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[00:00] Mantralord: hmm
[00:01] Mantralord: why do all car logos suck
[00:01] Mantralord: i think mitsubishi has the only decent one
[01:02] KagomJack: Mantra...talking about things normally?
[01:02] KagomJack: Something is wrong here :|
[02:01] Mantralord: oh sorry
[02:01] Mantralord: my penus has lost its edge!!!
[02:01] Mantralord: is that better
[02:14] KagomJack: No
[02:15] KagomJack: I like this new Mantra
[08:08] Goodlookinguy: Good Morning, I'm logging off.
[08:29] D3V: lol, morning.
[10:46] Thanatos: umm
[10:48] Sovereign: son of a bitch i fell asleep with my window open
[10:52] Thanatos: and im sure it rained
[10:53] Thanatos: cuz it rained here
[10:54] Thanatos: fuck this stupid thing
[10:57] Thanatos: this thing posts my messages five minutes after I type them
[10:58] Thanatos: except for that one
[10:58] Thanatos: and the last one
[10:58] Thanatos: fuck
[10:59] D3V: sup
[10:59] D3V: yeah, I miss the old chatbox that had like a 15 second delay
[10:59] D3V: WW needs to quit trying to implement a bunch of shit that we don't honestly need.
[11:01] Thanatos: eh
[11:01] Thanatos: I don't really have a problem with this except that it times out on me a lot
[11:02] D3V: yeah, idk.
[11:05] D3V: work is so gay today.
[11:06] Thanatos: see like I can see your messages in the mini one but not in here
[11:12] D3V: that's odd.
[11:29] armaggedon101: hey
[11:44] Demosthenes: sup
[11:44] Demosthenes: This new feature of seeing recent threads is pretty cool that WW added.
[11:46] WetWired: I'm not really sure what's up with the timing out.
[11:46] WetWired: I can say for sure that it was a bigger problem with the shoutbox, since it had no recovery
[11:48] Thanatos: test
[11:49] Thanatos: is the fuckin error I get
[11:49] Thanatos: all the fucking time
[11:49] WetWired: I know
[11:49] WetWired: I think it's network condition to the server though
[11:49] Demosthenes: WW, you host Zelaron right?
[11:50] WetWired: Once I setup the mini chatbox to get D3V off my case, I'll look into it in more detail
[11:50] WetWired: Yes
[11:50] Thanatos: I guess refreshing it helps.. but it's annoying
[11:50] Thanatos: oh well
[11:51] WetWired: In the new version, the message just appears in the chat
[11:51] WetWired: Instead of having to dismiss it
[11:51] Demosthenes: What software do you use?
[11:51] Demosthenes: Apache?
[11:51] WetWired: Yes
[11:52] Demosthenes: Does it come with built in PHP support?
[11:52] WetWired: I'm planning on working on the recent chatbox posts/mini chatbox that works with it once I finish looking over new posts
[11:52] WetWired: Sort of PHP is a module
[11:53] WetWired: BTW, Thanatos, the timeout period is 45 seconds
[11:53] WetWired: Every time it requests a refresh, it sets a timer for 45 seconds that goes off if it doesn't finish
[11:54] WetWired: What I've noticed is that usually the messages end up getting posted but the response doesn't come back
[11:54] WetWired: I'm not sure if it's the same for you.
[11:56] Thanatos: it
[11:56] WetWired: Also, check your ping. If you hover over the time to the left of the message entry, it'll show it. Is it usally pretty high, or does it just spike?
[11:56] Thanatos: it's to the point now where it isn't refreshing on it's own and in order for me to even see what you guys type I have to hit F5 every second
[11:57] WetWired: WTF?
[11:57] Thanatos: my ping is 422 for some reason...
[11:57] WetWired: What browser are you using?
[11:57] Thanatos: IE6
[11:57] WetWired: Hmm. Same here
[11:58] WetWired: I havn't had a timeout during this whole session
[11:58] WetWired: In fact, it usually only happens at home
[11:59] WetWired: So you're saying if you leave it alone, it never updates again?
[11:59] Thanatos: well I have constant timeouts.. oh well.. it's not really a big deal i just wont use this as much
[11:59] WetWired: I'd really like to figure out the issue, though
[11:59] Thanatos: Pretty much. I can let it sit here for 5 minutes and nothing gets updated
[12:00] WetWired: If it always works when you refresh, there's something odd
[12:00] Thanatos: lemme try restarting my computer, browser, etc.. brb
[12:09] Thanatos: NOPE.
[12:09] Demosthenes: wb
[12:09] Thanatos: good stuff
[12:09] Thanatos: Still isn't working properly.
[12:10] WetWired: Okay, I want you to switch to the style "Thanatos special", then refresh the chatbox
[12:11] WetWired: It will display a whole bunch of red text at the bottom and not scroll propperly
[12:11] WetWired: Leave it for a while, then post the red stuff on the forum
[12:14] Thanatos: done. updated my last post
[12:16] WetWired: Um, I was looking for a pageful
[12:16] WetWired: Does it never say Reading again?
[12:17] Thanatos: nope
[12:18] Thanatos: oh.. wait
[12:19] Thanatos: lol still nope
[12:20] WetWired: Try refreshing again
[12:20] Thanatos: neg
[12:21] WetWired: So it just has that text at the bottom after all the messages, or only at the top?
[12:22] Thanatos: only at the top
[12:22] WetWired: It's like the timers aren't working for some reason
[12:23] WetWired: Could it be some sort of malware blocker?
[12:23] Lenny: Lookit! Gerald says "Hi"!
[12:23] Thanatos: No idea. It only does this sometimes.. Like now.
[12:24] WetWired: Refresh again. I added more diagnostics
[12:25] Thanatos: Still getting the same message.
[12:25] WetWired: Does it say update complete at the bottom?
[12:25] Thanatos: and now when I try and type it comes up with "Reading" after people's messages
[12:29] Thanatos: *sigh*
[12:29] WetWired: Any word on "Update complete"?
[12:30] WetWired: Okay
[12:31] WetWired: I need you to open the chatbox from this link http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­mychat­.­php
[12:31] Thanatos: alright
[12:31] WetWired: That way, you'll be notified of script errors in the lower left hand corner
[12:32] WetWired: If you're not getting an 'Update complete' message, it means the function errored out
[12:33] Thanatos: well, I did what you said and I'm still not getting that message
[12:33] WetWired: Are you getting a yellow icon in the lower left?
[12:33] Thanatos: but I do have a script error
[12:33] WetWired: Give it to me
[12:35] Thanatos: uhh, now I'm getting Timer test. Reading. 13:34:55 (ping=140) Done Status=200. XML good. Update complete.
[12:35] Thanatos: in red text
[12:35] Thanatos: and it keeps comin
[12:35] WetWired: So now it's working...
[12:35] Thanatos: yeah
[12:35] WetWired: Did you get the text of that script error?
[12:35] Thanatos: I can see messages appear now in real-time
[12:35] Thanatos: hold on
[12:36] Thanatos: Line: 474. Char:3. Error: invalid argument. Code:0. http­://­www­.­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­mychat­.­php
[12:38] WetWired: Okay, that helps
[12:38] Thanatos: heh.. it's all nonsense to me
[12:38] Thanatos: so, to get the red text to stop just switch it back to Ocean?
[12:38] WetWired: Did you have the recent threads minimized by any chance?
[12:38] WetWired: Yes
[12:39] Thanatos: yeah It was minimized
[12:39] WetWired: Is it now?
[12:40] Thanatos: yeah it's still minimized..
[12:40] Thanatos: why?
[12:41] Thanatos: and...... now that i switched it back to Ocean I have to refresh by myself again. Yay!!!
[12:41] WetWired: In any case, I'm pretty sure I know that the problem was, and it doesn't exist in the new version that dealing with your problem has prevented me from rolling out today...
[12:41] WetWired: Try un-minimizing the recent threads
[12:43] Thanatos: okay...
[12:43] Thanatos: still doesn't work
[12:43] WetWired: Refresh non-Thanatos special
[12:43] WetWired: and see if it works
[12:43] Thanatos: lol one second
[12:43] Thanatos: oh snap
[12:43] Thanatos: it works
[12:44] Thanatos: don't touch anything else
[12:44] Thanatos: you got it
[12:44] WetWired: I just fixed the error you reported
[12:44] Thanatos: well then.... thanks
[12:44] WetWired: Like I said, though, it was already fixed in the new version I was going to roll out during lunch anyway :(
[12:45] Thanatos: oh hah
[12:46] WetWired: Looks like I need to add those diagnostics to the main version with a way to enable them
[12:46] Thanatos: Well thanks again man
[13:17] Grav: poo
[13:54] Thanatos: smells funny
[13:58] talentedhamster: you smell funny?
[13:59] Thanatos: no. poop smells funny.
[14:04] talentedhamster: so you smell funny
[14:05] Thanatos: ....
[14:05] talentedhamster: im bored.
[14:05] Thanatos: Since when did I become poop?
[14:05] talentedhamster: its so wierd being home this early
[14:06] talentedhamster: usually i dotn get home til 3:30
[14:06] talentedhamster: 9:30*
[14:06] Thanatos: you're so weird.
[14:06] talentedhamster: why
[14:07] talentedhamster: i usually stay after shool for volleyball, then go to friends house untill MMA or gymnastics
[14:08] Thanatos: uh huh sure you do
[14:08] Thanatos: You're really in MMA?
[14:10] talentedhamster: mhmm
[14:10] talentedhamster: why is that so hard to believe
[14:11] Thanatos: i donno
[14:11] Thanatos: just doesn't seem like that would interest many girls
[14:11] Thanatos: but i guess if you're some badass in a fight club.. might as well become legit
[14:13] talentedhamster: i did MMA long before the fight club
[14:13] Thanatos: so you're a huge tomboy?
[14:14] talentedhamster: nope
[14:14] Thanatos: ...
[14:14] Thanatos: liar
[14:14] talentedhamster: im not!
[14:15] talentedhamster: seriously.
[14:16] Thanatos: So you wear pink dresses?
[14:17] Lenny: Nothing wrong with wearing pink dresses.
[14:17] talentedhamster: i dont wear dresses on a dialy basis
[14:17] talentedhamster: but i wear pink
[14:18] Grav: she lacks a supporting father figure in her life
[14:18] talentedhamster: what does that have to do with pink?
[14:20] Grav: more the MMA stuff
[14:20] talentedhamster: ahh
[14:21] talentedhamster: i like straight up grappling alot better than MMA though
[14:22] Thanatos: commear and lemme grapple ya darlin
[14:26] talentedhamster: yeaok
[14:27] Thanatos: lol
[14:27] Thanatos: I'm obviously joking.
[14:27] talentedhamster: i know
[14:28] talentedhamster: its just funny.
[14:28] talentedhamster: maybe cause i need sleep
[14:28] Thanatos: yeah yo do
[14:28] Thanatos: you're cranky
[14:29] talentedhamster: im not cranky
[14:30] Thanatos: don't argue
[14:30] Thanatos: my logic is flawless
[14:30] talentedhamster: im bored
[14:31] -Spector-: I'm sorta high
[14:31] talentedhamster: im sorta not
[14:32] talentedhamster: and thanatos, im allowed to be cranky

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