call the IT guys to come figure out why the keyboard or mouse wasn't working
[08:58] !King_Amazon!: It's amazing how much confusion that can cause
[08:58] D3V: LOL.. I used to have a tech class called CET where me and another one of my buddies were the actual technicians for our high school and so many times we'd have to go "fix the sound" on a teacher's computer and the fucking speakers would be turned off, or unplugged.
[08:58] !King_Amazon!: I bet the IT guys would have really hated me, had they known I was the one doing all of these things
[08:59] D3V: that is hilarious
[08:59] !King_Amazon!: I actually did something like that, too
[08:59] D3V: they probably just wonder how the teachers could be so stupid.
[08:59] !King_Amazon!: They pretty much just had me install printers and shit
[08:59] !King_Amazon!: But it was fun to have the administrator password
[08:59] D3V: yeah, that was the same for us pretty much.
[09:00] D3V: We got to use networking monitoring software and bust kids in the library trying to look up porn and shit.
[09:00] D3V: it was kinda fun being able to be a computer nazi.
[09:02] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[09:03] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[09:05] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:05] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[09:07] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[09:07] System: Grav has joined the chat
[09:07] Grav: ello niqqas
[09:18] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:18] D3V: hai
[09:19] System: Grav has left the chat
[09:20] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:22] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:27] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:33] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[09:33] Thanatos: o herro
[09:36] System: Thanatos has left the chat

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