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[02:53] System: Yawgmoth has joined the chat
[02:53] Yawgmoth: Test are made for failure.
[03:46] System: Yawgmoth has left the chat
[06:16] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[06:16] Willkillforfood: super.
[06:19] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[06:19] !King_Amazon!: thanks for asking
[06:21] Willkillforfood: Kay?
[06:21] !King_Amazon!: m'kay
[06:21] Willkillforfood: geez, you're up early.
[06:22] Willkillforfood: aren't you on mountain time?
[06:24] !King_Amazon!: Yep.
[06:24] !King_Amazon!: I wake up at 6 to go to work
[06:24] !King_Amazon!: Usually I'm gone 10 minutes ago
[06:25] !King_Amazon!: Slow morning
[06:25] Willkillforfood: lol
[06:25] Willkillforfood: the rabbit not wanting you to leave? ;)
[06:25] !King_Amazon!: not quite
[06:25] !King_Amazon!: Actually, I'm trying to get caught up on my Zelaron a bit
[06:26] !King_Amazon!: In the past two days I've worked 23 1/2 hours.
[06:26] Willkillforfood: what do you do, again?
[06:26] !King_Amazon!: Not to mention the 4-5 hours of school and school work I've done
[06:26] !King_Amazon!: I've had very little time for anything
[06:26] !King_Amazon!: I'm a lab technician
[06:26] !King_Amazon!: Not the kind that does urine samples or anything like that
[06:26] !King_Amazon!: an actual lab
[06:27] Willkillforfood: Yea.
[06:27] !King_Amazon!: I run an electron microscope about 16 hours a week
[06:27] Willkillforfood: I was a lab tech.
[06:27] Willkillforfood: Cool
[06:27] !King_Amazon!: And do various other things
[06:27] Willkillforfood: I didn't do anything with equiptment that expensive.
[06:28] Willkillforfood: I mostly cultured bacteria, checked water concentrations with a cryoscope, did some tests to figure out acidity, and used a swab device that measured ATP with bioluminescence
[06:29] Willkillforfood: So what're you doing with an electron microscope?
[06:30] !King_Amazon!: Looking at defects in ceramic parts
[06:30] !King_Amazon!: We have parts that are slotted on the inside, so we can flow air through them
[06:30] Willkillforfood: Ceramic parts destined for what?
[06:30] !King_Amazon!: if they have holes, there are problems
[06:30] Willkillforfood: Aircraft?
[06:30] !King_Amazon!: Ionic separation of oxygen from air
[06:30] Willkillforfood: lol
[06:31] Willkillforfood: ah
[06:31] !King_Amazon!: We basically do what a cryogenics plant does
[06:31] Willkillforfood: Well, that doesn't sound too bad.
[06:31] !King_Amazon!: Except our part is about 1/2 foot wide, 1/2 foot long, 2 feet tall
[06:31] !King_Amazon!: Our module, rather
[06:31] !King_Amazon!: made up of many parts
[06:31] !King_Amazon!: It's also much more cost effective
[06:32] Willkillforfood: yea
[06:32] !King_Amazon!: On top of that, we've got another program that can liquefy natural gas
[06:32] !King_Amazon!: So like, when people are drilling oil, they can put this module over the oil field and it will catch the natural gas rather than let it be released into the atmosphere
[06:32] !King_Amazon!: Once it's liquefied, it's easy to transport, they can sell it or use it, and they no longer have to pay the fines associated with released natural gas
[06:33] Willkillforfood: Interesting mixture of products there
[06:33] !King_Amazon!: It's pretty cutting-edge
[06:33] !King_Amazon!: For such a small company, it's amazing how great of stuff we're doing
[06:33] !King_Amazon!: And then we work on some superconductor sorts of stuff, hydrogen fuel cells, ceramic body armors and such
[06:34] !King_Amazon!: I've heard rumers that we're doing work on an invisible ceramic body armor
[06:34] !King_Amazon!: I've learned a lot working there
[06:34] !King_Amazon!: I never would have guessed that ceramics were capable of what they are
[06:34] !King_Amazon!: I figured people just ate off of them and that was it
[06:36] Willkillforfood: Yea
[06:36] Willkillforfood: I knew they used it in body armor, in space craft, and in aircraft
[06:37] !King_Amazon!: We do a lot of work with the army and with the department of energy and such
[06:37] !King_Amazon!: DOD and DOE are our major sources of income
[06:37] !King_Amazon!: They fund our research, basically
[06:37] !King_Amazon!: Anyway, I should get going
[06:38] !King_Amazon!: peace
[06:38] Willkillforfood: peace
[06:39] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[06:44] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[07:14] System: D3V has joined the chat
[07:14] D3V: sup
[07:19] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[07:19] Thanatos: the sky
[07:19] Thanatos: derrrr
[07:20] D3V: o tru
[07:20] D3V: so tr, I got into a fucking argument with my younger brother yesterday
[07:20] D3V: about Lil wayne, he's hell bent on trying to convince me how "awesome" lil wayne is..
[07:26] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[07:28] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[07:28] Thanatos: i mean
[07:28] Thanatos: lil wayne is good
[07:28] Thanatos: but he's by no means the best
[07:28] Thanatos: you said he's your younger brother?? how old is he? he's probably too young to appreciate good hip hop
[07:32] System: D3V has left the chat
[07:37] System: D3V has joined the chat
[07:37] D3V: he's 19
[07:37] D3V: I tried to explain to him that just because he raps high and claims hes the best rapper/lyricist .,. doesn't mean he is, I told him to just go compare to any other big name and you'll see the difference.
[07:38] D3V: any jay-z, nas, tupac, biggie, eminem, even the new guy lupe fiasco imo is better than lil wayne
[07:39] Thanatos: yeah
[07:39] D3V: anyways
[07:40] Thanatos: he's probably only listend to rap nowadays
[07:40] Thanatos: and compared to today's rappers, lil wayne is pretty boss
[07:41] D3V: I guess so, i'm slowly accepting lil wayne, I just can't stand his voice, and I hate his "daddy" so it makes my opinion biased, I guess
[07:41] Thanatos: birdman blows
[07:42] D3V: yea
[07:42] D3V: the only real thing I like about lil wayne songs, are the beats themselves... now theyre all pretty fuckin dope, until he starts rapping and the song usually starts to suck
[07:43] Thanatos: lol
[07:44] D3V: errrunnhhnn maayyynnn u'kno whatyi mean young weezy errrhunnhnn
[07:45] D3V: ill admit though, he is better than birdman, rofl
[07:47] System: klo has joined the chat
[07:47] klo: So I Let Her LiK ThE RaP-pEr
[07:49] D3V: I've noticed that stoners have this huge argument for lil wayne.. it's weird.
[07:50] klo: uhm, most everyone has their own controversies over that song.
[07:50] Thanatos: haha klo comes out of nowhere "so i let her lick the rapper"
[07:50] Thanatos: funny.
[07:51] klo: lol.
[07:51] klo: i think the song is hott. speaking of, ill listen to it know :P
[07:51] klo: now* lol
[07:53] Thanatos: I used to like it
[07:53] Thanatos: now it's old
[07:53] Thanatos: plus the lyrics suck ballllzzzz
[07:53] klo: man she aint never had a lube like mine
[07:53] klo: man i aint never seen an ass like her
[07:54] klo: i still like sexy can i lol
[07:54] Thanatos: oh god
[07:54] Thanatos: even worse
[07:54] Thanatos: man.. the coffee I just had had so much sugar in it I think I'm gonna be sick
[07:54] Thanatos: fuckaa
[07:55] klo: that sux.
[07:55] klo: food poisoned at sonic the other week, avoid it
[07:55] Thanatos: same thing happened to me at burger king two weeks ago
[07:55] Thanatos: avoid that, as well
[07:55] Thanatos: lol
[07:56] D3V: just avoid fast food all together.
[07:58] klo: "visit you at work when you slidin down the pole no panties no shirt then you climb back up the pole then you drop and do the splits, make that booty talk...."
[07:58] klo: yea, done with it.
[07:58] klo: its a shame its so fing convienent huh?
[07:59] Thanatos: yeah.. I just stick to subway now
[07:59] D3V: same here, subway all the way
[08:00] klo: yea, quiznos was ok for a while, but then their sand.s started getting soggy and shit. i'll just stick to uncrustables, and making food lol
[08:01] System: klo has left the chat
[08:01] Thanatos: MAKE ME A SANDWICH WOMAN
[08:02] D3V: lol blah
[08:02] D3V: the only time i had one of those uncrustables is when it came out of my cousins freezer, maybe thats why I found it nasty.
[08:04] Thanatos: if your cousin is nasty, his food is probably going to be nasty
[08:09] D3V: im talking about those uncrustables
[08:09] D3V: and this was like 4-5 years ago
[08:10] System: klo has joined the chat
[08:10] klo: yea, i had one yesterday :P
[08:10] Thanatos: spector's avatar is funny :D
[08:10] D3V: yah I seen that lol
[08:12] klo: im looking at it right now.
[08:12] klo: lol
[08:13] D3V: little shit is forcing me to retaliate
[08:15] System: Coriander has joined the chat
[08:15] Coriander: Hey people.
[08:15] Thanatos: make an avatar of him
[08:16] D3V: no i'm going much further than that
[08:16] Thanatos: brb
[08:16] Thanatos: have to poo
[08:16] D3V: same
[08:16] D3V: bbl
[08:17] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[08:17] System: D3V has left the chat
[08:18] System: klo has left the chat
[08:29] System: Coriander has left the chat
[08:35] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[08:35] HandOfHeaven: Watery Diahrrea sucks
[08:35] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[08:36] System: D3V has joined the chat
[08:36] D3V: lol
[08:36] D3V: hershey squirts
[08:37] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[08:38] HandOfHeaven: Damn US soccer team
[08:38] HandOfHeaven: U-23s losing 2-0 at halftime. Although they do have none of their big guns
[08:39] D3V: blargh.
[08:40] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[08:40] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[08:41] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[08:43] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:12] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:12] D3V: lunch time
[09:13] System: D3V has left the chat
[10:31] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[10:31] Lenny: Gah. Yahtzee has killed The Escapist site. :(
[10:31] Lenny: I wonder how WW is doing with his list of Chatbox things to do...
[10:36] Lenny: It lives again! Hurrah!
[10:37] Lenny: No new review yet, though. :(
[10:43] System: D3V has joined the chat
[10:43] D3V: hmm, iuno.
[10:45] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[10:45] Thanatos: fagg0rtz
[10:45] D3V: u wish.
[10:46] Lenny: Ooooh, cooo... I've had 11 e-mails from Facebook today. How quaint.
[10:47] D3V: Ooh, facebook!
[10:47] D3V: The sophisticated version of Myspace.
[10:47] Lenny: Ho yes.
[10:47] Lenny: I haven't properly used Myspace for months.
[10:47] Lenny: I visit, but that's it.
[10:48] D3V: Same here, I just accept comments and read tons of damn messages and then get off.
[10:48] D3V: I get reprimanded from my female counterpart most of the time anyways.
[10:48] Thanatos: i get all the myspace bitches
[10:49] Lenny: If one wants to get bitches and hoes, then to Bebo and Netlog one goes.
[10:49] D3V: lol
[10:50] D3V: You're quite the poet, I had not known it
[10:50] Lenny: I'm a poet and hadn't a clue.
[10:52] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[10:55] Lenny: http­://­youtube­.­com­/­watch­?­v­=­R5SDMQ2st80
[10:55] Lenny: One of the best Trumpet pieces known to man.

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