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[00:08] Adrenachrome: sup mj
[04:41] Goodlookinguy: !~|~!
[05:58] Goodlookinguy: !~~|~~!
[07:49] idiotno69: Nobody's here now?
[07:49] idiotno69: Nah.
[07:55] Goodlookinguy: Not TRUE
[09:41] travis_11: true
[09:48] tiety: ello eick
[11:02] Chruser: How consistent.
[11:24] Thanatos: How random.
[12:40] SureBud: howdy fellaz
[12:57] HandOfHeaven: werd
[14:38] SureBud: anyone home? lol
[14:39] Chruser: So it would seem.
[14:39] Atnas: I am :3
[14:39] SureBud: lol
[14:40] Chruser: Hmm
[14:40] Atnas: Hmm... I'm wondering if these touch LCD displays are pressure sensitive
[14:40] SureBud: crusher
[14:40] SureBud: u on op?
[14:41] SureBud: i would assume to some extent they would be
[14:41] Chruser: Atnas, which one(s)?
[14:41] Chruser: SureBud, I suppose. I own the site.
[14:41] Atnas: It doesn't say anything about it anywhere, just "USB touch"
[14:41] Atnas: http­://­store­.­earthlcd­.­com­/­LCD­-­Produc­...-­Kits­-­Displays
[14:41] Chruser: Atnas, link?
[14:41] SureBud: oh my bad lol, i still cant reply to posts, or make new ones.
[14:42] Atnas: I was looking for a screen for an MP3 player I'm building and I saw those.
[14:42] Chruser: SureBud, no? What error do you run into?
[14:43] SureBud: none, i dont even have the option
[14:43] SureBud: even with the quickreply
[14:44] Chruser: That's strange, you're listed as a regular member and all of your access options are normal, too. Try this: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­newthread­.­p­...­newthread­&­f­=­37
[14:44] Chruser: See if it lets you write a new thread in the test forum.
[14:45] Chruser: Atnas, looks like touchscreens to me.
[14:46] SureBud: yeah it let me do it there
[14:46] SureBud: maybe the threads closed,
[14:47] Chruser: What thread are you trying to post in?
[14:47] SureBud: yeah its just the quickreply, it wont let me click the buttons above it to activate it
[14:48] Chruser: You need to specify a particular post you want to reply to.
[14:50] SureBud: the rushing thread in the d2 forums
[14:50] Chruser: The forum allows threaded browsing, so you need to choose the particular post you're replying to. That is, you can't just use the quick reply box at the bottom right away.
[14:50] SureBud: i tried, it gave me a chatbox error lol
[14:50] SureBud: ohhh
[14:50] SureBud: right on, havent seen that setup before
[14:50] SureBud: thanks lol
[14:52] Chruser: It makes things a bit tidier, I guess.
[14:52] Chruser: Looks like Raziel is online, after a break of only three years.
[14:55] SureBud: lol, nice vacation
[14:56] Grav: lol
[14:56] Grav: he's online sometimes, but doesn't say anything
[15:02] Chruser: The third most used search string to find Zelaron is apparently "hack school", and the sixth is "how to hack school grades"
[15:03] talentedhamster: didnt we have this converation alreadyl?
[15:03] talentedhamster: and like number 8 or something is like "­;­wwwwwwwwwwwwww­"
[15:03] Chruser: ("mhz vs ghz" and "boulder's gate" are in the top 10)
[15:04] Chruser: That has dropped to 16th place now.
[15:04] Grav: "boulder's gate?" lol
[15:05] Chruser: The current top search string, "zelaron" being the runner-up, is "rpg maker xp serial code"
[15:05] Grav: haha
[15:05] Chruser: BlueCube needs to post more often
[15:06] Chruser: And, I still think we should allow guest posting, with moderation.
[15:07] talentedhamster: ehh
[15:07] talentedhamster: guests should be able to talk in shoultbox, idk about posting though
[15:07] talentedhamster: that may get crazy
[15:08] Chruser: Moderator duties are limited, and new content is useful.
[15:09] talentedhamster: heh
[15:10] Grav: just let 'em post
[15:10] Grav: who cares
[15:10] Grav: it's not like we're facing such a huge volume of traffic that we can't keep up
[15:13] talentedhamster: but that would be like, alotttt of posts
[15:14] Chruser: There we go
[15:15] Chruser: Time to try it out
[15:19] Chruser: Seems to work.
[15:19] Chruser: Might require auto-moderation for posts though.
[15:20] talentedhamster: assign more moderators
[15:20] Chruser: I'm for leaving it like this for a while though.
[15:22] talentedhamster: up to you i guess
[15:22] talentedhamster: so i've always been wondering
[15:22] Chruser: Soon everyone will realize what a great idea it was, and WetWired will feel compelled to write a Direct3D library in PHP to in turn write the complex code needed to get guest post moderation to work.
[15:22] Grav: owned
[15:22] talentedhamster: what IS a zelaron?
[15:22] Grav: it's like a chruser
[15:22] Grav: but kinda different
[15:22] talentedhamster: a chruser is.....
[15:22] Chruser: Sort of
[15:23] Grav: like a blagron
[15:23] Chruser: Chruser is a chronic user
[15:23] talentedhamster: wow
[15:23] talentedhamster: i just realized that it wasnt crusher
[15:23] Grav: LOL
[15:24] KagomJack: holy shit
[15:24] Chruser: hmm
[15:24] KagomJack: I went to my first rave last night
[15:24] Chruser: http­://­zelaron­.­com­/­forum­/­showthread­.­php­?­t­=­44681
[15:24] Chruser: spam already
[15:25] KagomJack: I was the only sober person :D
[15:25] KagomJack: And we shouldn't have spam
[15:25] KagomJack: we're too active :<
[15:25] talentedhamster: what was that link
[15:25] talentedhamster: it says i dont have access to view it
[15:25] talentedhamster: you disabled my account?!
[15:26] Chruser: Got you
[15:26] talentedhamster: ?
[15:26] Chruser: Anyone care to sign out and attempt to post a new thread / reply in the test forum?
[15:27] Chruser: As a (more or less) genuine guest?
[15:29] Chruser: There we go, guest post moderation enabled.
[15:29] talentedhamster: ill do it
[15:29] talentedhamster: just log out and try to post as a guest?
[15:29] Chruser: Yes.
[15:30] talentedhamster: ok so i guess brb?
[15:30] Grav: -0
[15:32] talentedhamster: i did it
[15:32] Chruser: That worked fine, thank you.
[15:33] Chruser: So, no threads or posts by guests will show up until a moderator has approved them.
[15:33] talentedhamster: welcome =)
[15:33] talentedhamster: that job could be rediculous
[15:33] KagomJack: Jag arbetar D:
[15:33] *KagomJack disappears*
[15:34] Chruser: Don't worry, the world may end in May thanks to the Large Hadron Collider, anyway.
[15:34] talentedhamster: huh?
[15:35] Chruser: CERN's new toy;a particle accelerator theoretically capable of (according to extensions of the standard model) generating a micro black hole.
[15:35] talentedhamster: can you please you smaller words
[15:35] talentedhamster: i unerstood that
[15:35] talentedhamster: but i had to think
[15:36] Chruser: Which, if Hawking radiation turns out to be defunct, would cause trouble, e.g. our solar system coming to an end.
[15:36] talentedhamster: and i dont want to think
[15:36] Chruser: Soon you may not have to, anyway.
[15:37] Grav: the black hole would be miniscule even so
[15:38] Chruser: GravitonSurge, of course, but if it fails to evaporate and maintains its density, that's problematic.
[15:40] Chruser: Then there's 99942 Apophis, which has a 1 in 45000 chance of impacting Earth in 2036.
[15:41] Grav: but a 44999 in 45000 chance not to
[15:42] Chruser: Very much so, which still presents a much larger risk than, say, all atoms on Earth simultaneously decaying.
[15:43] Chruser: "If it can happen..."
[15:43] Tyrannicide: What a conversation to wonder into...
[15:44] Chruser: "Denial is a defense mechanism in which a person is faced with a fact that is too painful to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence."
[15:44] talentedhamster: yea right
[16:11] talentedhamster: whoa
[16:11] talentedhamster: thats so wierd
[16:11] talentedhamster: chruser is orange in big mode, but red in regular mode.
[16:47] Mantralord: huge penises for all! more details in the chatterbox
[17:01] Willkillforfood: yay
[17:04] talentedhamster: i think im big enough
[17:08] Willkillforfood: I'm -huge-
[17:50] darrell: ?
[18:36] Willkillforfood: darrel, you know what I mean
[18:57] Grav: poo
[19:41] Willkillforfood: Oh you got the birds and the bees and the apples and the trees
[19:41] Willkillforfood: and then you got a thing called love
[19:43] Xenn: cock
[19:44] Willkillforfood: I HATE YOU
[19:44] Xenn: ;)
[19:46] Willkillforfood: you and mantra should go out
[19:50] talentedhamster: aw
[19:50] Willkillforfood: Kagom can be the flower girl
[19:50] talentedhamster: theyd have cute adopted asian children
[19:53] Willkillforfood: True that.
[19:54] talentedhamster: can i be the preist?
[19:56] Willkillforfood: judist priest
[19:56] Willkillforfood: yea babeh
[19:58] Willkillforfood: judast?
[19:58] Willkillforfood: I don't know
[19:58] talentedhamster: not funny
[19:59] Willkillforfood: WHY NOT KATIE?
[20:01] talentedhamster: idkkk
[20:04] Willkillforfood: :(
[20:04] Willkillforfood: poor thing
[20:05] talentedhamster: ?
[20:05] Willkillforfood: I don't know
[20:08] talentedhamster: y not
[20:10] Willkillforfood: Obama's gonna win
[20:10] Willkillforfood: are you happy?
[20:11] talentedhamster: eh hes better than clinton
[20:12] Willkillforfood: Omg, a new yorker talking down on clinton
[20:12] Willkillforfood: It's funny how she comes from like Arkansas or whatever and New Yorkers elect her.
[20:12] talentedhamster: i know lots of people up here that hate her
[20:13] Willkillforfood: lol
[20:20] Grav: ?
[20:20] Grav: I live in shithole, NY and almost nobody here likes her
[20:21] Grav: she is villified for some reason
[20:21] Grav: if I ever ask them why they don't like her all they say is "she's a bitch"
[20:21] Grav: never say anything about her policies lol
[20:21] Grav: don't even know what they are
[20:22] talentedhamster: you live in ny?
[20:23] Grav: upstate
[20:26] Adrenachrome: She has no policies, the Clintons are the most corrupt politicians I know of
[20:30] Willkillforfood: Obama will kick Mccain's ass prolly in an election
[20:31] Adrenachrome: We'll see
[20:31] talentedhamster: eh
[20:31] Adrenachrome: I wouldn't speculate
[20:32] Willkillforfood: If obama can keep his momentum he'll be undefeatable
[20:32] Willkillforfood: and if his wife stays quiet
[20:35] Willkillforfood: It's sad DNA decays so quickly.
[20:35] Willkillforfood: They've found tons of soft tissue samples from dinosaurs.
[20:35] Willkillforfood: I guess my t-rex mount will have to wait.
[20:42] talentedhamster: bleh
[20:53] Mantralord: i wonder how many millions of years it took the penus to evolve
[20:55] Willkillforfood: Mantra, you need a pygmy elephan
[20:55] Willkillforfood: elephant
[21:02] Willkillforfood: PEACE
[21:13] talentedhamster: ughh school on monday =(
[21:31] Adrenachrome: I wish I had school on monday....

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