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[00:52] System: Xenn has joined the chat
[00:52] Xenn: where can i get a wii emulator for my psp
[00:53] Xenn: joking, of course
[00:58] System: Xenn has left the chat
[00:58] System: Xenn has joined the chat
[01:06] System: Xenn has left the chat
[01:06] System: quikspy67 has joined the chat
[01:06] quikspy67: haha oh xenn
[01:09] System: quikspy67 has left the chat
[01:16] System: Kazilla has joined the chat
[01:16] Kazilla: how many times has zelaron "almost died" now?
[01:36] System: Kazilla has left the chat
[03:36] System: PureRebel has joined the chat
[03:36] PureRebel: alot
[03:36] PureRebel: it always comes back ;D we get some new members here and there who boost activity
[03:37] PureRebel: all i do most the time is lurk the forums these days which im sure alot of other members do :\
[03:47] System: PureRebel has left the chat
[04:46] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[04:46] jamer123: hello
[04:52] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[05:31] System: joe2722 has joined the chat
[05:31] joe2722: fuck jipsies
[05:32] joe2722: dick heads !!!!!!!!!
[05:32] joe2722: get lifes
[05:43] System: joe2722 has left the chat
[06:21] System: D3V has joined the chat
[06:21] D3V: sup.
[06:32] System: D3V has left the chat
[06:49] System: Tuttifrutti has joined the chat
[06:49] Tuttifrutti: narffff
[07:01] System: sheerx has joined the chat
[07:01] sheerx: goddamn
[07:03] Tuttifrutti: hmm?
[07:03] sheerx: Kazilla's such an assbag
[07:03] sheerx: I'm starting to see why people dislike him
[07:04] Tuttifrutti: ...
[07:04] Tuttifrutti: lol
[07:04] Tuttifrutti: why do you say that
[07:04] sheerx: I was clearly mistaken when I told others he seemed like a decent member
[07:04] sheerx: just from the thing he writes on threads
[07:05] Tuttifrutti: well i'll let him know when he gets home :P
[07:05] sheerx: I didin't meant to tell you personally
[07:05] sheerx: just saying it out loud
[07:06] Tuttifrutti: lol its okay, i realize no one really likes him
[07:06] System: D3V has joined the chat
[07:06] D3V: morning.
[07:06] Tuttifrutti: morning dev
[07:06] sheerx: Zelaron is a cool place that I've grown to love
[07:06] D3V: he just doesn't listen sometimes, or read atleast.
[07:07] sheerx: but with him around I just can't seem to enjoy visiting
[07:07] Tuttifrutti: he's very opinionated and doesnt care if he has the facts sometimes lol
[07:07] D3V: LOL. Just put him on ignore then.
[07:07] Tuttifrutti: you know, you can put him on ignore
[07:07] D3V: ..yeah, seriously.
[07:07] Tuttifrutti: so you dont have to see his posts
[07:07] sheerx: eh
[07:08] Tuttifrutti: its better than just leaving zelaron cause of someone
[07:08] Tuttifrutti: i would put k_a on ignore if i could but he's a damn mod
[07:08] D3V: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­profile­.­php­...­ignore­&­u­=­12981
[07:08] D3V: there click that link and hit okay, problem solved.
[07:08] Tuttifrutti: im starving! ugh ><
[07:08] D3V: er, wait.
[07:08] sheerx: kinda goes against the idea of a forum
[07:08] sheerx: what happened to him?
[07:08] Tuttifrutti: well a forum is to discuss your beliefs and opinions
[07:08] D3V: LOL, it says Kazilla is a mod and I can't ignore him, odd.
[07:08] sheerx: was he demodded?
[07:08] Tuttifrutti: and thats what kaz is doing
[07:08] Tuttifrutti: what?!
[07:09] Tuttifrutti: it shows his prof as a member
[07:09] sheerx: is KA going to be replaced?
[07:09] Tuttifrutti: oh is he the mod of the too human forum?
[07:09] Tuttifrutti: no k_a isnt going to be replaced
[07:09] Tuttifrutti: we're replacing yawgmoth
[07:09] sheerx: of course...
[07:09] D3V: no, k_a will never be replaced.
[07:09] D3V: or demodded.
[07:09] sheerx: and yeah
[07:09] Tuttifrutti: but a girl can dream right? :P
[07:10] Tuttifrutti: lol
[07:10] sheerx: he's cool guy
[07:11] sheerx: time for worky work see you guys
[07:11] System: Kazilla has joined the chat
[07:11] Kazilla: lol...
[07:11] Tuttifrutti: bye
[07:11] Kazilla: i make it not fun?
[07:12] Kazilla: youve got a 50% activity average, you probably only come around when kids like you annoy me
[07:12] System: sheerx has left the chat
[07:13] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[07:13] Tuttifrutti: hi tr
[07:13] Kazilla: /wave
[07:15] Thanatos: sup
[07:15] Thanatos: Since when have you been calling me TR? I just read it in a post and now on here.. heh
[07:15] Tuttifrutti: umm
[07:15] Tuttifrutti: cause its your name
[07:15] Tuttifrutti: and its shorter than 'than' :P
[07:15] D3V: lol
[07:15] Kazilla: i cant figure out where the r comes from
[07:15] D3V: er dur
[07:16] Thanatos: Then I'm gonna call you megan
[07:16] Thanatos: or even meg
[07:16] D3V: how about M
[07:16] Tuttifrutti: you can call me meg if you want, not many people do
[07:16] Tuttifrutti: if you're THAT lazy, dev :P
[07:16] Thanatos: what's kazilla call you?
[07:16] Thanatos: sexay bish?
[07:16] Tuttifrutti: megan
[07:16] Tuttifrutti: that too
[07:16] Tuttifrutti: lol
[07:16] Tuttifrutti: he calls me booger too
[07:16] Tuttifrutti: i dont know why
[07:17] Thanatos: lol
[07:17] Thanatos: maybe he's trying to tell you that you have boogers hanging out of your nose?
[07:17] D3V: I think goober sounds better.
[07:18] Tuttifrutti: no im very hygenic :P
[07:18] Tuttifrutti: i like to call people by their real names if i can help it
[07:18] Thanatos: Goober..
[07:18] Thanatos: this chick calls me that all the time
[07:18] Kazilla: tuttis nekkid
[07:19] Thanatos: I don't know if it's a good or bad thing heh
[07:19] D3V: lol.
[07:19] D3V: this girl ive been talkin to lately thats got a boy already says "true story" all the time, i find it hilairious..
[07:20] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[07:20] !King_Amazon!: I had a dream about you Tuttifrutti
[07:20] Tuttifrutti: blah
[07:20] Thanatos: here we go..
[07:20] !King_Amazon!: In my dream, you came into my bedroom and stripped completely naked
[07:20] Tuttifrutti: anyways
[07:21] D3V: YO!!!
[07:21] !King_Amazon!: In my dream, you came into my bedroom and stripped completely naked
[07:21] Kazilla: i really cant stand him sometimes you know
[07:21] !King_Amazon!: You got on top of me and then we had the best sex ever
[07:21] Kazilla: does anyone respect him at all?
[07:21] D3V: I GOT JAGUARS tix for this sundays game......OMG.
[07:21] !King_Amazon!: And then I realized you were actually a man, and I woke up screaming
[07:21] D3V: 50 bucks, section 141 FOR BOTH, 140 dollars worth, 1/3 of the price..
[07:22] Thanatos: that's pretty decent dev
[07:22] Kazilla: lol KA your trying to hard to get a response from us its cute
[07:22] Kazilla: i <3 you
[07:22] Thanatos: asshole.. i can't even get tickets
[07:22] Thanatos: they're sold out for 2 years
[07:22] D3V: our game is soldout for sunday, a buddy of mine has some and hes a punk he doesn't want to go.
[07:24] !King_Amazon!: Kazilla, will you stop fucking reporting every single post where someone slightly does something that apparently makes you cry
[07:24] Kazilla: i cant, i love you to much
[07:24] Kazilla: i want the world to know
[07:25] !King_Amazon!: Out of like the last 10 post reportings, you've done like 8 of them, and none of them are report worthy
[07:25] Kazilla: you take it over the line, and thats when you get reported, your post and to chruser
[07:25] !King_Amazon!: You're pissing off the rest of the staff
[07:25] !King_Amazon!: I'm not even talking about me
[07:25] Kazilla: so go ahead and continue your escapade? w/e and ill keep on reporting yea?
[07:25] !King_Amazon!: Wtf?
[07:25] Kazilla: your pissing off the members
[07:25] D3V: you know what sucks? I think Kazilla is my reincarnation of about 4-5 years ago :-(
[07:26] Tuttifrutti: well im sorry its illegal to report someone thats harrassing his girlfriend
[07:26] Kazilla: lol KA you honestly think staff is what makes this site go round?
[07:26] D3V: You guys need to just take it to PMs
[07:26] Kazilla: im suppose to piss off the staff, i am unhappy and they arent doing anything
[07:26] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[07:26] D3V: Don't even let K_A know what's up, just send PMs to the other staff members.
[07:26] Thanatos: KA, why don't you just stop trying to be an asshole?
[07:26] Kazilla: what good will that do d3v? he will post them like a behbeh he is
[07:27] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[07:27] D3V: No, send PMs to the O T H E R staff..
[07:27] Kazilla: ah, megan is to chruser, but then again your speculation seems to fit
[07:27] !King_Amazon!: I'm not even talking about where Kazilla reported me, because I don't see any such reporting
[07:27] Kazilla: somehow we need to convince chruser ka is not wanted or needed here
[07:27] !King_Amazon!: I'm talking about when he reported Wallow for NOTHING
[07:27] Kazilla: ka, go back into your hole kk?
[07:27] Kazilla: i cant control myself in your presence
[07:28] Kazilla: you make me want to hug you
[07:28] Kazilla: so hard
[07:28] Kazilla: can i get en ur pants?
[07:28] Kazilla: r teh ez 2 entur?
[07:28] D3V: Why even talk about it? Just shut the fuck up.
[07:28] D3V: Every time you come in here K_A, you just cause fucking problems.
[07:29] D3V: Nobody gives a shit besides you and Kazilla, if you guys are seriously that bored, take it to PMs.
[07:29] !King_Amazon!: At least be clearheaded enough to see that I'm not the sole problem.
[07:29] !King_Amazon!: Yes I'm being an asshole, but I'm not the only party doing so.
[07:29] Kazilla: ka lol now you pawn it off on me
[07:29] Tuttifrutti: why take it to PM
[07:29] D3V: Yes, but you are staff so you should be in higher regard.
[07:29] Kazilla: cute!
[07:29] Tuttifrutti: he'll copy and paste again
[07:29] D3V: So we don't have to read this bullshit.
[07:29] !King_Amazon!: Kazilla, shut up.
[07:29] D3V: ill be back in like 10..
[07:29] Tuttifrutti: well we'd have to anyways if he posts PM's in here
[07:29] Kazilla: ka you dont understand anything do you, lol im done getting annoyed with what you say, ive learned to love you
[07:30] Kazilla: you are my bestest friend
[07:30] Kazilla: can we be buddies?
[07:30] Kazilla: what movies you like? perhaps we can go out to one sometime
[07:30] System: D3V has left the chat
[07:31] Kazilla: i love you a little i love you alot, my love for you could fill 2 pots, 16 cans and 14 cups, 2 teaspoons and something else i forgot - but gosh i <3 u
[07:31] System: Tuttifrutti has left the chat
[07:31] Kazilla: lol ka banned tutti
[07:31] !King_Amazon!: Mostly because I can't ban you
[07:31] !King_Amazon!: Partially because I'm an abusive mod!
[07:31] Kazilla: why not? do you love me to much?
[07:32] !King_Amazon!: You're considered staff, which means you can only be banned by an administrator, unfortunately
[07:32] Kazilla: lol

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