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[01:33] System: Noob101 has joined the chat
[01:33] Noob101: GOD
[01:33] Noob101: WANT SLEEP
[01:34] System: Noob101 has left the chat
[02:05] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[02:05] Goodlookinguy: Nope, God doesn't require sleep, he is the almightly one to some. Not me though.
[02:12] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[04:40] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[04:41] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[07:47] System: Noob101 has joined the chat
[07:47] Noob101: oh god
[07:47] Noob101: still want sleep
[07:47] System: Atnas has joined the chat
[07:47] Atnas: God must've died a while ago.
[07:48] Noob101: like
[07:48] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[07:48] Noob101: 24 hours and counting
[07:48] Noob101: of not sleepin
[07:48] Noob101: this BLOWS
[07:48] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[07:49] System: Noob101 has left the chat
[07:49] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[07:49] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[07:50] Atnas: I've done 50 hours of no sleep before.
[07:50] Atnas: It's so fucking surreal
[07:51] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[07:51] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[07:54] System: Atnas has left the chat
[09:34] System: D3V has joined the chat
[09:34] D3V: go to bed..
[09:36] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[09:36] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[09:38] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[09:38] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[09:41] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[09:42] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[09:44] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[09:45] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[09:45] System: D3V has left the chat
[09:52] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[09:52] Thanatos: only got 5 hours..
[09:52] Thanatos: at least i dont have a hangover
[09:52] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[09:52] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[09:54] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[09:55] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[09:57] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[09:57] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[09:59] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[09:59] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[10:00] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[10:00] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[10:02] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[10:02] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[10:05] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[11:25] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[11:25] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[11:25] !King_Amazon!: I must have gotten your hangover
[11:25] !King_Amazon!: I didn't have a single drink and I feel like I got smashed last night
[11:26] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[11:30] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[11:30] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[11:30] HandOfHeaven: I just won 30 bucks on a scratchoff
[11:33] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[11:33] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[11:38] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[11:38] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[11:40] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[14:37] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[14:37] Chruser: Veritas vos liberabit.
[14:39] System: Chruser has left the chat
[14:50] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[14:50] !King_Amazon!: The truth will set you free
[14:50] !King_Amazon!: no shit
[14:50] !King_Amazon!: now WTF are you talking about asshole
[14:52] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat
[15:54] KagomJack: BATORU ROWAIARU!
[16:24] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[16:24] Chruser: Toki wo tomare
[16:30] System: Chruser has left the chat
[17:40] System: osmoses-jones has joined the chat
[17:40] osmoses-jones: hello people
[17:40] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[17:40] Goodlookinguy: Non-literal: Time wo Stop Sign | What in hell Chruser? | Kagom: Battle Royal | That is the incorrect way to right out the royal, I would have written, roiyaru, remember kids, the ending "u" doesn't have to be pronouced, and neither does a "u" in "su"
[17:40] osmoses-jones: anyone play team fortress
[17:44] Goodlookinguy: I am fried
[17:47] System: osmoses-jones has left the chat
[17:49] Goodlookinguy: 人気小説「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱」から、新作コ­スチュームが登場する。
[17:49] Goodlookinguy: ハルヒ仕様の髪飾りリボンと、県立北高校の­男子制服の2種類だ。
[17:49] Goodlookinguy: リボンもジャケットも色、形ともインパクト­絶大なアイテム。
[17:49] Goodlookinguy: うまく着こなせるかな?
[17:49] Goodlookinguy: どちらも来年1月発売予定。
[17:58] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[18:31] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[18:31] Willkillforfood: ching chang chong
[18:42] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[18:46] System: HandOfHeaven has joined the chat
[18:46] HandOfHeaven: So are you Chinese or Japanese
[18:53] System: HandOfHeaven has left the chat
[18:55] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[18:57] Goodlookinguy: HoH, I'm not Japanese, and definately not Chinese. I'm whity. I've just spent 7-years of my young life learning Japanese.
[19:04] KagomJack: That would be Japanese
[19:05] Goodlookinguy: He asked ethnicity.
[19:05] Goodlookinguy: *He asked ethnicity wise
[19:05] KagomJack: I DINNAE CARE
[19:05] Goodlookinguy: Oh, really.
[19:06] Goodlookinguy: Learn how to write "Battle Royal" properly in romaji.
[19:06] KagomJack: jup
[19:06] KagomJack: Royale
[19:06] KagomJack: Not Royal
[19:06] KagomJack: :3
[19:06] Goodlookinguy: Royale?
[19:06] KagomJack: and I don't have to
[19:06] KagomJack: Yes
[19:06] Goodlookinguy: That book.
[19:06] Goodlookinguy: Book = Battle Royale
[19:07] Goodlookinguy: I thought you were writting royal
[19:07] Goodlookinguy: I was slightly confused.
[19:07] KagomJack: lol
[19:07] Goodlookinguy: I'm burned out right now.
[19:07] KagomJack: I have read the English dubbed manga and seen the movie
[19:08] KagomJack: I want to read the novel next
[19:08] KagomJack: I loved the manga, though
[19:08] Goodlookinguy: No book/
[19:08] KagomJack: I liked how they got more into detail about the characters
[19:08] KagomJack: Yes there is
[19:08] KagomJack: Book first, then manga and movie
[19:08] KagomJack: :x
[19:08] Goodlookinguy: Sorry, I was asking a question before.
[19:08] KagomJack: Oh
[19:09] Goodlookinguy: e.g. "You haven't read the book? (/)"
[19:09] Goodlookinguy: I acidently typed /
[19:09] KagomJack: No, sadly
[19:09] KagomJack: I'm gonna get it once I get settled where ever I go next
[19:09] KagomJack: Since I'm couch surfing come next weekend
[19:09] Goodlookinguy: :D
[19:09] Goodlookinguy: Fun time!
[19:10] Goodlookinguy: Well, I'm burned, I'm probably going to get off right about now.
[19:10] KagomJack: ew
[19:10] KagomJack: I don't want to know about your masturabtory habits :/
[19:10] KagomJack: *masturabatory*
[19:10] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[19:13] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[19:13] Goodlookinguy: What, I'm tired, and I just wanted to make sure to respond to anything you were going to add after I left.
[19:14] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[19:20] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[19:20] Chruser: Should we advertise on Somethingawful with a 728x90 px ad?
[19:20] Chruser: It brought us quite a few members last time.
[19:35] System: Willkillforfood has joined the chat
[19:35] Willkillforfood: yo
[19:35] Chruser: hello
[19:37] Willkillforfood: How're you?
[19:37] KagomJack: Go for it
[19:37] KagomJack: So Chruser
[19:37] Chruser: Sustainable, it would appear. What about yourself?
[19:37] KagomJack: WHat is this New World Order board?
[19:38] Chruser: It's the light of the world.
[19:39] Willkillforfood: I'm alright -- just a tad bit bored since my gf left earlier.
[19:39] Willkillforfood: Bleh.
[19:40] Chruser: Sounds like quite the break-up.
[19:40] Willkillforfood: lol, it wasn't a break-up.
[19:40] Willkillforfood: She doesn't live with m.e
[19:40] Willkillforfood: me.^
[19:47] Chruser: WW, I know you're reading this. What stage of the update are you working on right now?
[19:49] Willkillforfood: defcon 3
[19:49] KagomJack: what's the password for the NWO board? :O
[19:50] Willkillforfood: karlmarx
[19:54] KagomJack: http­://­www­.­realmofdarkness­.­net­/­prank­...­kguy­-­white­.­htm Banana boat, what?
[19:54] KagomJack: You lied
[19:54] KagomJack: :(
[19:54] Willkillforfood: yea :(
[19:55] KagomJack: Chruser, do you know any martial arts?
[19:57] Willkillforfood: pilates
[20:01] System: Chruser has left the chat
[20:05] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[20:07] System: Chruser has left the chat
[20:10] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[20:11] Willkillforfood: wb chruser
[20:16] KagomJack: I'm actually serious
[20:16] KagomJack: I'm thinking of learning some martial art
[20:16] KagomJack: and I wanna see what would be a good one to learn
[20:17] KagomJack: I'm thinking maybe Aikido or Muay Thai
[20:19] Willkillforfood: It's a very healthy habit.
[20:19] Willkillforfood: for sure.
[20:20] KagomJack: and I'd be able to defend myself if need be too
[20:21] KagomJack: I would love to learn Capoeira
[20:21] KagomJack: but I'm not flexible enough
[20:21] KagomJack: my legs are powerful enough for the fighting style, but that aside I can't do a lot of it
[20:22] KagomJack: Pentjak Silat would be interesting
[20:22] KagomJack: but most places around the areas surrounding me stick to Tae Kwan Do, Jiu Jitsu, and Karate
[20:25] KagomJack: I'd rather learn something not as common
[20:31] System: Chruser has left the chat
[20:32] System: Chruser has joined the chat
[20:35] System: Chruser has left the chat
[20:50] Willkillforfood: Yea
[20:53] Willkillforfood: drunken boxing ;)
[21:04] System: Willkillforfood has left the chat
[21:47] KagomJack: ha
[21:47] KagomJack: drunken boxing
[22:12] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat

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