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[02:33] System: Demosthenes has left the chat
[02:33] System: Demosthenes has joined the chat
[03:33] System: Mantralord has joined the chat
[03:33] Mantralord: i wet the bed\
[03:47] KagomJack: I bet you do
[03:47] KagomJack: You whore
[03:51] Mantralord: i bet you'd lick it up
[06:57] System: Mantralord has left the chat
[07:26] System: Grav has joined the chat
[07:26] Grav: WW
[07:26] Grav: are you serious about the god thing
[07:26] Grav: because that just makes me laugh if you're serious
[07:26] Grav: coming from you
[07:29] System: Grav has left the chat
[08:10] System: WetWired has joined the chat
[08:11] System: WetWired has left the chat
[08:34] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[08:34] Thanatos: it's friday
[08:34] Thanatos: it's friday!!!!!
[08:49] Thanatos: ITS FUCKIN FRIDAY­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!
[09:13] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[11:33] System: WetWired has joined the chat
[12:10] KagomJack: WW, I am still unsatisfied with your explanation of the purpose of life.
[12:10] KagomJack: :(
[12:12] WetWired: Why's that?
[12:15] WetWired: Hmm... The forum time really is messed up
[12:15] WetWired: I'm not exactly sure what's going on, though
[12:16] WetWired: I know that when I run a function that should be already running it fixed it in the chatbox
[12:16] WetWired: But I'm not sure why it's not already running
[12:18] WetWired: Hmm. the time is right on the test forum
[12:19] WetWired: Unfortunately, I've started making all these changes to the templates on the current forum and not to the test forum...
[12:39] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[12:42] WetWired: Pretty slow day today on the chatbox
[12:45] Thanatos: Sure is
[12:45] Thanatos: It's just been me and an AFK kagom/MJ
[12:45] Thanatos: and I'm not GLG, I don't talk to myself
[12:46] WetWired: I don't think he talks to himself, he just tries to elicit a response from people he thinks might be watching
[12:46] WetWired: Or just padding his stats...
[12:46] Thanatos: Either way, he's a weird fellah
[12:47] Thanatos: How can you 'pad your stats' through the chatbox?
[12:47] WetWired: There's no stats display yet, but there will be
[12:47] WetWired: He was very disapointed that Kagom had more chat messages than him
[12:52] Thanatos: lol
[12:52] WetWired: [23:16] WetWired: KagomJack 2373 Goodlookinguy 1896 talentedhamster 1650 WetWired 1491 Coriander 1480 Thanatos 1414 D3V 1143 Grаν¡tоnЅurgе 947 Willkillforfood 876 !King_Amazon! 638 Atnas 630 Mjordan2nd 447 HandOfHeaven 445 Mantralord 416 Adrenachrome 329 Chruser 311 Lenny 277 slaynish 194 -Spector- 136 S2 AM 119 Sovereign 118 Sum Yung Guy 73 PureRebel 73 kyeruu 63 SureBud 49 Xenn 38 DaFrigginDoctah 37 Kaneda 36 Led 35 Vault Dweller 32
[12:52] Thanatos: Because that is something to get upset about...
[12:52] WetWired: [23:16] Goodlookinguy: How did Kagom get ahead of me?
[12:52] Thanatos: Coriander? really? I don't think I've seen him once on here
[12:52] WetWired: [23:16] Goodlookinguy: Not Acceptable
[12:53] WetWired: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­mychat­.­php­?...&­pp­=­200­&­page­=­4
[12:53] Thanatos: lmao
[12:53] WetWired: Coriander is on all the time
[12:54] Thanatos: Probably at night when I can't get on
[12:54] WetWired: Yeah
[12:54] Thanatos: I so wish I had a computer at home..
[12:54] WetWired: Sometimes he's on late into the night talking with GLG
[12:55] WetWired: You only get on at work?
[12:55] Thanatos: Yep
[12:59] WetWired: Well, lunch is over; I'm out
[13:00] System: WetWired has left the chat
[13:02] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[13:23] System: Grav has joined the chat
[13:48] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[13:48] System: Grav has left the chat
[13:48] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[13:50] KagomJack: I
[13:50] KagomJack: am
[13:50] KagomJack: God
[13:50] KagomJack: Ya bog
[13:50] KagomJack: Jag är Gud
[13:50] KagomJack: Ich bin Gott
[13:56] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[13:59] Goodlookinguy: WW Quote, "[23:16] Goodlookinguy: Not Acceptable"? WW Quote, "http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­mychat­.­php­?...&­pp­=­200­&­page­=­4­"? Why is that not acceptable? WW, you are confusing me, even though you aren't logged in at the moment.
[14:00] Goodlookinguy: I like to lick cheese, and slice it, and let it tingle in my mouth.
[14:01] Goodlookinguy: Awww....a heaven for me.
[14:01] Goodlookinguy: (''\T_T/'') <-- Roar
[14:02] Goodlookinguy: (```````)
[14:03] Goodlookinguy: '__---__'
[14:03] Goodlookinguy: WW, when you get this...
[14:03] Goodlookinguy: Is this "Not Acceptable"?
[14:04] Goodlookinguy: Logging Off, now! I have completed the 28-days, now I can drop down to 30 or whatever percent and still have my large avatar, wicked!
[14:05] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[14:08] System: Grav has joined the chat
[14:08] Grav: lol
[14:08] Grav: isnt it 50%?
[14:08] System: Grav has left the chat
[14:10] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[14:11] Goodlookinguy: We were both wrong, it is twenty percent. WW Quote, "At level 2, whenever your activity is 20% or higher, you will have the new user panel. To get level 2, post "start" in this thread at 100% activity, then maintain it for 28 days until you post "complete"."
[14:12] System: Goodlookinguy has left the chat
[14:16] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[14:20] System: WetWired has joined the chat
[14:20] WetWired: The "not acceptable" was a GLG quote. The next message was where it was taken from
[14:21] System: WetWired has left the chat
[14:21] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[14:36] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[14:37] Thanatos: Fuckin retard.
[14:52] KagomJack: I'm not a 'tard.
[14:57] Thanatos: Not you
[14:58] KagomJack: Oh, cool
[14:59] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[15:44] System: Thanatos has joined the chat
[15:44] Thanatos: Wait.. I meant you.
[15:53] System: -Spector- has joined the chat
[15:53] -Spector-: pwn
[15:59] System: Thanatos has left the chat
[15:59] KagomJack: ;-;
[16:02] System: -Spector- has left the chat
[16:19] System: -Spector- has joined the chat
[16:19] -Spector-: yayy for klonopin
[16:21] System: -Spector- has left the chat
[16:56] System: KagomJack has left the chat
[17:16] System: KagomJack has joined the chat
[17:22] System: Goodlookinguy has joined the chat
[17:22] System: Coriander has joined the chat
[17:22] Coriander: Eh hello..
[17:27] Goodlookinguy: HELLLO!
[17:27] Goodlookinguy: With Three L's
[17:27] Coriander: ...Awesome..
[17:27] Goodlookinguy: Capital not to mention
[17:27] Coriander: with...five...dots?
[17:27] Goodlookinguy: ....
[17:27] Goodlookinguy: How 'bout four
[17:28] Coriander: Ok...
[17:28] Coriander: GLG..you should be able to answer this.
[17:28] Goodlookinguy: {{{.:.:..::.:::­CORIANDER­:::.::..:.:.}}}
[17:28] Goodlookinguy: Hmm...
[17:28] Goodlookinguy: ...
[17:28] Coriander: Is it possible to put a movi in AVI format before the title, and i can just make it sleep for the duration of the video?
[17:29] Goodlookinguy: Hmm...I'm not sure what you mean.
[17:29] Goodlookinguy: I believe there is a way to play AVI videos with a script before the beginning starts up
[17:29] Coriander: Something like that yes.
[17:29] Goodlookinguy: I could look up.
[17:30] Goodlookinguy: Might take a while though.
[17:30] Coriander: Odds are it's on rmxp.org...
[17:30] Goodlookinguy: I'm not sure how ruby and videos work
[17:30] Goodlookinguy: I mean ruby with videos
[17:30] Coriander: I was thinking. Hmm here one sec.
[17:30] Goodlookinguy: videos in ruby
[17:30] Goodlookinguy: Yeah, that sounds right.
[17:31] Coriander: @sprite.bitmap = RPG­::­Cache­.­picture­("­intro1­")
[17:31] Coriander: And save a video in picture naming it intro1
[17:31] Coriander: Meh..i don't know..
[17:31] Goodlookinguy: That won't work
[17:31] Coriander: Didn't think it would.
[17:31] Goodlookinguy: That is calling the sprite bitmap and caching it
[17:31] Goodlookinguy: Hmm...
[17:32] Goodlookinguy: I'm thinking
[17:32] Goodlookinguy: Ruby is a pain sometimes
[17:32] Goodlookinguy: I'm gonna look it up, be right back
[17:32] Coriander: Heh, i would say so.
[17:32] Coriander: Ok
[17:35] Goodlookinguy: Still searching
[17:35] Goodlookinguy: I think I may have found it
[17:35] Coriander: Alright.
[17:35] Coriander: Grr brb
[17:36] Coriander: Back
[17:36] Coriander: The Grr wasn't directed towards you.
[17:37] Goodlookinguy: I know
[17:37] Goodlookinguy: Quote "The only bad thing about RMXP is that it does not support avi videos"
[17:37] Goodlookinguy: Sorry
[17:37] Goodlookinguy: Appearntly it doesn't support AVI
[17:37] Goodlookinguy: videos
[17:37] Coriander: I thought it did, oh well.
[17:37] Coriander: Does it support any format of videos?
[17:38] Goodlookinguy: I think
[17:38] Coriander: wmv etc
[17:38] Goodlookinguy: I thought it supported AVI though
[17:38] Goodlookinguy: I guess I was wrong
[17:38] Coriander: So did i.
[17:38] Goodlookinguy: Let me look up supported video types
[17:38] Goodlookinguy: Be right back
[17:38] Coriander: ok
[17:39] Goodlookinguy: RUBY
[17:39] Goodlookinguy: I forgot
[17:39] Coriander: >.>
[17:39] Goodlookinguy: Ruby can call upon outside scripts
[17:39] Goodlookinguy: Be right back
[17:39] Coriander: Oook..not sure what it is, but oook..
[17:42] Goodlookinguy: This is pretty cool http­://­www­.­phylomortis­.­com­/­html­/­rgss­.­html
[17:43] Goodlookinguy: Hey
[17:43] Coriander: i'll check it out.
[17:43] Goodlookinguy: Hey
[17:43] Goodlookinguy: Yay!
[17:44] Coriander: O_O
[17:44] Goodlookinguy: RGSS Learning, maybe you can find something there.
[17:44] Goodlookinguy: I'll take a look around
[17:44] Goodlookinguy: Be right back again
[17:44] Coriander: Alright.
[17:44] Goodlookinguy: Yes, I said again
[17:45] Goodlookinguy: AWWWW!
[17:45] Goodlookinguy: One moment
[17:45] Coriander: >.>
[17:46] Goodlookinguy: I wonder if there is a way to slightly change this around http­://­www­.­phylomortis­.­com­/­resource­/.../­syn­-­atat­.­html I kinda doubt. But hey could always give it a try
[17:47] Goodlookinguy: Altering
[17:47] Goodlookinguy: {{{.:.:..::.::: CORIANDER :::.::..:.:.}}}
[17:47] Goodlookinguy: As silence fills the Chatbox
[17:47] Goodlookinguy: ...
[17:48] Coriander: Your gonna try to alter it to do what? play videos?
[17:48] Goodlookinguy: Maybe
[17:48] Goodlookinguy: ...
[17:48] Goodlookinguy: HYPER TIME!

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