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[02:07] System: badboy has joined the chat
[02:15] System: badboy has left the chat
[08:06] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[08:06] Thanatos: callin my name
[08:33] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[08:38] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[08:38] Chruser: Good morning, everyone.
[08:40] System: joe2722 has joined the chat
[08:40] joe2722: good morning
[08:41] joe2722: ur all gay na na na na na na na na na
[08:42] System: joe2722 has left the chat
[08:42] System: joe2722 has joined the chat
[08:44] System: Chruser has left the chat
[08:45] System: thecandyman has joined the chat
[08:45] thecandyman: hi joe
[08:45] thecandyman: im sitting next to you
[08:45] joe2722: really , i had no idea
[08:46] thecandyman: neither did i
[08:46] thecandyman: joe?
[08:46] thecandyman: :D
[08:46] thecandyman: lalalalala
[08:46] thecandyman: adrian has no buttocks
[08:46] thecandyman: cept thye one on his face
[08:47] thecandyman: joe?
[08:47] thecandyman: AHHHHH
[08:47] thecandyman: here i am
[08:47] joe2722: aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh­hhhhhhh helloooooooooooo
[08:47] thecandyman: you just read the stuff i wrote
[08:48] joe2722: nob face kemal
[08:48] thecandyman: ball bag
[08:48] joe2722: ass wipe
[08:48] thecandyman: adrina?
[08:48] thecandyman: adrian
[08:48] joe2722: smelly man
[08:48] joe2722: u smell
[08:48] joe2722: cus ur a smelly man
[08:48] joe2722: who is smelly
[08:48] joe2722: and u smell
[08:49] thecandyman: who me?
[08:49] joe2722: i did'nt think u'd guess but u smell :D
[08:49] thecandyman: yes you
[08:49] thecandyman: couldnt be
[08:49] thecandyman: then who?
[08:49] thecandyman: i dont thin kso
[08:49] joe2722: you, ginger u smell
[08:49] thecandyman: FART
[08:49] joe2722: u smell like a ginger
[08:49] joe2722: that was immature kemal
[08:49] thecandyman: i dont smell :(
[08:49] joe2722: no farting here
[08:50] System: joe2722 has left the chat
[08:50] System: thecandyman has left the chat
[08:53] System: joe2722 has joined the chat
[08:55] joe2722: join the chat kemal
[08:56] System: joe2722 has left the chat
[09:22] System: TIGHTLAD has joined the chat
[09:24] System: TIGHTLAD has left the chat
[09:55] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[09:55] !King_Amazon!: Sup noobs
[09:56] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[10:06] System: Medieval Bob has joined the chat
[10:06] Medieval Bob: *pushes past crowd of noobs to slightly less-noob-guy* Hey KA. What's up noob?
[10:07] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[10:07] Thanatos: I, too, am a noob.
[10:07] System: Medieval Bob has left the chat
[10:09] Thanatos: ran you out eh?
[10:13] System: Afroman has joined the chat
[10:13] Afroman: .
[10:14] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[10:15] System: Afroman has left the chat
[10:27] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[10:27] Thanatos: .
[10:38] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[11:09] System: FlowerPower has joined the chat
[11:09] FlowerPower: O_o i got a letter from u
[11:09] FlowerPower: saying somin about a reunion
[11:09] FlowerPower: but...
[11:09] FlowerPower: i dont no wat this it?
[11:10] FlowerPower: oh lol no ones only O_o
[11:12] System: FlowerPower has left the chat
[11:12] System: FlowerPower has joined the chat
[11:15] System: FlowerPower has left the chat
[11:49] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[11:49] Chruser: Hah.
[11:57] System: Chruser has left the chat
[14:38] System: Afroman has joined the chat
[14:38] Afroman: d3v is unbanned!
[14:39] System: Afroman has left the chat
[14:39] System: Yawgmoth has joined the chat
[14:39] Yawgmoth: Finally!
[14:39] Yawgmoth: Who is D3V?
[14:48] System: Yawgmoth has left the chat
[14:52] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[14:52] Chruser: D3V is a myth.
[14:53] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[14:53] Thanatos: Really?
[14:55] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[14:58] System: Chruser has left the chat
[15:05] System: khwiii has joined the chat
[15:05] khwiii: D3V is a meth(head).
[15:08] System: khwiii has left the chat
[15:17] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[15:17] HandOfHeaven: D3V is still banned
[15:18] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[15:29] System: Wed-G has joined the chat
[15:29] Wed-G: damn.
[15:31] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[15:31] jamer123: wes never getting unbanned
[15:31] jamer123: *hes
[15:34] System: Wed-G has left the chat
[15:44] System: Wed-G has joined the chat
[15:44] Wed-G: ..odd. I thought you knew my first name.
[15:44] Wed-G: my actual name is wesley, people call me wes and it was kinda wierd that you'd know that.
[15:44] jamer123: oo i dont but let me guess wesley
[15:44] Wed-G: but you mispelled he's so that's okay.
[15:45] jamer123: ok
[15:45] jamer123: thats the same way with one of my friends
[15:48] jamer123: do you know how to get on the new world order thread
[15:49] Wed-G: aight. Well, I's got's to go to work. I'll be back later to work on our RPG. http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­forumdisplay­.­php­?­f­=­373
[15:50] System: Wed-G has left the chat
[16:01] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[16:18] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[16:18] Lenny: We have our zonalonalon back! :eek:!!
[16:25] System: Lenny has left the chat
[17:49] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[17:49] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[19:12] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[19:12] jamer123: hi
[19:14] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[19:16] System: jamer123 has joined the chat
[19:17] System: jamer123 has left the chat
[20:48] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[21:24] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat

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