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[09:50] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[09:50] Thanatos: Gonna go watch Obama speak in 20 minutes
[10:13] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[10:17] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[10:17] !King_Amazon!: Fun
[10:21] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[10:38] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[11:01] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[11:37] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[11:37] Thanatos: Back... pretty cool
[11:46] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[11:46] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[11:46] HandOfHeaven: Did you toke with him?
[11:46] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[11:46] !King_Amazon!: Did he do a striptease?
[11:47] !King_Amazon!: I've heard he does that sometimes
[11:48] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[11:48] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[11:52] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[11:52] Thanatos: No, and no.
[11:54] System: Grav has joined the chat
[11:54] Grav: "No" means "yes" Thanatos
[11:55] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[11:55] HandOfHeaven: Hmm...
[11:56] HandOfHeaven: Must've been nice to see him speak though
[11:56] Grav: HMMM....
[11:58] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[11:58] Thanatos: I was so far back though
[11:58] Thanatos: I could barely see him
[11:59] Thanatos: Hmmmm..........
[11:59] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[12:00] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[12:03] Grav: hey Thanatos
[12:03] Grav: I like you. I really do.
[12:03] Grav: But when you do this "hmmm...." shit?
[12:03] Grav: It's hard to like you.
[12:03] Grav: Don't make me not like you, Thanatos.
[12:03] Grav: Just don't.
[12:04] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[12:04] !King_Amazon!: fuck u grav
[12:04] Grav: ok
[12:05] Grav: man I fucked up on a prelim
[12:05] !King_Amazon!: owned
[12:05] !King_Amazon!: I have a MATLAB midterm today yay
[12:05] Grav: I got an 87, and this other kid got an 88
[12:05] Grav: WTF
[12:06] Grav: lol are you joking
[12:06] Grav: because that's what it was in
[12:06] !King_Amazon!: nope
[12:06] !King_Amazon!: serious
[12:06] Grav: life is funny!
[12:06] Grav: wanna compare exams
[12:06] !King_Amazon!: bet mine is easier
[12:06] !King_Amazon!: community college puts me to sleep
[12:07] Grav: http­://­www­.­cs­.­cornell­.­edu­/­courses­/­cs­...­am2­/­t2sp08­.­pdf
[12:07] Grav: this is more or less equivalent to the test I just got back
[12:07] !King_Amazon!: Mine's open book and open notes
[12:07] !King_Amazon!: lols
[12:08] !King_Amazon!: but not "open neighbor"
[12:08] Grav: LOL
[12:08] !King_Amazon!: fucking annoying stupid people that say retarded things
[12:08] Grav: do you write code or just answer questions
[12:08] !King_Amazon!: my trig syllabus says that for our tests they are "closed book, closed notes, closed outside help"
[12:08] !King_Amazon!: I headdesk every time I read about it
[12:08] !King_Amazon!: write code
[12:10] !King_Amazon!: That exam doesn't look terribly hard, but I didn't learn some of that stuff
[12:11] Grav: the last two questions usually take about 1/2 hr each
[12:11] Grav: thats the only difficult thing I guess
[12:11] !King_Amazon!: question 2 is easymode
[12:12] Grav: matlab is by far my easiest class
[12:12] !King_Amazon!: Question 4 is pretty tricky
[12:12] !King_Amazon!: I wouldn't be able to do it right now
[12:12] !King_Amazon!: Don't think I learned how
[12:13] Grav: this test is easier than the one I took IMO
[12:13] Grav: but its not online
[12:13] !King_Amazon!: MATLAB is pretty worthless, I think
[12:13] !King_Amazon!: I don't like it anyway
[12:13] !King_Amazon!: It's too buggy
[12:13] !King_Amazon!: And clunky
[12:13] Grav: buggy?
[12:14] Grav: clunky?
[12:14] Grav: its really efficient IMO
[12:14] !King_Amazon!: Lots of bugs
[12:14] !King_Amazon!: What version do you use?
[12:15] Grav: I personally am using 7.0.0.*
[12:15] !King_Amazon!: Same as me.
[12:15] !King_Amazon!: Maybe it's buggy because I use vista
[12:15] !King_Amazon!: Who knows
[12:15] Grav: define buggy though
[12:15] Grav: like what have you experienced
[12:16] !King_Amazon!: I'll write code that is flawless, it will not work
[12:16] !King_Amazon!: I save it, close matlab, open matlab, the code works
[12:16] !King_Amazon!: the plots in general are pretty buggy, as well
[12:16] !King_Amazon!: legends don't display right for some charts
[12:16] !King_Amazon!: specifically for 3D pie charts
[12:17] !King_Amazon!: plots will plot wrong, then I'll restart matlab and it will plot right
[12:17] Grav: huh
[12:17] Grav: that's weird, haven't had those problems
[12:17] Grav: using XP
[12:17] !King_Amazon!: sometimes my code just executes shitty
[12:17] !King_Amazon!: out of order almost sometimes
[12:17] !King_Amazon!: I always put "clear, clc" at the start of my code, but sometimes it wont even execute that part
[12:18] !King_Amazon!: which causes other problems, naturally
[12:19] Grav: wow that's really bad lol I blame vista then, or maybe your copy got... fucked up somehow?
[12:19] !King_Amazon!: It just seems poorly designed
[12:19] !King_Amazon!: Probably vista
[12:19] Grav: it hasnt given me problems like that
[12:20] !King_Amazon!: I'm more interested in learning C++ in the last half of the semester
[12:20] !King_Amazon!: MATLAB was written in C++ afterall
[12:20] !King_Amazon!: C++ seems like it would be more useful
[12:21] !King_Amazon!: excel can do most of what MATLAB does, albeit a bit less efficiently
[12:21] !King_Amazon!: I work with tons of engineers here at my work, and none of them use MATLAB
[12:21] !King_Amazon!: only a couple of them even know any MATLAB
[12:21] !King_Amazon!: yet my MATLAB book claims that MATLAB is used by every engineer in the world
[12:22] Grav: lol
[12:22] Grav: depends on their specific job I guess
[12:22] !King_Amazon!: Most engineers here use excel, or some other programs that I know very little about
[12:22] !King_Amazon!: a couple use visual basic for some things
[12:28] System: Grav has left the chat
[12:28] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[12:29] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[12:29] !King_Amazon!: We use Labview for anything that needs to communicate with data acquisition or controlling shit
[12:29] !King_Amazon!: It's basically a visual programming thing
[12:30] !King_Amazon!: You pretty much make flow charts to tell it what to do
[12:30] !King_Amazon!: It's good for people who don't know anything about programming, because it's pretty logical
[12:36] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[12:41] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[12:47] System: Jessifer has joined the chat
[12:47] Jessifer: Jesus fucking christ, what the fuck is wrong with you, KA? You know what, fuck you. I hope you die a horrible and painful fucking death.
[12:49] System: Jessifer has left the chat
[13:03] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[13:03] !King_Amazon!: whore
[13:08] System: WetWired has joined the chat
[13:08] WetWired: ???
[13:08] !King_Amazon!: I think she's bored.
[13:09] WetWired: Yeah, the makers want people to think people use their shit, but infact few do
[13:09] WetWired: There are people that professionally use graphical programming languages, but once you get past a certain complexity level, it's an impediment
[13:09] WetWired: Especially when you want to print out a program
[13:10] WetWired: And I takes several D size sheets
[13:11] WetWired: *it
[13:13] System: WetWired has left the chat
[13:16] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[14:03] System: D3V has joined the chat
[14:03] D3V: i've allowed myself to turn into the teachers pet in english somehow.
[14:03] D3V: pud-status for sure.
[14:10] System: D3V has left the chat
[14:25] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[14:25] Thanatos: d3vin
[14:25] Thanatos: I saw Obama speak today
[14:36] System: D3V has joined the chat
[14:36] D3V: did you? how was it..?
[14:36] D3V: i seen he was 'stumpin' in indiana.. MIchelle was in jville yesterday.
[14:37] System: D3V has left the chat
[14:54] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[14:54] Thanatos: BACK
[14:54] Thanatos: It was pretty good
[14:55] Thanatos: He was bashing McCain's policies saying they're all Bush's policies
[14:55] Thanatos: it's about that time to start bashing your opponent, I guess
[14:55] Thanatos: I'm voting Saturday and that's the last I want to talk about this shit
[15:01] Thanatos: die bitch nigga die i hope you bleed a lake
[15:01] Willkillforfood: Yea
[15:01] Willkillforfood: There's avery calculated plan to all of this
[15:01] Thanatos: take a bit of your plate, eat it right in your face
[15:01] Willkillforfood: a very
[15:01] Thanatos: O RLY?
[15:02] Willkillforfood: Fo sho
[15:02] Thanatos: and what is that"?
[15:05] Willkillforfood: Associate Bush and McCain
[15:06] Thanatos: McSame
[15:10] Willkillforfood: yep
[15:19] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[15:30] System: D3V has joined the chat
[15:32] D3V: lol
[15:33] System: D3V has left the chat
[16:17] System: D3V has joined the chat
[16:17] D3V: i'm going to go watch some 9/11 conspiracy movies tonight.
[16:22] System: D3V has left the chat
[16:26] Willkillforfood: lol, nice
[17:24] System: Kazilla has joined the chat
[17:24] Kazilla: d3v, go to youtube and look up 9/11 loose change. its a good one
[17:34] System: Kazilla has left the chat
[17:41] System: D3V has joined the chat
[17:41] D3V: seen it a few times already. I'm focusing on tower 7 solely. Just trying to hear as much information as I can about it.
[17:51] Willkillforfood: http­://­z­.­about­.­com­/­d­/­politicalhumor­/...­mily­-­photo­.­jpg
[17:53] Willkillforfood: http­://­politicalhumor­.­about­.­com­/­od­/­j­...­d­-­Men­.-­Utb­.­htm
[17:56] D3V: those aer good.
[17:56] D3V: are*
[18:04] System: D3V has left the chat
[18:20] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[22:01] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[22:05] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat

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